Showing posts with label australian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label australian. Show all posts

Lincoln Red Cattle Have Good Genes

Lincoln red cattle are genetically strong, ideal for farmers.
Lincoln Red cattle are large. They provide a lot of meat. However, many consumers have never heard of the breed, mainly because investment in marketing has been minimal. A marketing program is planned. In many ways the meat is superior to the much vaunted Angus.
Lincoln Red cattle
Admittedly, only a thousand head are produced each year in Western Australia. If consumers knew of the quality meat more could be ready for market very quickly. The breed comes from the cold and windy east coast county of Lincolnshire in England. There true origin is the Bos urus cattle of Scandinavia.

While not currently popular with consumers in Australia, they have "taken-off" in Europe. It has pluses for farmers. It efficiently converts feed to meat and grows rapidly. Crossbreeds in particular grow very fast. Unusually for meat animals they make good milkers as well.
 Genetics by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
lincoln, red, cattle, breed, farmers, growers, market, new, meat, consumers, europe, crossbreeds, articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex

Police Drug Testing Equipment is Faulty

testing EquipmentLaw: Police drug testing equipment so faulty they do not stand up in court.
You can trust the police. Can't you? Sure, even if the equipment they use to convict you for drug use do not work accurately, or not at all! Draeger Drug Test 5000 machines are the malfunctioning equipment.
Draeger drug test machine
Furthermore, a third of saliva testing kits (STKs) go strait in the bin when they do not work. The kits should turn blue, but nothing happens. Even an investigation into quality control has not solved the problems.

If you are charged with drug taking using the equipment any solicitor worth his salt will get you off scot-free. Moreover, the test for cannabis has never worked. This is like the mine detectors sold to the Afghan government that were found to be just a plastic casing with nothing inside. Draeger is pulling a fast one and getting away with it. State police departments or state governments, who do the purchasing, must be stupid.
 Law by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
law, police, cannabis, drugs, sths, saliva, testing, kits, draeger, machines, articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex.

Temperature and Genes Determine Gender for Bearded Dragon

Zoology, animal biology, ethology studies the Australian central bearded dragon.
The sex of the central bearded dragon hatchlings is determined by the prevailing temperature during incubation. Some females carry male genes and behave like males. They are more confident and active than other females. The "tomboys" also have more offspring.
Australian central bearded dragon
Australian central bearded dragon
Of great interest is how genetic and climatic factors affect gender. In lab test incubation, if the temperature was over 32 degrees females with male chromosomes hatched as females. Below 32 degrees the dragon expressed its genetic disposition and hatched as males. High temperature females were larger than males which is normal for the species.

It appears that male type behaviors of these females is genetically determined. Some of the females were even bolder than normal males. Male chromosomes affect the brain which is driven to express male traits. Only one other animal has the feature of environmental and genetic factors determining sex - the skink.

Other animals use either temperature or genes for gender disposition. It is possible that they did have both mechanisms early in evolution. but one was lost. If the climate changes and becomes warmer animals who only use temperature would produce only males and could become extinct. The two remaining animals who use both features would survive whether the climate changed or remained the same.
 Zoology by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
australian, central, bearded, dragon, ethology, animal, biology, zoology, sex, determination, temperate, female, male, articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex

Impulse Buying Depends on Culture

Culture: we buy on impulse with east credit and fast pay.
We are all guilty of it. What is it? Impulse buying of course! It may not be for major purchase - we usually have a think about them before making a decision. Well most of us do. Minor things like snack bars and quick coffees are usually done on a whim. A site like eBay where thing are cheap but generally of low quality is also a vehicle for fast shopping.
Impulse buying on credit
Some people purchase "quickie" items more than others. It all depends on ones personality. Even being out with others affects buying behavior. Having money to buy is less of a factor because easy credit is available. A person's prevailing mood also has an effect: happiness drives impulse buying.

Advertising is perceived differently by individuals. "Buy one and get one free" is a trap for some. Indeed, Westerners seem to be particularly prone to buying things with little thought, people in Eastern cultures not so much. Culture does determine behavior to some extent. This could be changing for Asians. Culture does change over time. The British, for example, are not so conservative as they once were.

The Internet has impacted on societies throughout the world. It is so easy to buy things now. You can purchase things you don't really need while sitting down at home. Impulse buying is generally thought to occur only when we are at the shops. This is not the case. Easy credit and easy pay have
put a gap between budgeting and spending.
 Culture by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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impulse, buying, purchasing, goods, products, easy, credit, pay, internet, coffee, chocolate, bars, articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex

Fake Cat Mummy Puts Pressure on WA Museum

Anthropology: Cat mummy in Western Australian Museum a fake.
It is known that ancient Egyptians made counterfeit mummies, particularly of birds and cats who were given as offerings to the gods. In 1982 an X-ray of a cat mummy showed that it was a fake, probably made in the early 20th century. Staff of the Western Australia Museum who were custodians of the "mummy" were shocked and disappointed by the discovery.

A recent CT scan of the "mummy" highlights a human femur broken in the middle then molded to take the shape of a cat. The scan has been sent to Cairo for further study. To solve this problem once and for all a determination of its real age needs to be done. Why waste time looking and re-interpreting?  The WA Museum is still so ashamed of the issue that is has never released a photo of the fake cat mummy nor will show the X-ray or scan to the public.
Genuine fake cat mummy from Saqqara in  Egypt
Genuine fake-cat mummy from Saqqara in  Egyp
Genuine mummies are on display today at the WA Museum with the Afterlife: Magic Mummies and Immortality in Ancient Egypt exhibition brought over from the British Museum. Let us hope that tests to verify age has been done on these ancient wrappings.
 Athropology by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
estern, australian, wa, museum, fake, cat, mummy, cairo, scan, ct, x-ray, xray, egyptian, wrappings, articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex

Red Reef Lobster Found in Western Australia

Biology: Red reef lobster caught in Western Australia.
It is common knowledge that lobsters do not have hair. We all know this. However, hairy lobsters do exist and one has been caught in Western Australia. The red reef lobster is common in the waters of Madagascar, Hawaii, and African countries. Finding it off WA is a real surprise.
Red reef lobster
The fisherman who caught it has never seen anything like it in his life. It seemed to be a prawn, lobster, scampi hybrid. The hairy red is much different from Australian lobsters: it has crab-like claws.

Biologists do not believe that it came all the way from Africa, at least not in recent times. They hold that it has been here all along living and breeding in a localized, remote spot. The one caught probably strayed away from its locality. Obviously, its normal range must be reasonably close. Being elusive, scientists are not going on a hunt. The creature will be left alone.
 Bioloogy by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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red, reef, lobster, africa, madagascar, hawaii, western, australia, caught, fisherman, sea, ocean, articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex

Bayer Chemistry to Develop New Herbicides

Chemistry: Weeds are becoming resistant to selective herbicides.
Herbicides have officially been used since 1890, though common salt could have used to kill weeds for possibly a thousand years before. The first selective herbicide was identified in 1940. It later became 2,4-D compound and was released in 1946.  Seventy years later we face the problem of weed resistance to selective chemicals. Western Australia can no longer get significant kill of weeds growing around crops. It is costing farmers a fortune.
Ryegrass weed growing in crops
Project Kangaroo has been initiated. It is managed by Australia’s Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and receives assistance from Bayer of Germany. Money from growers is funding it: they are paying $45 million in levies. The Federal Government is promising money. Knowing how government has behaved recently the project might get a dollar!

Wild radish and ryegrass are the main culprits affecting crops. Glyphosphate was used widely to control these weeds. They are not very effective these days. Chemical companies need to take a new tack and work at the molecular, even atomic level, to find ways of killing selective weeds. Nature though is good at overcoming new things in the environment. It is only a matter of time before evolution beats "unique" obstacles set up by Man.
 Chemstry by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
herbicides, weeds, crops, farming, western, australlia, kill, spray, 1890, first, used, project, kangaroo, grdc, bayer, articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex

Technology Advances With the Scramjet

Technology: Scramjet is tested at Woomera.
Technology never stands still. Mankind progressed very slowly for centuries, but now things move forward at a rapid pace. Air transport could change dramatically in coming decades. The US and Australia are testing a hypersonic rocket that can travel at five times the speed of sound. Because of the angle of liftoff, together with takeoff and landing speeds, you couldn't really enjoy a lunch and drink while sitting in your seat.
Scramjet test at Woomera
Woomera in South Australia is the busy testing site. The project is not aimed at space flight. Passenger travel is the main goal. A journey from London to Sydney is estimated to take two hours. The arduous passage though would mean taking your meal preferably after the flight.

Australia helped develop the scramjet which uses oxygen from the atmosphere for power as the jet rockets upward. Consequently, it does not have to carry heavy and expensive fuel. Tests began in 2009. Norway and Germany are also involved in the project. The target completion date is in 2018.
 Technology by Ty Buchanan 
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
adventure, adventure australia blog, aircraft, australia, blog, flight, mankind, passenger, progress, rocket, scramjet, technology, test, us, woomera articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex

Genetic Researchers Complete Carrot Genome

Genetics: Identification of the genome of the carrot has just been complete by researchers.
Though the carrot is a mundane vegetable it is important for a rounded, varied diet. Haven't you heard that carrots are good for your eyesight - I bet you have never seen a rabbit wearing glasses have you? Ah well, a little less of the frivolity!
Carrots of many colors
Scientists sequenced the genome of the humble carrot only a week ago. Increasing the level of nutrients in the vegetable is the prime objective. Vitamin A is present in high levels naturally. This does benefit one's eyes. Side issues include disease resistant and greater yields. This does directly improve life for farmers. Overall ,consumers get a better product at a lower price.

Ironically, vegetables have more genes than humans: 32,000 compared to 20,000. It seems that Man is nothing special after all. Plants are more complex than us. Carrots are probably more useful than people to the planet - they don't destroy it.

The vegetable was first recorded as food in Afghanistan a thousand years ago. The original wild carrot was white. Purple and yellow ones are popular in the Middle East and Asia.   Orange carrots were depicted in Spanish and German paintings in the 1500s.
y  Genetics  by Ty Buchanan ◆g
 Australian Blog
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
carrot, vegetable, diet, food, vitamin a, eyesight, rabbit, glasses, plants, nutrients, yield, farmers, consumers, articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex

People Know a Health Diet

Health: We know the correct foods to eat but we ignore it.
Understanding good nutrition is very easy. Eat plenty of vegetables in as wide a range as possible. Have meat about every other day. Only eat processed food if you have to for social reasons. That couldn't be simpler could it? However, people are still looking for fad ways to change their body to idealized proportions.
Vegetables for good health
We also know the best way to live our lives but we ignore it. People like the taste of takeaway food and consume it in extreme amounts. Frozen processed meals contain huge amount of added sugar, salt a already processed ingredients. Young people do not buy and prepare fresh vegetables for cooking anymore. Most of us also do not do enough exercise. Many imbibe alcohol while watching a downloaded movie just about every night.

There isn't much doubt that eating copious amounts of tasty food is a pleasant pastime. Food certainly isn't consumed to stay alive. It is an end in itself. There is a price to pay with the burden on the health system increasing every day. Treatment for non-infectious diseases is rapidly rising. Cardiovascular disease, cancer and musculoskeletal problems are becoming "normal". People just accept them as part of life.

Oh, and stay away from bread, potatoes and white rice. They may be good to sustain the poor, but eaten daily they will kill you! Bread and rice have only been around for 10,000 years. This is a very short time. Humans did not evolve to deal with them.
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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alcohol, australia, blog, bread, cardiovascular, food, frozen, imbibe, ingredients, lives, meat, nutrition, potatoes, processed, treatment, vegetables articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex