Showing posts with label scent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scent. Show all posts

Solution to Bee Die-Off?

It is not widely known just how important bees are to maintain our food output, let alone to increase it as demand strengthens. There are so many mysteries to why bees are dying off across the world. Many theories are put forward. Unfortunately, there are few answers to the problem.
We need to look after the human friendly insect. It could eventually be found that bees are being killed off by chemicals. However, like other animals bees need chemicals to treat illnesses. When they become infected they change their foraging habits seeking pollen from plants that store certain chemicals. The solution to bee die-off could lie in studying this phenomenon.

Plants synthesize chemicals that attract select species of pollinators. Other substance also deter potential attackers. Herbivores have been real pests to plants for millions of years. Eating the leaves can kill plants. Insects have evolved to go where plant toxins drive herbivores away.

All nectar is not the same. If toxins can drive away herbivores, beneficial elements could attract bees as and when the insects needs it. A study infected bees with a gut parasite. One group was fed on sucrose while another group was given secondary compounds from plant nectar. The amount of parasite infestation was greatly reduced in the group which consumed secondary compounds.
✴ Chemistry by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

The War Against Sweating Continues

We are all humans right? And being an animal we are inclined to sweat. This is a natural animal function. Indeed, humans have a lot of sweat glands that are designed to function on a naked body to stop the heat of the sun "cooking" the brain. Stop a natural function and you are asking for trouble.

Young women are ignoring this and are having botox injections under their arms to prevent odor from sweating. This is usually done just before the high school formal for girls to stay "fresh" in their fancy gowns. Apparently, the "treatment" last as long as nine months.

If you go to a gym and sweat, others tend to shun you as if you are not normal. An ad did indeed exploit such behavior by trying to sell liners that mop up the sweat. You would think a sports mad nation like Australia would ignore this trend and accept that physical activity makes one sweat, but Australian girls are "drowning" themselves in deodorant.

Like breaking wind, sweating is natural and healthy. Trying to make oneself into a perfectly neutral robot is not possible. In a world of active robots, odor from sweating would be an ideal way to show the demarcation between humans and robots. Heaven help us if some want to become actual robots.
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Society by Ty Buchanan
     Australian Blog                         

Sneeze Dog

"I am not going to sneeze."
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Funny Animal Photos
-------Australian Blog-------

Ants Know Friend or Foe by Scent

If you are human, knowing one's enemies is easy. The brain evaluates another person as to whether he/she is friendly or not. It may be necessary to work alongside an enemy but the enemy tag still remains. Insects do not have have such advanced brain power to discriminate friend or foe.

Ants need a frame of reference to identify who they have to attack. When an ant from a colony meets an ant from another and they fight, the ants keep a memory of the enemies' odor. This occurs even though they may be of the same species. The "smell of fear" is passed on to fellow ants in the same colony. Ants also use scent to know other ants in their colony.

In tests individual ants were familiarized with individuals from another colony. They could see each other. Actual contact was prevented. When 20 intruders were placed near to the other colony they were attacked despite attackers knowing the other ants.
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