Africans May Have Visited Australia 1,000 Years Ago

When Captain Cook "discovered" Australia in 1770 it was known that Southeast Asians and even Chinese seafarers had landed in Australia. Portuguese and Dutch ships had also stopped to replenish water supplies. It was not considered possible that people had landed in Australia from another continent.

In the 1940s mysterious coins were discovered. While some were coins used by the Dutch East India Company others were identified as coming from the Kilwas Sultanate of Tanzania in Africa. They were used in the prominent trading center 1,000 years ago.

If Africa was trading using Australia as a location en route Aboriginals could have come into contact with African merchants. Though the coins were found on the fringe of the Australian north coast, getting fresh water would have been important for ships traveling through the waters of the Wessel Islands.

Aboriginals would have been curious about any "strange" looking new people. Africans would certainly have been different. Drawings of European ships have been found on cave walls. They were drawn by Aboriginals after contact with Europeans. Perhaps evidence of African visitations can be located.
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Australian Blog                         

Ducks Water Ski

 Water Ski Like a Duck
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Study Shows Optimistic Cancer Sufferers Live Longer - Or Does It?

Treating the effect as the cause is wasting valuable time in finding a cure for cancer. A Study found that depressed people lived shorter lives when they had cancer. Depression per se and lack of hope, optimism and anxiety were tested. Those suffering from these "attributes" didn't live as long as "optimists" who were also cancer sufferers.

A great leap of faith was made to claim that mood sufferers did not seek second opinions on cancer. Note that this was not proven it was just surmised. Overall findings were that optimism did not lead to better survival in people with cancer. Well this is game. set and match. You can't have it both ways. Either being optimistic improves survival or it doesn't.

There is no doubt that psychological treatment improves the well being of cancer patients, but let's not get ahead of ourselves and say optimistic cancer sufferers live longer. A great deal of money is set aside for medical research. We have to be careful to ensure this money is well spent.
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Australian Blog                         

Monkeys Dance

"We can dance like the Candy Man."
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Individual Action to Change the Environment is Dangerous

There is danger looming. Some scientists believe that they have the answer to global warming by putting chemicals and minerals into the environment. There are no laws to prevent them taking action themselves and doing what they want. Apart from maritime laws that deal with political international matters few effective laws between countries exist.

A questionable activity is taking place. Iron is being dumped into oceans. This "ocean fertilization" absorbs carbon dioxide. Boosted fish stocks are promised. This of course is all theory. It is not proven fact.

The London Protocol is the section of international law that could end this activity. Countries could still legislate and do "scientific" dumping. Japan does this to kill whales to provide meat for human consumption. Australia is pushing for new London Protocol laws to prevent geoengineering of all kinds, because individual action is dangerous and could affect everyone in the future.

Critics say iron dumping will lead to an increase in toxic algae blooms. Furthermore, it will make the present acidification of the ocean worse. Any human action has side effects. Individual action is very dangerous as consequences are largely unknown. Once the environment is changed it is altered forever.
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Australian Blog                         

Man Can Survive a Major Disaster

If there is a major world disaster will Mankind survive? In the past our forebears got through environmental difficulties, so there is no reason to believe that this will not continue to happen. As technology becomes increasingly specialized, things we take for granted will be lost. Humanity will take a few steps back or fall right back into a survival-type culture.

The skill to print could end. Story telling could return as a way to pass on culture. Man has always been inquisitive about what lies over the horizon. Experimentation will still be the key to survival. In a major disaster only those species that can adapt will live through it.

Neanderthals were not smart enough to survive. This is despite their brains being larger than humans. The brains of Man obviously operated differently. This could have been the power of imagination. Neanderthals learned more by direct copying of behavior. Humans can deduce answers from information.

Another important factor is present in humans. We have the ability to live in close proximity to each other. Living in cities is a feature of Man. Neanderthals only existed in small groups. They could not "pool" knowledge and make it available to everyone. We develop and control our environment. Neanderthals did not.
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Australian Blog                         

All Wrong Beagle

"Hey dog, you've got it all wrong."
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Aliens Exist Says Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell

Just when you thought reality was the way, with more people believing that all there is to life is what you see, the UFO enigma is revived. Moon walker Dr Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14 mission fame says the US government has covered up alien contact for six decades.

He says they look very much like the short, skinny, large headed, bug eyed creatures of the movies. They are not warlike and their technology is more advance than ours. He apparently was given access to this information because of his service to space exploration.

The surveillance by aliens is ongoing - they are interested in us!

Roswell did happen. The first releases given to a local newspaper were correct. A declaration by the US government is imminent, according to Dr Mitchell. Kerrangi radio host Nick Margerrison says at first he thought Dr Mitchell was kidding, but he seems to be serious.

When government sources were approached they kept to the same old line: "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe."
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Australian Blog                         

Food on the Nose Dog

"I can't see but I can smell cheese."
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-------Australian Blog-------

Council Surveillance Cameras Could be Banned in Australia

While some countries have embraced general camera surveillance others are still cautious. The problem is that in national constitutions people have a right to privacy. Cameras placed in public streets clearly trample over this right.

Nowra, a town in New South Wales, has come face-to-face with this issue. An Australian rights campaigner, Adam Bonner, took the local council to a tribunal and a decision was made to order the council to desist from breaching the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act. It was not an instruction to turn the cameras off but it had the same result.

The Administrative Decisions Tribunal New South Wales decision has thrown a spanner into the works nationwide. State bodies set precedents for national courts. It has shown, however, that people can act locally to stop camera surveillance at local government level. One person has stopped a council in its tracks.

The Nowra Council did not help itself by telling the tribunal that the cameras were not operating when they were. Just how the council will ask people if they give permission to be filmed is unknown. Just telling them with a sign will not satisfy the tribunal decision. Signage already there is deemed by the tribunal to be insufficient.  This also brings into question whether police have the right to install fixed speed cameras.

In the UK burroughs with no camera surveillance have higher arrest levels. CCTV is not an effective crime deterrent. People see it as punishment for offences rather than as a preventative method.
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Australian Blog                         

Move by Coca-Cola to Improve Health - or Profit

Coca-Cola announces that it will fight obesity. This is ironic considering chemicals are put into soft drink to make it possible for more sugar to remain in solution. Despite offering sugar free coke, consumers still favor coke with sugar. In the US this is high-fructose corn syrup. Basically, it is still concentrated sugar.

Decades ago major sugar companies paid for research to determine benefits from consuming sugar that could be used in commercials. Unfortunately, findings showed there were no benefits whatsoever. Mankind is addicted to sugar. China, for example, has a sugar reserve to prevent social disorder if international trade is disrupted in any way. People can get there sugar requirements by consuming vegetables. Production of sugar is purely to satisfy an addictive demand.

You cannot blame the community from being cynical about the announcement by Coca-Cola to push low-calorie additives, exercise and no advertising to children. The only real solution is to pass legislation making it compulsory to not add sugar to soft drink. However, Coca-Cola has millions to lobby politicians against doing this.

It must be noted that some American states have limited sales to small cans only. Unfortunately, this is exactly what Coca-Cola wants. People buy two cans now and this increases profit. Let's face it: Coca-Cola knows advice on healthy living is ignored. Furthermore, reduced calorie drinks make up only 25 per cent of sales. It seems that the whole program is a way to make money. At least this is how the public perceives it.
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Australian Blog                         

Scruffy Cat

"What are you laughing at?"
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Sneeze Dog

"I am not going to sneeze."
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-------Australian Blog-------

Pink Dolphin Will Soon Be Lost

Pink dolphins who live off the coast of China are in serious decline. In 2003 there were 158 of them. Now that figure has fallen below 78. The numbers are estimates because they are always on the move.

Samuel Hung chairman of the Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society says government action is needed to save the species. The dolphins bring tourists to Hong Kong so there is private money that could be used, though major government funding was needed to take effect immediately.

Waters near Hong Kong are polluted and young dolphins die from toxins in their mother's milk. It accumulates in seawater. Dolphins right across the world are getting diseases from pollution. Industrial fishing also kills thousands every year.

A new species of dolphin has been found off the southern coast of Australia. The Burrunan dolphin (Tursiops australia) is in small numbers due to polluted runoff into the sea. The mysterious problem of dolphin beachings continues. Noise of the modern world is blamed for this. Too many humans encroaching on the dolphins' natural domain is unstoppable. In coming decades some species will be lost forever.
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Australian Blog                         

Dog Eats at Table

"Get my newspaper, Rodney."
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-------Australian Blog-------

Cute Dog

"I'm so cute and pretty."
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-------Australian Blog-------

Australian and Mediterranean Great White Shark Evolution

Luck plays a large part in evolution. Climate suddenly changes and if by chance a species of animal carries suitable genes to flourish in the new environment that animal lives on. Other species die off because they cannot cope.

New findings about the great white shark highlights this. Australian great whites and the Mediterranean type have genes that point to common ancestry. It is believed that a few related female sharks split up. Some going north to the Mediterranean from the larger gene pool in the south, or they peeled off from the main group in the Atlantic some going north the others going south. Narrow channels in the Mediterranean stopped this group from rejoining the Australian gene pool.

This happened 450,000 years ago. Mutations since that time make the timeline clear. It is believed that swordfish and tuna the main food of the great white also split off from the their main groups. Great white sharks followed the food supply.
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Australian Blog                         

Dog Food Enjoy

"I really enjoyed that."
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-------Australian Blog-------

Cash Reward for Whistleblowers

Australia has a culture of a fair go and don't dob your mates in. The question is, are your coworkers mates? In England, for example, the government encourages people to dob their neighbors in for fleacing social security. It is accepted there. But in Australia there has been an outcry against offering cash to dob others in to the authorities.

This kind of offer could backfire. Dobbers could just make things up to get cash. Who is to monitor this? It is hoped that companies will jump in to catch employees stealing from the business. Dodgy financial traders should watch out. Some rewards offered in the US have gone as high as $US104 million: though a court case resulted and fines were paid, this is a huge amount.

Tax authorities are examining the possibility of reward for information that brings to light tax evasion. It seems though that those in high places will still not be caught. The Australian government turned a blind eye to Kerry Packer paying hardly any tax at all. He once said it is my duty as an Australian to pay no tax at all and I hope others do this as well. If no one paid tax there would be no schools or hospitals, except perhaps, for the very wealthy - those who pay no tax.

It should be noted, however, that in Australia whistleblowers are victimized. Australians have a culture of ask no questions about a person's past or private activities. This probably goes right back to convict days when prisoners of the crown rose to prominent places in Australian society after serving their sentence. Perhaps Australians really are different.
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Australian Blog                         

Fame Can Shorten Life

If you want to be famous or are driven to it, there may be a cost. Though, I am still not sure if it is statistically proven, it seems that being well know shortens life. Obituaries were examined and they showed that celebrities lives were shorter by a few years.
james dean fame famous
People in physically or mentally stressful occupations such as ex-sportsman and performers had the shortest lives. This was followed by academics and those in medicine. The next group was composers, writers and artists. Those in business and politics lived longer.

It is surmised that having fame at a young age then losing it later in life is a burden that shortens lives. This is questionable because many famous celebrities remain so even when they officially retire. It could be that the drive for fame remains into old age and this destroys life. This is closely aligned with a risk taking personality. Life could be shorter due to self-destruction.
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Australian Blog                         

Show Kitten

"Just take it more smoothly.  Like this."
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-------Australian Blog-------

DNA Shows How Farming Reached Western Europe

Important discoveries have been made in regard to early farming in Europe. DNA evidence shows that invaders from Turkey brought farming skills to western regions 8,000 years ago. They were not hunter gatherers from Germany as was originally believed. Hunter gatherers didn't suddenly take up farming. It was a learned skill that was passed on to the younger generation.

The research has been so informative that the route invaders took is clear. An earlier movement of eastern people has also been identified. It took place 11,000 years ago. invaders moved through south-eastern Europe via the Carpathian Basin near present day Hungary into central Europe.

The history of Man is fascinating and we do not have all the answers yet. Perhaps in the past a civilization equal to our own existed and all the knowledge they had has been lost. There are many mysterious things we do not know about ancient Egyptians.  Their culture faded only in recent times.

Eyebrow Dog

"It's my eyebrows isn't it?"
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-------Australian Blog-------