Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Sleep in a Queenslander

Australiana: Live in a Queenlander house to get a good night's sleep.
There isn't much doubt that the Australian climate can wear you down. This is not so much the case in winter, but those rainy cold days in Melbourne are off-putting. It is the hot balmy nights that are a burden with many people not getting enough sleep. Some would say that they wake up with a hangover when they didn't drink any alcohol.
Queenslander houses are cool at night
Humans have evolved to only fall asleep when body temperature dips. If there is hot air around you that puts a kibosh on that. You get dozy, momentarily drift off, then quickly wake up. It is the surrounding heat that keeps you awake.

The problem in Australia is that we build the wrong kind of houses. They are based on the English. The double brick has been dropped in favor of brick veneer. A visitor to this country wonders how the the roof can be finished before a brick is laid. Brick are only for looks. However, bricks take in heat during the day and store it at night. This makes the interior at night unbearable unless you have air conditioning.

In the bush our forebears had ideas of their own. They first built houses out of chamfer board. This allowed heat to pass through. Galvanized iron sheeting was also used. This was good at night. However, the walls constructed of sheeting got so hot during the day that you had to sit outside in the shade. Fibro cement sheeting was a compromise it store some heat, though it cooled down rapidly in the evening. This typical house is called a Queensland, though it is found throughout Australia. Open the front and back doors at night and open the windows at night. You will get a good night's slumber. Just leave a fan on to gently blow over your body.
 Australiana by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
warm balmy nights stop prevent from falling asleep queenslander articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology free news sex

Science Holds That Australia is Evergreen

Science: Fagus Nothofagus gunnii is Australia's only temperate deciduous tree.
Australia has always been very hot. So hot in fact that only a few deciduous trees ever evolved. True some have been brought from other countries and the trees do grow in the cooler regions of Australia today. However, except for small pockets in the tropics evergreens predominate.

Fagus Nothofagus gunnii Australia's only temperate deciduous tree

Trees which drop there leaves prefer a fixed unchanging climate. Australia is where the unexpected happens. Like the present where we are having a long hot end to summer and it is unusually wet. Evergreens can adapt and take off when conditions are favorable. When deciduous trees lose there leaves it could rain heavily, but they can no longer absorb the moisture. Conversely, putting out leaves when it dry for months on end is totally ineffective. Hold onto your leaves is the moto. When it rains evergreens are ready to push on to further growth.

Australia has one lonely temperate deciduous tree. And wouldn't you know it, the tree only grows in Tasmania, which gets the icy wind from Antarctica. These winds are always there in winter so the deciduous beech or Fagus ("Nothofagus gunnii") puts on a fabulous autumn leaf display then goes dormant during winter.
 Science by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
Australia has only one temperate deciduous tree Fagus Nothofagus gunnii all evergreen trees on the continent articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology free news sex

Polluted Air Should be Monitored

Biology: monitoring of levels of polluted in the air is needed.
Want to lose weight? Just stop breathing. It is as easy as that. Pregnant rats in China got fat because they breathed in polluted air.  People face the same problem.  Babies being born fatter may be desired.  However, it could indicate a lifetime of illness for those living in polluted regions.

The rat's cholesterol went through the roof. They also became insulin resistant with diabetes just a short way down the track. Livers and lungs were inflamed. The longer they breathed the bad air, the fatter they got. Baby rats from the pregnant females were much sicker.
Polluted air in Chinese city
Inflammation per se is directly related to obesity which is a precursor to diabetes, or even synonymous with it. Cancer, stroke and heart attacks are related to bad air. Poor health from polluted air is not just a Chinese problem. Western countries do not monitor bad air very intensely. A case in point is Brisbane in Australia where it is measured at three sites well away from the city centre.

Pressure is mounting to set up a federally funded monitoring system so people can keep their stay in polluted areas to a minimum. Factories continue to ignore guidelines at their whim. Australia did have enforced regulations in the 1990s,
but monitoring was stopped.
 Biology by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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polluted air must be monitored china death disease sick obesity diabeted heart attack stroke asthma articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology free news sex

For 50,000 Years Australian Aboriginals Were Genetically Pure

Genetics: Australian Aboriginal stone tools use was made within the Aboriginal gene pool.
Australian Aborigines have been isolated on this vast continent for 50,000 until Europeans came and messed everything up. DNA sequencing shows Aboriginals were pure for this whole period.

Contrary to the view held by many scientists for centuries, people did not arrive from India 4,000 years ago. Seafarers from India and Southeast Asia did stop here to get fresh water and herbs to treat constipation. Yes, this is true.
Australian Aboriginal stone bladed knife

Data tracing the Y chromosome from father to son shows no Asian genes in their profile. Aboriginals were the first people out of Africa. Once they reached Australia no more came from Asia. The out of Africa theory has now been pushed back 200,000 years. There is no real evidence of where these people went as far back as that.

Tasmanian Aboriginals are a mystery. All have now died out so we will never know if they came here before mainland Aboriginals. Their DNA could have been different to mainland Aboriginals. They certainly did not know how to light fire. "Flames" were stole one to the other.

It was thought that because Aboriginals had an abrupt change in culture particularly in regard to stone tools that there must have been an outside influence, but this wrong. The change was made within the Australian gene pool.
 Genetics by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
dna data australian aboriginals gene pool was pure since their arrival 50,000 years ago articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology free news sex

Complex Chemistry to Strike a Match

The chemistry of lighting a match.
If you want to see in a dark room, light a match. It's simple isn't it? Not so fast, it is actually quite complex. A slow motion video at 40,000 frames per second shows the process. The completed video spreads out 0.10 of a second into one and a half minutes.
The process of lighting a match
Ignition takes place inside the "live" head of the match. It is just a little explosion followed by "slow" burn. The chemical blob does not burst into pieces. I holds together with small bits rolling to the outside surface.  It looks a planet exploding.

The main ingredient of a match head is antimony trisulfide: potassium chlorate makes this burn. Ammonium phosphate is also there to reduce particles from escaping, but some smoke is inevitable. Paraffin wax coats the match down to the halfway mark to ensure the flame continues on down the matchstick.

Powdered glass and red phosphate in the strike strip on the side of the matchbox ignites by friction when the head of the match is drawn across the strip. Oxygen comes in causing ignition turning the red phosphorous into white phosphorous. Fire and flame ensues from the heated potassium chlorate. Oxygen plus sulfide makes the flame burn longer.

So when you next light a match think of the complex process, then go on doing your mundane task. Lighting a fire? haven't you been told not to fight fire with fire?  Oh, you do fight/light fire with fire!
 Chemistry by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
antimony trisulfide potassium chlorate sulfide oxygen paraffin match box matchbox light lighting strike articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology free news sex

Dog Makes Grade as Archeology Digger

Archeology: dog finds jawbone with teeth under Tasmanian home.
A Tasmanian gentleman doing renovations to the foundations of his home has discovered a jawbone which has some white teeth still embedded therein. His dog actually located it and dug it up. Other pieces of the skull were then found by the man.
Jawbone found under Tasmanian house
Forensic police took the "evidence" away. This find is not surprising as the house is built on top of a one hundred year old graveyard. The graveyard was supposed to be completely cleaned out before development but some skeletons were left behind.

Archeology students have flocked to the site to get some hands-on experience. The owner of the house, his daughter and dog will have to get the kettle on for all the new visitors.  Maybe they can make a buck from making and selling sandwiches.
 Archeology by Ty Buchanan 
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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archeology in tasmania house fouindations home girl daughter dog found jawbone teeth graveyard articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology free news sex

Neanderthals and Denisovans Are in Heaven

Anthropology: Adam and Eve hominids in the Garden of Eden.
Humans were not alone on the evolutionary path. There would always be at least one more type of hominid existing nearby until the last 13,000 years (Hobbits). If the number of chromosomes was very close then fertile offspring were possible. The case for neanderthal closeness is still not yet known for sure. Some make bold claims about humans having neanderthal genes, but note that we did have a common ancestor.
"This is the Garden of Eden love, from the volcano God."
Take it with a pinch of salt about us being Neanderthal, Denisovan, human hybrids. This is fairytale stuff. Neanderthals were mainly in Europe and Denisovans were for the most part in southeast Asia. This would mean that humans from Africa would be genetically pure. However, the Neanderthal gene chains are also in them. Perhaps these genes are common to most hominids.

Only a few decades ago many scientists loudly proclaimed that people came out of Africa to populate the world only 80,000 years ago. This has now been pushed back to 200,000 years. When humans moved into Europe 40,000 years ago they did not have the largest brains. Neanderthals were hands down winners. Indeed, Homo erectus did draw and carve. And stone tools was old technology for 3 million years before the present.

Humans are not special. We did get down to a few dozen survivors at one time. It is just good luck for us that we are here and Neanderthals are not. Furthermore, perception of a God is not unique to humans. Burial practices go back 400,000 years. If there is an afterlife, expect to see a some Neanderthals and Denisovans walking around in heaven.
 Anthropology by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
neanderthals denisovans humans lived ancient thousand years ago evolution anthropology articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology free news sex

Sociolology: Women on ebay Sell at a Lower Price

Sociology: women make more profit on eBay by selling at lower prices.
Men and women are the same - well not really. There may be a drive to make the workplace equal for both sexes. However, there are clear biological differences and thought processes are not the same. Certain parts of the brain are preferred by either sex.  What is involved in selling? Description and layout are paramount. Relevant and stimulating pictures are required. The correct price to sell an adequate volume of a product and make a profit are also essential.
Men and women see these factors differently. An examination of eBay shows that women sell the same products at lower prices than men. Considering people can easily find the cheapest product in a category because of the way eBay is designed, women managers will make more sells.

Researchers said that buyers have lower expectations of women sellers. This is a red herring: buyers do not normally look to see whether a seller is a man or woman. I for one, search for the best value at the lowest price. Sociologists are prone to make errors in the desire to find relationships.

Yet some women do seek out women sellers. Men couldn't care less. Whether women buyers do this for a lower price is debatable. Perhaps women are better than men at business generally. Many men do believe that the world owes them a living.  This is seen in supermarkets when a new young male manager stops marking down specials. Goods do not sell and are ultimately thrown away.

I would say sociologists clearly made wrong assumptions about this study. They did not look are overall profit. Perhaps women sold more goods and made more money. Omission of theis vital information could be seen as manipulation of data. 
 Sociology by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
sociology men sell at higher prices than women on ebay articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology free news sex

Politics: Australian Conservatives Push to Privatize Healthcare

Health: Australian liberal conservative governments keep privatizing medicine
There isn't much doubt that the Liberals (read conservatives) would like a completely privatised health system. They look lustfully toward the US and their inefficient structure - the most expensive health mishmash in the world!
Protest against liberal conservative healthcare changes
There is a logic to this "conservative hiding behind liberal sunglasses" behavior. You see, businesses don't like their taxes being "wasted" on something the private sector can run perfectly well, descrimination notwithstanding. Businesses would like this money back in a tax rebate so they can make higher profits, thankyou.

Note how Liberal PM Menzies ended free pharmaceuticals brought in by Labor PM Chiffley. Gough Wittlam initiated Medibank after menzies It was just about the only thing he did that worked. This has now been pushed and poked by a series of Coalition governments to become the now private Medicare. No doubt, this political toing and froing will continue into the future.
 Politics by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
politics australian conservative liberal coalition governments keep on privatizing healthcare articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology free news sex

Maya Sniffs Out Koala Scat

Genetics: Maya the dog sniffs out koala poo scat waste
Dogs like sniffing poo. Now they are being trained to sniff the poo of koalas. This is not unusual. In the United States trained dogs seek out the scat of wolves coyotes, lynx and bears.  Dogs are built for this type of work.
Maya the koala poo sniffing dog
Australian scientists want to know the location of koalas, what they are eating and their genetics. DNA can be obtained from the coating of cells. Humans searched a particular site and found no koala waste, but a trained dog pinpointed some.

Maya is the only dog working at the Sunshine Coast University to do such work. Crowd funding is being organized to train more dogs. Maya was rescued, so dogs in danger of being put down are going to be used.
 Genetics by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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university of the sunshine coast scientists genetics may the dog finds koala scat poo dung articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology free news sex