Showing posts with label pool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pool. Show all posts

Dog Does a Belly Flop

I will have to do it again. body air flop dog dogs insurance to insurance dogs dog air body dogs insurance dog flop dog insurance dogs pet insurance dogs cat dog flop body Dog cat dogs insurance pet dogs cat dog pet insurance flop insurance pet dog cat dogs dog dogs insurance up insurance dogs dog dogs insurance dog at dog insurance dogs pet insurance dogs cat dog en Dog cat dogs insurance pet dogs cat dog pet insurance flop insurance pet dog cat dogs bellies belly pets quote reasons to reasons quote pets belly bellies quote pets reasons bellies belly or belly bellies reasons pets quote bellies belly pets quote reasons flop reasons quote pets belly bellies flop vet tail relaxed expose contact communicating canine canine communicating contact expose relaxed tail vet contact tail relaxed communicating canine cool expose vet body or vet expose cool canine communicating relaxed tail contact affiliates agents agreement air arden attempt behavior breeze brokers catch certified chat days direct employers exposing fearful guide hot itch login next partners peace person posture postures prepared scratch sit speak stay tips topics training underwriting veterinarians bills up bills veterinarians underwriting training topics tips ay speak sit scratch prepared postures posture person peace partners next login itch hot guide fearful exposing employers direct days chat certified catch brokers breeze behavior attempt arden air agreement agents affiliates
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canine does a belly flop
"I will have to do it again."

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New Theory of Anthropology is Not Strong

New theory on Australian Aboriginals - Anthropology.
Australian Aboriginals split from Eurasians and moved south into the dry continent. Twenty thousand years later the world warmed up and Australia was cut off from its northern neighbors. This is the latest theory.  But when Europeans initially came to Queensland there were two types of native people. Each was a distinct genetic pool. One was like Papua New Guineans. The other was very slight and shorter. It is the latter that predominates today.
Papua New Guineans
Papua New Guineans
Australian Aboriginals
Australian Aboriginals
Some scientists still hold that there was only one move out of Africa. This is an unsustainable supposition. The doors for movement were always open. Australian Aboriginals were quite unique. It seems that they were the first to leave Africa. There is also the question of Tasmanian Aboriginals who were wiped out by arriving Europeans. There is no evidence of them now. They could not light fires. The flames had to be stolen from rivals if a fire went out.

Mainland Aboriginals have genes different from other peoples. In Europeans, for example, females genes are much the same. The genes of Aboriginal mothers vary between geographical groups. This indicates that males moved while females stayed in the same location. However, divergence is the norm for humans. Unlike other apes who tend not to move at all and remain genetically "static".
 Anthropology by Ty Buchanan 
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papua, new, guinea, guineans, australian, aboriginals, anthroplogy, south, moved, evolution, genes, pool

For 50,000 Years Australian Aboriginals Were Genetically Pure

Genetics: Australian Aboriginal stone tools use was made within the Aboriginal gene pool.
Australian Aborigines have been isolated on this vast continent for 50,000 until Europeans came and messed everything up. DNA sequencing shows Aboriginals were pure for this whole period.

Contrary to the view held by many scientists for centuries, people did not arrive from India 4,000 years ago. Seafarers from India and Southeast Asia did stop here to get fresh water and herbs to treat constipation. Yes, this is true.
Australian Aboriginal stone bladed knife

Data tracing the Y chromosome from father to son shows no Asian genes in their profile. Aboriginals were the first people out of Africa. Once they reached Australia no more came from Asia. The out of Africa theory has now been pushed back 200,000 years. There is no real evidence of where these people went as far back as that.

Tasmanian Aboriginals are a mystery. All have now died out so we will never know if they came here before mainland Aboriginals. Their DNA could have been different to mainland Aboriginals. They certainly did not know how to light fire. "Flames" were stole one to the other.

It was thought that because Aboriginals had an abrupt change in culture particularly in regard to stone tools that there must have been an outside influence, but this wrong. The change was made within the Australian gene pool.
 Genetics by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
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Shrek Cat Swims

Cat has shrek audition after a swim
"Got to audition for SHREK after this swim!"
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Australian Blog
 Adventure Australia
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Australian and Mediterranean Great White Shark Evolution

Luck plays a large part in evolution. Climate suddenly changes and if by chance a species of animal carries suitable genes to flourish in the new environment that animal lives on. Other species die off because they cannot cope.

New findings about the great white shark highlights this. Australian great whites and the Mediterranean type have genes that point to common ancestry. It is believed that a few related female sharks split up. Some going north to the Mediterranean from the larger gene pool in the south, or they peeled off from the main group in the Atlantic some going north the others going south. Narrow channels in the Mediterranean stopped this group from rejoining the Australian gene pool.

This happened 450,000 years ago. Mutations since that time make the timeline clear. It is believed that swordfish and tuna the main food of the great white also split off from the their main groups. Great white sharks followed the food supply.
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Australian Blog                         

Fish Are Intelligent and Can Remember

For years scientists told us what we wanted to believe - that fish have short memories only lasting one lap of the fish bowl. Now the truth has got out. They are intelligent creatures who can learn to do things and can even deceive other animals. Once attacked, if they escape, they remember which predator tried to kill them. Unlike humans, however, there is a cost when they use their intelligence. If they are given one fish for food they are very efficient in catching it, but if given two types of prey they apparently become confused and their effectiveness declines.

Fish interact in a social way. They recognize familiar others and modify their behavior accordingly. Siamese fighting fish will take advantage of a weak fighter by observing fish fights and readily attacking the weaker fish. Fish that clean others act busy when potential "customers' are watching. In a way they advertise.

The myth about fish having no memory or even intelligence is most likely promulgated to justify fishing, when fishermen say it is alright to jab in a hook or gut a fish because they "don't feel any pain".

An example of fish learning occurred when Professor Charles Erikson fed fish after calling to them by saying "fish-fish". When he returned five years later he called to them and some fish came to the surface expecting food. Examples of smart thinkers are trigger fish which use tools to trick prey that hunt them, and frillfin which jump back into rock pools to avoid birds.
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Cat Swimming Lessons

"My swimming lessons are going well, thank you."
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Funny Animal Photos

Fish Are Intelligent and Can Remember

For years scientists told us what we wanted to believe - that fish have short memories in line with one lap of the fish bowl. Now the truth has got out. They are intelligent creatures who can learn to do things and can even deceive other animals. Once attacked, if they escape, they remember which predator tried to kill them. Unlike humans, however, there is a cost when they use they intelligence. If they are given one fish for food they are very efficient in catching it, but if given two types of prey they apparently become confused and their effectiveness declines.

Fish interact in a social way. They recognize familiar others and modify their behavior accordingly. Siamese fighting fish will take advantage of a weak fighter by observing fish fights and readily attacking the weaker fish. Fish that clean others act busy when potential "customers' are watching. In a way they advertise.

The myth about fish having no memory or even intelligence is most likely promulgated to justify fishing, when fishermen say it is alright to jab in a hook or gut a fish because they don't feel any pain.

An example of fish learning occurred when Professor Charles Erikson fed fish after calling to them by saying "fish-fish". When he returned five years later he called to them and some fish came to the surface expecting food. Other examples include trigger fish which use tools to trick prey that hunt them, and frillfin which jump back into rock pools to avoid birds.
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