Australian universities are overly dependent on Chinese students Natasha Robinson. The risks are primarily financial. The University of Sydney is atop the list, with fees from Chinese students totalling $500 million dollars in 2017. A sudden large percentage decline could be catastrophic.
Showing posts with label university. Show all posts
Showing posts with label university. Show all posts
DNA of Prostate Cancer is Mapped
Prostate cancer DNA gets sequenced - genome of tumor. dna formed um prostate b on mapped bin it cancer in hi sequencing go ooo ppp tt in tumor takes mo dna thesis to prostate r in beneficial is cancer it is sequencing no ttt uuu eh on dna healthy eh tumor um dna hootie or prostate s an mapped two to genome so ah tumor here he mapped get to definite on up sequencing at u on dna treaty on prostate y as mapped ten up cancer or it tumor soot un sequencing me dna rained in prostate o an mapped tie eh genome it he cancer ago in dna shaded at prostate e to genome any go cancer oh eh tumor than do sequencing it || donate facility drivers read rearrangements genetic men mapping mutations uncovers provide researchers people public human science australia division head career professor commonly comparative foundation contact diseases integrity understanding bone media news navigation set number multiplied clinical latest events undergraduate small gift cancers assessment prof related next-generation identified institute health virtual research tumour team technology kinghorn executive treatment petre entire staff search sydney support genomics medicine board cancer-promoting tours driven study information individual sciences genes performed times diagnosed general seminars researcher volunteers students part centre future laboratory potential conjoint targeted program epigenetics previously enquiries partnerships australian doors vanessa directors large-scale april publications hayes supporter key issue workplace structural large newsletters need huge blood sample dish lab doctor medical man huge need newsletters large structural workplace issue key supporter hayes publications april large-scale directors vanessa doors australian partnerships enquiries previously epigenetics program targeted conjoint potential laboratory future centre part students volunteers researcher seminars general diagnosed times performed sciences individual information study driven tours cancer-promoting board medicine genomics support sydney search staff entire university petre treatment executive kinghorn technology team tumour research virtual health institute identified next-generation related prof assessment cancers gift small undergraduate events latest clinical multiplied number set navigation news media bone understanding integrity diseases contact foundation comparative commonly professor career head division australia science human public people researchers provide uncovers mutations mapping men genetic rearrangements read drivers facility donate medical
Prostate cancer DNA gets sequenced - genome of tumor. dna formed um prostate b on mapped bin it cancer in hi sequencing go ooo ppp tt in tumor takes mo dna thesis to prostate r in beneficial is cancer it is sequencing no ttt uuu eh on dna healthy eh tumor um dna hootie or prostate s an mapped two to genome so ah tumor here he mapped get to definite on up sequencing at u on dna treaty on prostate y as mapped ten up cancer or it tumor soot un sequencing me dna rained in prostate o an mapped tie eh genome it he cancer ago in dna shaded at prostate e to genome any go cancer oh eh tumor than do sequencing it || donate facility drivers read rearrangements genetic men mapping mutations uncovers provide researchers people public human science australia division head career professor commonly comparative foundation contact diseases integrity understanding bone media news navigation set number multiplied clinical latest events undergraduate small gift cancers assessment prof related next-generation identified institute health virtual research tumour team technology kinghorn executive treatment petre entire staff search sydney support genomics medicine board cancer-promoting tours driven study information individual sciences genes performed times diagnosed general seminars researcher volunteers students part centre future laboratory potential conjoint targeted program epigenetics previously enquiries partnerships australian doors vanessa directors large-scale april publications hayes supporter key issue workplace structural large newsletters need huge blood sample dish lab doctor medical man huge need newsletters large structural workplace issue key supporter hayes publications april large-scale directors vanessa doors australian partnerships enquiries previously epigenetics program targeted conjoint potential laboratory future centre part students volunteers researcher seminars general diagnosed times performed sciences individual information study driven tours cancer-promoting board medicine genomics support sydney search staff entire university petre treatment executive kinghorn technology team tumour research virtual health institute identified next-generation related prof assessment cancers gift small undergraduate events latest clinical multiplied number set navigation news media bone understanding integrity diseases contact foundation comparative commonly professor career head division australia science human public people researchers provide uncovers mutations mapping men genetic rearrangements read drivers facility donate medical
Money by Deceit - Victoria University
Degree businesses are not honest with customers to make a profit.| money in deceit of university did victoria mp3 draw support food process sudden deceit not power british personal telegraph university money victoria stronger am everyone victorian parliamentary particular election john money on deceit as university high not confident was sheer theresa publication deceit fuller university richard court campaign money off continent ultimate remainers university constitutional inevitably title tack approval train money it on university brown household referendum it gravy policy supremacy battle parties may vote legal commons brazenness edition elite highlights attenborough breathtaking courts clear general propriety formal article parliament somersault cross-party option official supreme does sovereignty excellent statement niceties prime | australian affairs
Do Australian universities cheat - they sure do! Like any other business a college is out to get your money whether it comes from the government or out of your pocket. Educational bodies bend the truth when they advertise. | interesting honeys sweet sugar jars treacle syrup not. |
Do Australian universities cheat - they sure do! Like any other business a college is out to get your money whether it comes from the government or out of your pocket. Educational bodies bend the truth when they advertise. | interesting honeys sweet sugar jars treacle syrup not. |
The University of Victoria put the image below in an advertisement. It says "The degree satisfies the requirements for accreditation by the Institute of Engineers...(IEI),,,," This was included in an impressive list of accreditations. However, it was a blatant lie. It was not a mistake. It was intentional.
|||| Deceit . ||||
Despite repeated requests by student Thomas D'Souza for clarification none was given. After studying for a year he decided to find out for himself what the program really was. He contacted engineering professionals and they told him that the degree was worthless and would not guarantee employment as an engineer. Fairfax Media found a letter from The Institution of Engineers to University of Victoria informing it that the package was not accredited.|◆ the. ◆|
TD sued VU for misrepresentation, breach of contract and damages. In an attempt to keep the phony certification from getting into the news the case was settled out of court for a sum of $75,000 plus incurred costs.|◆ the. ◆|
The door is now open to other students to take legal action against colleges, etc. for misrepresenting what a student can gain from studying a particular course. It pays to verify the accuracy of information before signing up.|◆ the. ◆|
Stay away from the Victorian place of academia because it is still self-accrediting. It is disgraceful that a state enterprise is openly conning young people. The VU should be investigated by the ACCC for a fraudulent marketplace activity. |◆ the. ◆|
◆ Coservation ◆
|◆ money the deceit. ◆|
Forcing STEM Graduates to the Bush Will Not Work
The number of school students doing maths and science is woefully inadequate in city areas. Numbers in rural areas are even worse! A new plan is in progress to improve the situation. Unfortunately, it will prove to be a total failure and waste of money.
Culture has inertia. It takes about half a century to alter established beliefs. Rural children believe that maths and science are too difficult for them so they do not even attempt them. They stay with the social subjects. The new "curative" program to solve the matter will ignore city students and concentrate on rural regions.
There is a noticeably low number of rural students doing education, engineering and science degrees. Note that 74 per cent of teachers in city areas have STEM experience, while only 17 per cent of rural teachers have done STEM work. The intention is to send high quality STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) teachers to the bush - they will love that! It is like sending the trainer of the winner of the Melbourne Cup to train horse riders in the sticks, an absolute waste of resources.
Advanced teachers are not the answer. Those who can teach the basics are needed because going with the horse analogy, getting over the first jump is the most difficult problem. If students get this achievement they will at least choose base maths. Australia has the silliest curriculum with up to five levels of maths. When I was young we all did the same compulsory arithmetic then maths. Arithmetic has been forgotten. Bureaucrats do not see that this subject is the foundation for all math.
State schemes such as "go to" the bush for an annual $10,000 check have not worked. Teach For Australia is going to forcibly place graduates in rural schools. The experience will be part of their career training. We will see what teachers unions have to say about this. They will not accept it lying down.
To willingly draw skilled young teachers to rural schools will take money and lots of it. The federal government is cutting back payments to states. And states are running deficits. Forcing movement to the bush where even basic services are not available like a decent water supply and courier deliveries, by making rules to achieve it, will not work. City born, city live is the motto of young people.
◆ Education by Ty Buchanan ◆
Physics Not for Females - Women Say!
More women are moving into academia every year. This is the overall picture. Some areas are still sparsely populated by women. Physics is such a sector of learning. Name a woman physicist - any woman! Few recognise that maths is easier for men, but this is true. There is something about the male hormone that creates this state. Just like women are better at using words.
Notably female physics students at the University of Melbourne have admitted that most women do not have the capacity to master physics. There will always be a few exceptions. However, the reality is that generally, women find study in this specialty difficult. Many female students who try physics ultimately end up in chemistry. They do feel more comfortable there.
The survey of first year females showed more than 50 per cent had a negative outlook of their chances of succeeding. This makes one wonder why they are in the course. However, some were studying physics as a requirement of other degrees. Oddly, some said they enjoyed studying physics.
As a positive, fourteen students were studying advanced physics at the University of Melbourne and were ambitious to achieve their goal. They are definitely thin on the ground with all the males. Another issue is that women do not see physics as a career path. You cannot get work in finance or banking with a physics degree, for example. Research and teaching are just about the only sectors for employment.
High school is where all this begins. A good start in maths in essential. Giving students the choice to do only standard maths must be changed. All student need to do some higher maths, particularly in this computer age. It is human nature to choose an easier option. There is something wrong with the Australian education system: women dominate Italian advanced maths departments.
✴ Education by Ty Buchanan ✴
australian blog
Australian Scientists Reverse Aging
Australian scientists attempt to understand the aging process. In a partnership with Harvard University, the University of New South Wales has found a way to stop aging. Though it has been achieved on mice it has already been applied to humans.
Young youthful genes are turned on while older ones are turned off. Done in the right way, the process can halt and even reverse aging. The triggers are naturally occurring molecules and proteins. Change is made in the muscles and improvement begins in a week.
Hopefully, drugs containing the triggers can be developed. At least this is what the researchers are planning. Tests on humans have shown great promise so far. An extra plus for the "treatment" is that it is anti-inflammatory. Such diseases as inflammatory bowel disease could be sent into remission.
It makes one wonder, however, why findings aren't applied generally much sooner. Leader of the project, Professor David Sinclair a specialist in the field, has been taking the red wine molecule resveratrol for ten years. Why isn't this available for use by the general public?
Health by Ty Buchanan
australian blog
Political Correctness is One-Sided
Being politically correct is the right things to do always - wrong! When it forces people to scrap their plans and conform to another's point of view it is absurd. Women have got more rights than men today. Men are kicked from pillar to post.
Those in control of all types of organizations believe that women should be pandered to all the time. This is getting ridiculous. The University of Sydney Union was planning to stop a society that meets the needs of men from operating. The body's aim is to help men with mental issues cope with life. Obviously, these males do not want women around. Females have no place in such a body.
Women get their university child care and "womanly" things like that. Why shouldn't men have the same rights. The rights of males is denied. What place do women have in a "Men's shed"? The society advised that it copied the concept of a place for men from a similar body set up in 2007.
Oddly, many members of the board refused the application not due to women: they pointed out that it damaged the caused of the queer members of society. Yes, they were referred to as "queer". Transgender would have been a more seemly thing to say. A female member of the board interjected with don't forget women!
How could the new society be "breaking down gender roles?" If anything it was upholding them. It should be noted that some of those involved in the decision were not happy about the view put forward. They saw it as a step backward, not forward. Some said the society could operate if it let women in. This would run roughshod over what the society stood for - a place for men. Thankfully, a one vote majority allowed the body to run as it stood.
Science by Ty Buchanan
australian blog
Getting Rid of English, Maths and Rote Was a Big Mistake
Many university students cannot do simple arithmetic or write a complete sentence. Without using spelling checkers, spelling is atrocious. This is because the school leaving test is overwhelmed by "choice" subjects. Oddly, English literature is preferred by many over plain English. Many history teachers cannot spell or understand correct grammar. They say they teach history not English.
A large proportion of students have been accepted into university science and health when they have not done maths, i.e., applied arithmetic, in high school. The usual solution at university is to send you to the remedial teacher who throws up his hands and says you do not know the basics. Students usually go to or pay other students to correct their assignments before handing them in. The problem here is that examinations have to be passed though they have been brought down to the ridiculously low level of 10 per cent of the total subject mark.
It has been made too easy to get into university. Even bridging courses are below high school standards. We are bending over backwards to life easy for the young when the reality is that it is a tough world out there. They need to be toughened not softened. Some would like to abolish exams in high school altogether.
If trends continue. We will live in a world where machines cannot be repaired. This could be the case in this computer era. The IT industry is driven by self-taught technicians. What you learned in a University IT degree a few years ago is now outdated and of no use.
Girls just do not study maths at school any more. Fewer boys are doing so as well. Why would any rational human being choose to do a "hard" subject over an easy one? Intensive English and maths must be made compulsory at primary and high school. The "rot" began with the abolition of rote learning. They still do rote in France and it produces some of the best scientists on the planet.
Education by Ty Buchanan
Drone Deliveries Are Out of This World
As if courier deliveries in Australia are not unreliable enough - they don't send out parcels and expect you to pick up from the depot - there is an attempt to deliver with no driver! Yes, the era of drone delivery is upon us it seems.
Next year Zookal will deliver text books from the University of Sydney directly to your mobile phone location. This is ludicrous. Can you imagine the congestion over cities with drones flying everywhere with no control. Why do we need air traffic controllers? They are essential to maintain safety of course.
Students are saying it will be good to receive university library books by drone. However, some scholarly books have more than 1,000 pages and are extremely heavy. Drones will have to be enormous to carry these. Crashes will be frequent with damage to buildings and those spinning blades will cause personal injury. Note, they will head to a phone and cannot see people.
Zookal assumes their concept will be accepted by Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). They may insist on a control system. This will cancel out any potential profit. I cannot believe that CASA can possible agree to flooding the lower sky with drones darting about all over the place.
At the moment only emergency services use drones, so there are very few drones flying in the same geographic zones. Let us hope common sense prevails. Domino's Pizza recently delivered a Pizza by drone. This was a test and it ended at that point. Collision avoidance systems in drone is unreliable at the moment. When faced with a large flat wall like on a skyscraper they usually crash into it.
Society by Ty Buchanan
Memories Are Not Real the "Specialists" Say
Childhood memories are figments of your imagination. If you believe that, you'll believe anything. Children in the UK were asked to recall memories of things their parents said didn't happen. But how do we know if children were trying to please their parents? Most children live in a dream land anyway. So asking them to recall seeing Santa Claus is just "baiting". And asking them about flying through the air is "hypnotising" for dream recall.
If you broke your leg as child you would certainly remember that, and whether the sun was out when it happened. The pain makes it stay in your mind. One thing that really remains is the care one receives from others. You remember things done with grandma because she was always kind and forgiving. Furthermore, really horrible events like being involved in a road accident and then being taken to hospital remain as clear as the day they occurred.
We wouldn't have an identity without memories. We are the sum of our experiences. Taking that away from someone is condemning that person to live in the forever "now". Debate is rife about whether learning is anything of value. For example, a day after taking exams most of it is forgotten. But a university degree or any other academic test is something the individual values and society values. Whether you actually remember things taught is quite irrelevant. You have gone down that road and reached the destination. Surely, that is what life is about: having experiences chronologically with the past leading to the present and into the future and remembering certain milestones.
If you broke your leg as child you would certainly remember that, and whether the sun was out when it happened. The pain makes it stay in your mind. One thing that really remains is the care one receives from others. You remember things done with grandma because she was always kind and forgiving. Furthermore, really horrible events like being involved in a road accident and then being taken to hospital remain as clear as the day they occurred.
We wouldn't have an identity without memories. We are the sum of our experiences. Taking that away from someone is condemning that person to live in the forever "now". Debate is rife about whether learning is anything of value. For example, a day after taking exams most of it is forgotten. But a university degree or any other academic test is something the individual values and society values. Whether you actually remember things taught is quite irrelevant. You have gone down that road and reached the destination. Surely, that is what life is about: having experiences chronologically with the past leading to the present and into the future and remembering certain milestones.
Worry Over Job Security Increases With Casual Work
Gone are the days of local business monopolies where shops, for example, had a higher profit margin so they could keep employees in secure employment for decades. In the past shopping centers didn't exist and a firm had a local licence. Only one type of business could operate in a regional center. If a shop had the fish licence and decided to sell only fish, no fish and chips, you as a customers had to go without a quick hot meal.
The proportion of casual workers is increasing every year. Just how these employees manage to build up capital for retirement is anyone's guess. Holiday pay is said to be built into casual rates, but this is a myth. Such workers hardly ever take a day off because they will not get any pay.
People worry more over job security than anything else. Despite all the troubles in the world, Macquarie University found employees experience more anxiety over losing their jobs than any other issue. This affects men more than women. Seventy per cent of men worry compared to 60 per cent of women. Young people suffered most: eighty per cent were concerned.

Being Fat Is Normal
People get fat because it is normal. Our ancestors had to go out and find food so they burnt up a lot of energy. It is modern society that is making us fat. Food is readily available, at arm's reach. Our bodies are preparing for the hard times that would inevitably happen in centuries past.
Being able to put fat on the body was a key to survival. That is why many dieters today are on a see-saw round of weight loss and weight gain. It is due to our hormones. When the body loses reserves hormones tell us to eat more. If you want to be slim you will have to put up with constant hunger. Work at the University of Melbourne has shown that hormone levels are indeed higher after people go on a ten week diet. It remains high up to a year later even though the dieting stopped nine months earlier.
There is hope. New products are coming onto the market that swell up in the stomach thus stopping the craving for food. Whether these are safe is another issue. They do offer money back if there is no weight loss in the first two weeks. Apparently they do work. Time will tell.
Being able to put fat on the body was a key to survival. That is why many dieters today are on a see-saw round of weight loss and weight gain. It is due to our hormones. When the body loses reserves hormones tell us to eat more. If you want to be slim you will have to put up with constant hunger. Work at the University of Melbourne has shown that hormone levels are indeed higher after people go on a ten week diet. It remains high up to a year later even though the dieting stopped nine months earlier.
There is hope. New products are coming onto the market that swell up in the stomach thus stopping the craving for food. Whether these are safe is another issue. They do offer money back if there is no weight loss in the first two weeks. Apparently they do work. Time will tell.

More University Students Studying Online
Soon universities and colleges made of bricks, stone and concrete with be a thing of the past as young and old turn to the Internet to get their degrees. Leading Australian universities are trying to "buck the trend" by not offering online course, but if they don't change their student enrolments will fall. Initially it was mature age students who chose to study online; now more of the young are studying this way as well.
Next year the restriction on the number of places Australian universities can offer will be abolished. The market will open up as institutions will be able to offer as many openings as they want. With no investment in new buildings planned new offering have to be online. Charles Sturt University already has two-thirds of its students studying online with growth at 14 per cent a year.
For many, the only time they will set foot on a university campus will be to receive their degrees. Lecturers will no longer be able to hide their heads in text books. They will have to be up-to-date on journal articles and world happenings and be virtual entertainers because their recorded lectures will have to be interesting to hold student attention. The days of the stuffy, tweed-dressed professor bonded by a guaranteed, safe contract to a university are numbered.
A problem will persist for some time, however. Access to information is tied to academic books and journals only accessible in a physical library. University libraries will have to make these publications available online to registered students. This will mean that all journal article will have to be scanned and stored, and the latest books written by specialists must be available in eBook form.
Next year the restriction on the number of places Australian universities can offer will be abolished. The market will open up as institutions will be able to offer as many openings as they want. With no investment in new buildings planned new offering have to be online. Charles Sturt University already has two-thirds of its students studying online with growth at 14 per cent a year.
For many, the only time they will set foot on a university campus will be to receive their degrees. Lecturers will no longer be able to hide their heads in text books. They will have to be up-to-date on journal articles and world happenings and be virtual entertainers because their recorded lectures will have to be interesting to hold student attention. The days of the stuffy, tweed-dressed professor bonded by a guaranteed, safe contract to a university are numbered.
A problem will persist for some time, however. Access to information is tied to academic books and journals only accessible in a physical library. University libraries will have to make these publications available online to registered students. This will mean that all journal article will have to be scanned and stored, and the latest books written by specialists must be available in eBook form.

New Seahorse and Coral Found in Australian Waters
Two new species have been found in Australia in the Coral Sea near the Barrier Reef. Atolls were explored by a team from the Queensland Museum and the University of Queensland. In the dark depths adjacent to the atolls a new pygmy seahorse and coral were found. They are not really new: they have always been there. The depths were surveyed with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV).
The seahorse, Hippocampus denise, is native to the Coral Sea of the Indo-West Pacific. It was not know to exist in Australian waters. The tiny seahorse usually lives in shallow water not at depths which sunlight does not reach. They may be going deeper to avoid damage to coral from climate change.
In regard to the new coral, Echinomorpha nishihirai, perhaps the larvae are safer in this zone. They could be acting as seeding areas to repopulate shallower zones. La Niña has damaged many of these. Many more new species are expected to be identified in the ongoing research.
The seahorse, Hippocampus denise, is native to the Coral Sea of the Indo-West Pacific. It was not know to exist in Australian waters. The tiny seahorse usually lives in shallow water not at depths which sunlight does not reach. They may be going deeper to avoid damage to coral from climate change.
In regard to the new coral, Echinomorpha nishihirai, perhaps the larvae are safer in this zone. They could be acting as seeding areas to repopulate shallower zones. La Niña has damaged many of these. Many more new species are expected to be identified in the ongoing research.

Echinomorpha nishihirai
Hippocampus denise
People Line Up to Pulverize the Left Brain
It's amazing - show something in a documentary and people want it quick smart. Sorry about the pun. People are having high voltage electricity pumped into the left side of their brain to make them more creative and it is excruciatingly painful.
The theory goes: pulverise the left brain until it no longer functions then the right side takes over and you can draw and paint better. That's just about it. And people are lining up in droves to try it.
It doesn't do a thing for your intelligence and damage to your brain has not been determined yet. Apparently, it not only improved your artistic faculties, you can do sums better as well. But it's creator Allan Snyder of the University of Sydney says it makes you child-like, hardly something you really want.
No, it's probably better if the left side of the brain controls the right side - better for society that is!
The theory goes: pulverise the left brain until it no longer functions then the right side takes over and you can draw and paint better. That's just about it. And people are lining up in droves to try it.
It doesn't do a thing for your intelligence and damage to your brain has not been determined yet. Apparently, it not only improved your artistic faculties, you can do sums better as well. But it's creator Allan Snyder of the University of Sydney says it makes you child-like, hardly something you really want.
No, it's probably better if the left side of the brain controls the right side - better for society that is!

Allan Snyder
Memorization Is Still Useful at University
It has been said that memorizing answers is not good preparation for university. This is based on the premise that much tertiary work is research and evaluation. But what about exams? Semester examinations can contribute from 10 to 50 per cent of a subject, depending on who creates the "set up" of a course.
Lecturers set exams based upon their own knowledge. They can't help themselves. It is like an artist who paints a crowd. On close perusal of the picture you can see many instances of little artists everywhere. In other words painters tend to create images of themselves. University lecturers test students on their own knowledge - they have their own pet areas.
Students can benefit from this. They can take a recording device into lectures. Indeed, many institutions record lectures for students who miss them for unforeseen reasons. It is possible to buy devices that play back speech very fast. They have a tone control to normalize the pitch. Students can play lectures over and over again at their leisure to memorize lecturers' favorite areas of knowledge. You can virtually guarantee this will be tested for in exams.
Just about every subject has a political dimension - economics, political science, sociology, anthropology and historiography. Determine where on the political spectrum a lecturer is positioned. Write assignments that support their view. Then you will get good marks.
Lecturers set exams based upon their own knowledge. They can't help themselves. It is like an artist who paints a crowd. On close perusal of the picture you can see many instances of little artists everywhere. In other words painters tend to create images of themselves. University lecturers test students on their own knowledge - they have their own pet areas.
Students can benefit from this. They can take a recording device into lectures. Indeed, many institutions record lectures for students who miss them for unforeseen reasons. It is possible to buy devices that play back speech very fast. They have a tone control to normalize the pitch. Students can play lectures over and over again at their leisure to memorize lecturers' favorite areas of knowledge. You can virtually guarantee this will be tested for in exams.
Just about every subject has a political dimension - economics, political science, sociology, anthropology and historiography. Determine where on the political spectrum a lecturer is positioned. Write assignments that support their view. Then you will get good marks.
Memories Are Not Real
Childhood memories are figments of your imagination. If you believe that you'll believe anything. Children in the UK were asked to recall memories of things their parents said didn't happen. But how do we know if children were trying to please their parents? Most children live in a dream land anyway. So asking them to recall seeing Santa Claus is just "baiting". And asking them about flying through the air is "hypnotising" for dream recall.
If you broke your leg as child you certainly remember that, and whether the sun was out when it happened. The pain makes it stay in your mind. One thing that really remains is the care one receives from others. You remember things done with grandma because she was always kind and forgiving. Furthermore, really horrible events like being involved in a road accident and then taken to hospital remain as clear as the day they occurred.
We wouldn't have an identity without memories. We are the sum of our experiences. Taking that away from someone is condemning that person to live in the forever "now". Debate is rife about whether learning is anything of value. For example, a day after taking exams most of it is forgotten. But a university degree or any other academic test is something the individual values and society values. Whether you actually remember things taught is quite irrelevant. You have gone down that road and reached the destination. Surely, that is what life is about: having experiences, chronologically, with the past leading to the present and into the future and remembering certain milestones.
If you broke your leg as child you certainly remember that, and whether the sun was out when it happened. The pain makes it stay in your mind. One thing that really remains is the care one receives from others. You remember things done with grandma because she was always kind and forgiving. Furthermore, really horrible events like being involved in a road accident and then taken to hospital remain as clear as the day they occurred.
We wouldn't have an identity without memories. We are the sum of our experiences. Taking that away from someone is condemning that person to live in the forever "now". Debate is rife about whether learning is anything of value. For example, a day after taking exams most of it is forgotten. But a university degree or any other academic test is something the individual values and society values. Whether you actually remember things taught is quite irrelevant. You have gone down that road and reached the destination. Surely, that is what life is about: having experiences, chronologically, with the past leading to the present and into the future and remembering certain milestones.
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