Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

Build Up Muscle if You are Scrawny

If you want a strong athletic body take steroids and growth hormones. It is understandable that people do this. The problem is that individual athletic types are born with a genetic predilection to produce high levels of natural growth substances. Those who deem themselves to be unlucky in this department obviously feel miffed.
Body builder muscle
No need to look at the legs they don't change much!build
Intensive exercising does produce muscle mass, largely because tissue builds up and becomes thicker with more daily work. What is not widely known is that it takes little more than six weeks for a body builder to become average again if he stops exercising completely.

If you are naturally "scrawny" exercise will still bulk your body up. There is a cost though and that is time and pain. I
ntensive exercise is painful, certainly more so than sitting in a lounge chair in front of the TV.

Apart from the initial surge in weight loss due to diminishing stores of fat and narrowing of the waist, gaining muscle take much longer than it takes to loose it. If you can afford it get a personal trainer. Otherwise you are on your own and conflicting advice on the Internet will lead you down the garden path.
Genetics by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

Cat Gymnastics

"Just over a little more - puuurrrrfect!"
Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan
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Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan
     Australian Blog                         

Weights Kitten

"Are you sure this is good for me?"
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Funny Animal Photos
-------Australian Blog-------

Move by Coca-Cola to Improve Health - or Profit

Coca-Cola announces that it will fight obesity. This is ironic considering chemicals are put into soft drink to make it possible for more sugar to remain in solution. Despite offering sugar free coke, consumers still favor coke with sugar. In the US this is high-fructose corn syrup. Basically, it is still concentrated sugar.

Decades ago major sugar companies paid for research to determine benefits from consuming sugar that could be used in commercials. Unfortunately, findings showed there were no benefits whatsoever. Mankind is addicted to sugar. China, for example, has a sugar reserve to prevent social disorder if international trade is disrupted in any way. People can get there sugar requirements by consuming vegetables. Production of sugar is purely to satisfy an addictive demand.

You cannot blame the community from being cynical about the announcement by Coca-Cola to push low-calorie additives, exercise and no advertising to children. The only real solution is to pass legislation making it compulsory to not add sugar to soft drink. However, Coca-Cola has millions to lobby politicians against doing this.

It must be noted that some American states have limited sales to small cans only. Unfortunately, this is exactly what Coca-Cola wants. People buy two cans now and this increases profit. Let's face it: Coca-Cola knows advice on healthy living is ignored. Furthermore, reduced calorie drinks make up only 25 per cent of sales. It seems that the whole program is a way to make money. At least this is how the public perceives it.
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Australian Blog                         

The Poor Health of Men Prevents Conception

Healthy sperm levels in "modern" men are declining. It is increasingly males who are responsible for their partners' failure to conceive. Men today do little exercise, eat too much fat and carbohydrates, and drink too much alcohol. It is no wonder their sperm counts are low.

No longer can women be blamed for being overweight. Being a little overweight does not prevent women from conceiving. Men need to lose their beer guts, pleasantly referred to as love handles.

Tests on male mice showed that obesity decreased the probability of fertilizing female mice. The success of embryo implantation was also decreased, and babies born from these males showed delayed fetal development.

Three quarters of Australian men are overweight. This is way above the world average of 48 per cent. Male mice fed fast food gave disastrous results in producing healthy offspring. Foods that improve sperm count are eggs, sweet potatoes, yogurt, berries, seeds and nuts. Furthermore, consuming more omega-3 was of great benefit.
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Staying Out of the Sun Prevents Skin Cancer but Not Osteoporosis

Australians are so obsessed about staying out of the sun to prevent skin cancer that the number of people getting osteoporosis is increasing. This is a sad consequence of a positive behavior change. Osteoporosis would not be a problem if more people took calcium tablets with vitamin D each day. Unfortunately, many would rather spend their money on other things. The disease affects young people as well as the elderly.

The Nepean Consensus Statement meeting has been praised for making the disease more widely known. However, money spent on such activities is wasted, considering you can treat yourself without actually being diagnosed with the disease. Developing "fancy" management practises is unnecessary.

Giving calcium and vitamin D to the elderly who already suffer with osteoporosis is a waste of time, because once you have the disease it cannot be cured. A person need not adopt a calcium rich diet: calcium and vitamin D in tablet form are easily absorbed by the body. Even exercise is questionable, as this could cause bone fractures in susceptible people. Bone density tests just show that someone already has the disease.
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Cat Works Out

"The workouts are paying off. I'm really bulking-up now."
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Funny Animal Photos

You Cannot Avoid Polluted Air

If you want healthy lungs don't take up running or vigorous exercise. Perhaps it is better to head for the country and stay away from smokers. Your body needs clean air in order to stay healthy.

Living in cities is a no, no. If you live in London you will already have lung damage. Spending just 48 minutes there is equivalent to smoking a cigarette. It is not only cigarette smoke that is troublesome. Fumes from cars and diesel buses is something you can't avoid.

Heading indoors is a waste of time. Pollution condenses down into corridors, tunnels and homes. Toxins are more than double that of the external environment. Plants help to clear the air. Don't use artificial air fresheners. Even the television pumps out volatile organic compounds (VOC).

Unfortunately there is not a lot we can do in the modern world to avoid toxins. It's everywhere. Doing exercise will make the body take in more pollutants. Taking a holiday in the country is no answer - ozone from cities ends up there.
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If You Sit Down You Die

Humans are built to stand up all the time. How ridiculous this sounds, but this is what scientists say. You will die younger, get diabetes, and fall victim to cancer if you sit down too much. Doing exercise wont stop it apparently. Even sitting down at any time is damaging. This is "silly science" because though people sit down longer than ever before they also live longer. Statistics prove this.

Scientists say the body only functions "normally" if we are standing. They cease if we sit down. If these body operations work when we are standing what proof is there that they are really necessary? There is no proof. This is just a whim and let's hope it soon passes before people bring cases to court against employers.

There is no more ardent a person against smoking than an ex-smoker. Guess What! The main researcher on all this stuff, Professor Levine, has taken to standing all the time. This bloke is a bit of a nutcase, an obsessive compulsive if there is one - he walks around the room like in the old movies with an almighty long telephone cord. He also invented machines where you can keep walking or cycle while still using a computer. Health and safety has deemed these device too dangerous to use.

Levine wants to change the world like all obsessives. "What you need to do is to create an overall environment of health." Yeah, like those people selling ordinary tea that supposedly makes you lose weight. Beware, the Professor has four large US companies on board to find out how much can be saved in dollars by walking around all the time. You could be next on the test list.
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