Showing posts with label man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label man. Show all posts

Good Morning Dog

"Get my newspaper Rodney."
 Funny Animal Pictures by Ty Buchanan 
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     Australian Blog                         

The Environment Affects Us and Our Health

The type of environment affects the mood of people. This is not surprising when one considers that Man a creature of his habitat. What the senses perceive shapes the human animal.  As humans responds to what is "Out there", so evolution ensues.

A "noisy" environment, bright colors and loud sounds, stimulates us. Furthermore, it puts us on edge. The body is prepared to take action of some kind. Communication of three bodily systems (nervous, immune and endocrine) work against our wishes to bring this about.

If we want to get away from high stimulation we need to move ourselves to a soothing environment. People know this full well. A quiet snooze in front of the TV after dinner at home is always relaxing. Adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol levels drop.

In an emergency stress gives us two option: flight or fight. If we cannot move away from hostile surroundings, we must put on a brave face and tough it out. Bluff is also part of flight.  However, remaining in an uncomfortable situation for long periods has its costs.

Today employment is structured and we cannot leave to silence out bodies. Stressful chemicals continue to pump through us causing long term damage. This is due to normal repair functions of the body being turned off. Inflammatory immune response is raised which is good only for the short time. It must be noted that 90 per cent of all human disease is related to stress.
Health by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

The Modern Diet is Not Normal for Humans

Some scientists are condemning the "Hunter Gatherer" diet. The academics say that the consumption of carbohydrates that comes mainly from "grass" seeds, namely, wheat is normal for humans. This is absolutely incorrect. People only stopped wandering and took up crop farming ten thousand years ago. We have not had time to genetically adapt. Obesity is definitely caused by a high intake of flour from cereal and abnormal consumption of white sugar, particularly by children.

Look at schoolchildren today. There isn't a skinny one amongst them. The girls have huge thighs and hardly any waist. The mind boggles just thinking about what their body weight will be when they reach their mid thirties. Only the very old today resemble people seen in the old black and white movies. Before the Second World War, people were very skinny. Mind you they did do a lot of manual labor, many working 12 hour days. If you burn a high amount of calories you can eat what you want and not gain weight. However, most today are sedentary.

Remains of early humans show that they did eat a gruel of wild seeds. This evidence only proves that our ancestors ate seeds in the last ten thousand years. There is strong evidence of a meat, berry and tuber diet before this time. There was variation in lifestyle of premodern humans. None of them farmed cereals though. They did keep domesticated animals.

The story of Man has been never ending periods of starvation and misery, with disease being prominent due to ignorance of sanitation. Food has only been plentiful in recent times. It is notable that obesity and malnutrition is spreading through developing countries as they adopt the Western diet. This on its own is a condemnation of the modern diet. We can be sure our ancestors ate a wide range of food, but they did not gorge themselves on white flour.
Science by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Man Pregnant in Australia

A man got pregnant in Australia - laugh, laugh, laugh! But you may be surprised to know that it actually happened, many times. Fifty four men have fallen for a baby since 2013 to be precise.  It is perfectly legal here.

Now, in Australia one can choose which gender can be used on public records. This has been the cause of records showing male births. Patients are people who are born female and continue to keep their reproductive organs while living as a man.

All of the 54 people who have had babies in Australia are transgender, originally being born as a women. One of these was actually 64 years old. The births were covered by medicare. A few did choose to have abortions. Of course some groups have slammed the whole concept as being against nature.
Health by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Think Before You Click

Human beings are like sheep. They follow the nearest "leader". This is an unfortunate truth about Man. If it wasn't for this need to follow we would not have civilization. A human failing has proved to be productive for the species as a whole.

How would we have governments if we did not allow ourselves to be ruled by individuals under the guise of a group. Like faith in money. It is belief that puts value into bits of paper. We believe that the government will honor the amount printed on the note. This is despite that fact that governments no longer back up currency with gold. They do not store gold anymore.

It is like religion. There is no proof about historical events actually happening the way they are set out in ancient literature. However, because most believe in something, we follow.  Usually we are "taught" to accept one thing or another in our childhood.

The Internet has made things worse. People follow the latest thing that arises. Even though such happenings can be utterly foolish. For example, a group of buddies met up in a yogurt shop because a bot told them to.

There are fake profiles out there on Facebook and Twitter. Some people are mischievous and even straight our mean. They will do anything to lead others into a cul-de-sac. Even clicking a link can be dangerous. This should be noted before you click on a link suggested by someone else.
Technology by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Australia Should Develop a Bionic Brain - Nonesense!

One of the most difficult things to do is to develop a computer brain that operates like a human brain. Intelligence that evolved by nature is very complex. A computer "thinks" linearly with one activity followed by another. The human brain works outward from a central point, spreading out to different areas depending on the particular task.

To say that Australia should concentrate on making the world's first bionic brain is a leap too far. Saying that $250m over ten years will get the job done is way off the mark. There are many scientists already working with much more money than that and they haven't achieved much.

Pioneering the healthbionic ear and eye is kid stuff compared to replicating the brain. Using nerve activity to make artificial limbs move is also far from understanding human intelligence. Even after all these years measuring intelligence is beyond us. The IQ test only gives a score for rating cultural knowledge. It is misused by so many people.

We need to start at the real beginning and understand genetics first. Genes build the brain. Consciousness is another thing. Is it the outcome of the overall activity of the brain or is it something separate, like a soul? Saying humans are the only animal to have a soul is nonsense. When you get to Heaven expect to find some Neanderthal there!
Science by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Men are Scared of Women Taking Their Assets

How did the Western world get into the situation where the female in a broken relationship gets, well, just about everything that the male has accumulated? When a relationship ends the man's life is ruined. Not only has he got to pay for the keep of his children, with access to them being blocked in many cases, but he has to keep the female ex-partner until she decides to actually marry another man.

A young man in his late twenties discussed his situation with me the other day. He was left a house by his father who died suddenly at quite a young age. The man married three years ago and has a child. His wife left him and arranged a divorce. She claimed legal aid. He tried to get it but it was refused. The divorce has just been finalized. His ex-wife got the house, a house to which she did not contribute. He had to find rental accommodation which he thought was to be short term. Now it is permanent. He is faced with the rental burden for the rest of his life. After he pays for the upkeep of his child and his ex-wife he has hardly anything left.

It is no wonder men of all ages are running scared. They will take a woman out for a meal and a drink, even carry on a relationship. However, when the word marriage is mentioned they are straight out the door, in the car and gone. A single man will stay overnight at a female's home. However, he will only allow her in his home during the day, especially if he owns it. He knows that after a year of living in his house she can claim that they were living as man and wife and get the house.

Modern women are becoming "paranoid" about getting a man. They are becoming desperate: "I go out with so many eligible men", they say,"and none of the men will make a commitment". The reason they won't commit is that they are thinking of their pockets and how they will be emptied.
Society by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Australpithecus sediba Is Not an Ancestor of Man

The Announcement that skeletons found in South Africa belong to a new species of Man is premature.  They were found in a cave near Johannesburg. The "new species" was named Australopithecus sediba. It was claimed to be the "rosetta stone" into the past. They were also the most complete skeletons ever discovered. The creatures walked upright, had long arms and powerful hands. Unfortunately, they were small brained.

Paleoanthropologists not involved in the find say the name chosen is just a "wastebasket" category. They are not ancestors of Man. Furthermore, some animals in the species could have had larger or smaller brains. It could still be transitional in evolution to Man, but very distant.

It may fit into Homo. Perhaps it is a sister species to Homo habilis. The brain size of Australopithecus sediba is the same as Homo floresiensis, the Hobbit, of Indonesia. The features in sediba are similar to those in other Homo species. Paleoanthropologists put very early finds in Homo. Sediba is not so unique as to have a lineage of its own. Indeed, Australopithecus africanus is older than sediba and africanus does have unique lineage. Sediba is too primitive to be a direct ancestor of Man. Older Homo species have features more like Man than sediba.
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     Australian Blog                         
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Spread of Malaria to Man from Other Apes - Just Theory

Gorillas caused it. Scientists say mosquitoes split into a new form capable of infecting humans when Man and chimpanzees had a common ancestor. This is a myth. It is not based on fact. Bonobos have also been singled out for blame despite no parasites being found in bonobos or western gorillas, though some parasites were found in chimpanzees and eastern gorillas.

Before conclusions can be drawn on such research evidence of this mystery ancestor must be found first. This is all hearsay. How can present day apes be responsible for current malaria infection. Gorillas are only found in very small parts of Africa, not all around the world.

This wreaks of leaps of faith not science. It is no better than religious beliefs based on prophets who probably never existed. It is scientific fact that evil spirits do not cause disease, yet millions of people believe that a man, Jesus, cured illness by casting out spirits.  Note, everyone is entitled to follow a religion.
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Australian Blog                         

New Finds of Early Humans Do Not Change the Basic Theory

Darwin got it right. Well actually he may not have. Fossils of early humans do not alter basic scientific thought in relation to evolution, Finds do not show a linear development toward advanced Man. Evolution though does tend to predict what new discoveries show. Claims that a particular fossil find is a breakthrough are just not true.

New dinosaur fossils, however, tend to be groundbreaking with regular identification of new type of dinosaurs. Indeed, they seem to have roamed on every continent. The whole book on dinosaur evolution has not yet been written. Time will tell how clear an understanding of it we can get.  It seems evolution of dinosaurs is clearer than that of humans.

New research teams need to be formed to go to all parts of the world and seek answers to evolution of mammals and reptiles, if indeed dinosaurs were reptiles. Some specialists today even question this view.
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Australian Blog                         

Man Can Survive a Major Disaster

If there is a major world disaster will Mankind survive? In the past our forebears got through environmental difficulties, so there is no reason to believe that this will not continue to happen. As technology becomes increasingly specialized, things we take for granted will be lost. Humanity will take a few steps back or fall right back into a survival-type culture.

The skill to print could end. Story telling could return as a way to pass on culture. Man has always been inquisitive about what lies over the horizon. Experimentation will still be the key to survival. In a major disaster only those species that can adapt will live through it.

Neanderthals were not smart enough to survive. This is despite their brains being larger than humans. The brains of Man obviously operated differently. This could have been the power of imagination. Neanderthals learned more by direct copying of behavior. Humans can deduce answers from information.

Another important factor is present in humans. We have the ability to live in close proximity to each other. Living in cities is a feature of Man. Neanderthals only existed in small groups. They could not "pool" knowledge and make it available to everyone. We develop and control our environment. Neanderthals did not.
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Australian Blog                         

Hello Tiger

"Hi Bill!. How are you doing mate?"
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Funny Animal Photos

Humans Did Not Kill Off Megafauna

During the Middle-Late Pleistocene, one million to 10,000 years ago, more than 50 species of animal disappeared, the last to do so 46.4 thousand years from the present. The reason for the demise of the giant creatures is hotly debated. Some scientists claim that the spread of Man across the globe was the cause. This is suspect, however, because there were so few of them. Killing the odd animal would not have made a significant impact.

Many believe that the end date for megafauna is incorrect. As stated above, the theory that humans killed them off by definition means that people and animals lived side-by-side for a considerable time. Evidence in Australia certainly points to this - 13 species of large animals were here on human arrival. Moreover, the people mainly relied on subsistence strategies for food. Their weapons were not very efficient. A boomerang is highly inaccurate and the range of a spear is limited.

Megafauna died out over a long period of time, not all at a specific date. Species lingered on in many regions. Just assuming that humans killed them is a mistake and diverts from the discovery of why the large animals became extinct. This was a time of extremes in climate. Perhaps a series of wild swings in climate gradually reduced their number to the tipping point where reproduction did not take place.
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