The world needs another green revolution. New high-yielding crops in the 1950s and 1960s changed everything. They took Mankind out of the diminishing-food crisis The new cereals and rice impacting greatly on developing countries. Output increased. The food crisis was averted.
Showing posts with label bread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bread. Show all posts
Squirrel Has Head in His Coffee - Mad
Squirrel looks into the coffee to tell his fortune. But don't you need tea for that? Usually, an old lady in a colored scarf tips it out and looks into the leaves to see what time has in store for you. Cappuccino does not cut it. The dregs will be smeared across the bottom. beverage. You will just see your face when looking into hot liquid. * hosting squid laughing wordpress share squirrels cup feeder drinking stumble pin flip tweet moving star cat mcphee archie real flipboard twitter facebook storm wars idols addiction city york jones sam opens goodman john website host posts services dried eyeballs jaws rotary featuring machine labs research survival test taste people kimmel jimmy barley commentary reach bird obstacle email * $ hosting in squid at laughing up squirrels an cup to feeder ho drinking we $ ~ squirrel can head big coffee time beverage down mad ah squirrel will head great coffee mus beverage up mad uh squirrel more head be coffee far beverage in mad ho squirrel should head for coffee to on mad uh ~ + email obstacle bird reach commentary barley jimmy kimmel people taste test survival research labs machine featuring rotary jaws eyeballs dried services posts host website john goodman opens sam jones york city addiction idols wars storm facebook twitter flipboard real archie mcphee cat star moving tweet flip pin stumble drinking feeder cup squirrels share wordpress laughing squid hosting + || Hey hello, hello, lo. || nuts, cheeks, furry, drink, refreshing, bread, lunch, dinner, table, looker, mug, ||
"Hey hello, hello, lo."
People Know a Health Diet
Health: We know the correct foods to eat but we ignore it.
Understanding good nutrition is very easy. Eat plenty of vegetables in as wide a range as possible. Have meat about every other day. Only eat processed food if you have to for social reasons. That couldn't be simpler could it? However, people are still looking for fad ways to change their body to idealized proportions.
Understanding good nutrition is very easy. Eat plenty of vegetables in as wide a range as possible. Have meat about every other day. Only eat processed food if you have to for social reasons. That couldn't be simpler could it? However, people are still looking for fad ways to change their body to idealized proportions.
We also know the best way to live our lives but we ignore it. People like the taste of takeaway food and consume it in extreme amounts. Frozen processed meals contain huge amount of added sugar, salt a already processed ingredients. Young people do not buy and prepare fresh vegetables for cooking anymore. Most of us also do not do enough exercise. Many imbibe alcohol while watching a downloaded movie just about every night.
There isn't much doubt that eating copious amounts of tasty food is a pleasant pastime. Food certainly isn't consumed to stay alive. It is an end in itself. There is a price to pay with the burden on the health system increasing every day. Treatment for non-infectious diseases is rapidly rising. Cardiovascular disease, cancer and musculoskeletal problems are becoming "normal". People just accept them as part of life.
Oh, and stay away from bread, potatoes and white rice. They may be good to sustain the poor, but eaten daily they will kill you! Bread and rice have only been around for 10,000 years. This is a very short time. Humans did not evolve to deal with them.
◆ Health by Ty Buchanan ◆
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alcohol, australia, blog, bread, cardiovascular, food, frozen, imbibe, ingredients, lives, meat, nutrition, potatoes, processed, treatment, vegetables articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex
alcohol, australia, blog, bread, cardiovascular, food, frozen, imbibe, ingredients, lives, meat, nutrition, potatoes, processed, treatment, vegetables articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex
australian blog
The Modern Diet is Not Normal for Humans
Some scientists are condemning the "Hunter Gatherer" diet. The academics say that the consumption of carbohydrates that comes mainly from "grass" seeds, namely, wheat is normal for humans. This is absolutely incorrect. People only stopped wandering and took up crop farming ten thousand years ago. We have not had time to genetically adapt. Obesity is definitely caused by a high intake of flour from cereal and abnormal consumption of white sugar, particularly by children.
Look at schoolchildren today. There isn't a skinny one amongst them. The girls have huge thighs and hardly any waist. The mind boggles just thinking about what their body weight will be when they reach their mid thirties. Only the very old today resemble people seen in the old black and white movies. Before the Second World War, people were very skinny. Mind you they did do a lot of manual labor, many working 12 hour days. If you burn a high amount of calories you can eat what you want and not gain weight. However, most today are sedentary.
Remains of early humans show that they did eat a gruel of wild seeds. This evidence only proves that our ancestors ate seeds in the last ten thousand years. There is strong evidence of a meat, berry and tuber diet before this time. There was variation in lifestyle of premodern humans. None of them farmed cereals though. They did keep domesticated animals.
The story of Man has been never ending periods of starvation and misery, with disease being prominent due to ignorance of sanitation. Food has only been plentiful in recent times. It is notable that obesity and malnutrition is spreading through developing countries as they adopt the Western diet. This on its own is a condemnation of the modern diet. We can be sure our ancestors ate a wide range of food, but they did not gorge themselves on white flour.
Science by Ty Buchanan
Being Overweight Causes Osteoporosis
Being overweight leads to heart disease but it can also cause osteoporosis. This is due to people cutting out vital elements in the diet in their attempts to lose weight. Dairy products are essential for strong bones. Yet milk, butter and cheese are precisely what it being disregarded in diet by 30 per cent of women. Another danger is the consumption of bread. An astounding 40 per cent of women have stopped eating this food that is calcium fortified. It must be remembered though that bread has only been part of the human diet for 10,000 years. It could be the cause of many humans "diseases".
Research has shown that the real cause of weight gain is carbohydrates. Yes, it's as simple as that. People who only cut out sugar lose weight very quickly and maintain a low body weight thereafter. People concentrate on eating low fat diets even though research shows this to be the wrong thing to do. Look at movies made up to WWII. Actors and actresses and especially the extras were all quite skinny then. In those days most Western nations had not developed the high sugar habit. And most workers then went to work on a large fatty fried breakfast.
Danger in the future will not be with low fat diets. Young people today just refuse to eat vegetables. Cabbage and broccoli are high in iron. Young people steer well clear of these. Hope lies with the intake of fish. The young do like fish. Note the dash for seafood at Christmas. Fish contains calcium and minerals. Processed food is high in sugar. Government needs to have a policy aimed at lowering sugar intake in our diets.
Research has shown that the real cause of weight gain is carbohydrates. Yes, it's as simple as that. People who only cut out sugar lose weight very quickly and maintain a low body weight thereafter. People concentrate on eating low fat diets even though research shows this to be the wrong thing to do. Look at movies made up to WWII. Actors and actresses and especially the extras were all quite skinny then. In those days most Western nations had not developed the high sugar habit. And most workers then went to work on a large fatty fried breakfast.
Danger in the future will not be with low fat diets. Young people today just refuse to eat vegetables. Cabbage and broccoli are high in iron. Young people steer well clear of these. Hope lies with the intake of fish. The young do like fish. Note the dash for seafood at Christmas. Fish contains calcium and minerals. Processed food is high in sugar. Government needs to have a policy aimed at lowering sugar intake in our diets.
Conservation by Ty Buchanan
Bread Is Going Stale Overnight - Sell Your Shares in Mighty Soft
Bread making companies who supply supermarkets are no longer adding calcium propionate (282) to their product. Have you noticed how your slices of bread are going stale along one side over the last month? This is due to the omission of this preservative. How can a company calling a product "Mighty Soft" possibly stay in business when its bread goes stale quick smart? Tip Top has also stopped adding 282. I have searched supermarket shelves looking at bread packaging for the additive. Unfortunately, all companies seem to have stopped using it.
Consumers will not buy bread that is virtually stale when it is purchased. Even freezing the loaves has no effect because the bread is already "dry" before you put it in the fridge. Splitting a loaf into two halves, bagging it in a brown paper bag then putting it into a plastic sandwich bag will also not solve the problem. The only answer is to do what people did a half century ago - buy bread daily or have it delivered each day.
The do-gooders will be jumping with joy saying how healthy bread has become, but this bread will end up in rubbish bins as working people nationwide open their lunch boxes to find stale sandwiches. Children will be spitting it across the table..
Calcium propionate inhibits mould. Furthermore, contrary to what is stated in information sheets, preservative 282 also keeps bread softer for longer.
Consumers will not buy bread that is virtually stale when it is purchased. Even freezing the loaves has no effect because the bread is already "dry" before you put it in the fridge. Splitting a loaf into two halves, bagging it in a brown paper bag then putting it into a plastic sandwich bag will also not solve the problem. The only answer is to do what people did a half century ago - buy bread daily or have it delivered each day.
The do-gooders will be jumping with joy saying how healthy bread has become, but this bread will end up in rubbish bins as working people nationwide open their lunch boxes to find stale sandwiches. Children will be spitting it across the table..
Calcium propionate inhibits mould. Furthermore, contrary to what is stated in information sheets, preservative 282 also keeps bread softer for longer.
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