Showing posts with label seafarers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seafarers. Show all posts

South Indian Genes in Aboriginals

Ancestry of Aussie aborigines is from asia.
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| australia editions people united research search years arts indigenous culture australians business india economy conversation cities genetic education evidence environment aboriginal energy thousand factcheck connection medicine human ideas society science technology events sydney unsw physical funding archaeological republish studies commons newsletter print ancient settled geneticists island redd genealogical writing hms partners evolution donate darwin’s fellow origins university chief wales so-called north influential continent birdsell living model stoneking birdsell’s arrival northern discredited huxley 1970s media present social published contact board modern job populations comments broadly read torres isolated strait article showing sign peopled huxley’s kinds left early coming work fossil european remains curnoe dingo darren latest health guinea corrections proposing conditions view terms receives policy support privacy anthropology follow picture email areas subscribe long masterclass speculation pitching institutions march contributing dna funders 1.7k audience question team time charter settlement friends alice community gorman jobs archaeology postdoctoral terri industry shute contemporary east information journeys based migration gravitational places link year strong report earliest popular flight’ good good flight’ popular earliest report strong year link places gravitational migration based journeys information east contemporary shute industry terri postdoctoral archaeology jobs gorman community alice friends settlement charter time team question audience 1.7k funders dna contributing march institutions pitching speculation masterclass long subscribe areas email picture follow anthropology privacy support policy receives terms view conditions proposing corrections guinea health latest darren dingo curnoe remains european fossil work coming early left kinds huxley’s peopled sign showing article strait isolated torres read broadly comments populations job modern board contact published social present media 1970s huxley discredited northern anthropological arrival birdsell’s stoneking model living birdsell continent influential north so-called wales chief university origins fellow darwin’s donate evolution partners hms writing genealogical redd island geneticists settled ancient print newsletter commons studies republish archaeological funding physical unsw sydney author events technology science society ideas politics human medicine connection factcheck thousand energy aboriginal environment evidence education genetic cities conversation economy india business australians culture indigenous arts years search research united people editions australia|

Africans May Have Visited Australia 1,000 Years Ago

When Captain Cook "discovered" Australia in 1770 it was known that Southeast Asians and even Chinese seafarers had landed in Australia. Portuguese and Dutch ships had also stopped to replenish water supplies. It was not considered possible that people had landed in Australia from another continent.

In the 1940s mysterious coins were discovered. While some were coins used by the Dutch East India Company others were identified as coming from the Kilwas Sultanate of Tanzania in Africa. They were used in the prominent trading center 1,000 years ago.

If Africa was trading using Australia as a location en route Aboriginals could have come into contact with African merchants. Though the coins were found on the fringe of the Australian north coast, getting fresh water would have been important for ships traveling through the waters of the Wessel Islands.

Aboriginals would have been curious about any "strange" looking new people. Africans would certainly have been different. Drawings of European ships have been found on cave walls. They were drawn by Aboriginals after contact with Europeans. Perhaps evidence of African visitations can be located.
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