Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts

Hospital system Ignores the Frail Elderly

Plants destroyed in australia
| When an aged person goes to a public hospital the real trouble begins: they do not get necessary treatment. Beds are only for the young. || insurance health patients residential demands national carers pensioner nursing attitudes food conspiracy aged
|| system hospital screen system words ignores lettering frail page elderly to hospital internet system computer ignores to type on hospital data frail system figure ignores keys elderly text frail in hospital letters ignores keyboard elderly paragraph system create hospital colors ignores code software elderly eh hospital color system or frail up || aged conspiracy food attitudes in nursing pensioner carers on national demands residential patients health insurance || aged union place short big schools private list university health universities bizarre biggest companies global sinkholes space london theories conspiracy history comedy passed stars insults woody food good australia stop published leaders involving commission month common issue examples overlooked warned making sign paul quality shadow attitudes nursing college executive chief setting personal convention pensioner national carers speak demands spoken extreme signed year residential country pensioners patients nov rights insurance feb politicians workers prevent skip ||
skip prevent workers politicians feb insurance rights nov patients pensioners country residential year signed extreme spoken demands speak carers national pensioner convention personal setting chief executive college nursing attitudes shadow quality paul sign making warned overlooked examples issue common month commission involving leaders published stop australia good food woody insults stars passed comedy history conspiracy theories london space sinkholes global companies biggest bizarre universities health university list private schools big short place union aged ||
Elderly patient

Polluted Air Should be Monitored

Biology: monitoring of levels of polluted in the air is needed.
Want to lose weight? Just stop breathing. It is as easy as that. Pregnant rats in China got fat because they breathed in polluted air.  People face the same problem.  Babies being born fatter may be desired.  However, it could indicate a lifetime of illness for those living in polluted regions.

The rat's cholesterol went through the roof. They also became insulin resistant with diabetes just a short way down the track. Livers and lungs were inflamed. The longer they breathed the bad air, the fatter they got. Baby rats from the pregnant females were much sicker.
Polluted air in Chinese city
Inflammation per se is directly related to obesity which is a precursor to diabetes, or even synonymous with it. Cancer, stroke and heart attacks are related to bad air. Poor health from polluted air is not just a Chinese problem. Western countries do not monitor bad air very intensely. A case in point is Brisbane in Australia where it is measured at three sites well away from the city centre.

Pressure is mounting to set up a federally funded monitoring system so people can keep their stay in polluted areas to a minimum. Factories continue to ignore guidelines at their whim. Australia did have enforced regulations in the 1990s,
but monitoring was stopped.
 Biology by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
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Euthanasia and Dying at Home Should be on the Agenda

Euthanasia should be legal. When you are ill and feel that your life is no longer worth living, you should be given access to drugs that can be self-administered. It is of no help to society or anyone for that matter to continue painful existence.

Even when doctors know you are dying, in Australia you are not taken home to die. Eighty six per cent of Australians die outside of their home. This is despite 70 per cent of people wanting to die at home. There is high demand for medical facilities. Nonetheless, the critically ill are kept in hospitals and residential care against their wishes.

More home care is made available in other Western countries to look after dying people at home. Why is this not done in Australia? At present more die at an old age. This state of affairs could change as the young adopt poor lifestyles and medical treatment becomes more privatised.

Making wishes known will not alter the state of affairs, because the key to improving matters lies with government. Government policy driven by uncaring third parties is at fault. A social structure supportive of choosing how one dies is needed.
Health by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey are misguided in believing they can hide the jobless. Taking all income away from unemployed youth will only increase poverty and crime. Taking careers' income away and forcing them onto the dole queue will only ruin their lives and the lives of people they care for.

The elderly who need full-time care will only head for "old peoples' homes", particularly if they do not own a house that the government can hock to pay the fees. To say they are not hitting those who cannot hit back is definitely not true. These elderly sick people are defenceless.

Australian youth are in fact losing jobs. The proportion with work has fallen to its lowest rate for twenty years. Cutting penalty rates and wages generally will only drive the young into poverty. Having enough to buy food and nothing left for accommodation is a recipe for social disaster. Do you think for one moment that they will not take what they don't have. Watch the numbers rise for those living for free in empty houses owned by others.

If they want to study, the young will go into massive debt even before they start their working lives. Paying HECS for trade coursed is stupid. Next to laboring, trade jobs are the lowest paid. They certainly will not be able to save for a house deposit while paying off debt.

Where is the money coming from to move to a place that supposedly has work - as if these places exist. It costs money to move to a new city and the government is offering nothing. They know that the young cannot move so they will lose their unemployment benefit. No human being can live on nothing.
Politics by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Pensioners Will Be Denied Income

Pensioners have gray hair. They are also entering a gray area, politically, socially and economically. Most people reaching pension age have never paid superannuation and others have only been paying it for a few years of their working lives. The amount saved by super is certainly not enough to live on. This group relies on the government to provide them with an income.

Calls are coming from all sides for an increase in the pension to a "livable" level. Basic costs like council rates, rents, electricity, gas, water and sewerage have gone through the roof in the last decade. There is no solid reason why this should be so. Electricity companies keep saying the old infrastructure has to be renewed. Surveys show they have actually over-spent, pushing the cost onto consumers.

Giving those who could afford solar power a massive discount for feeding electricity back into the grid is appalling political decision making. Pensioners could not afford solar. They are subsidizing the wealthy.

We are entering a tough period for older Australians. As time passes retiring workers will have full superannuation cover. What happens about those already on the government pension? When Paul Keating introduced compulsory superannuation it was with the intention of phasing out state funded pensions. Both sides of politics are pushing toward this. They are not planning to increase the pension by the needed $4,000 a year.
In the past the wandering tramp was common and this wasn't only during the depression. Nearly all of these were elderly. They could not afford to put a roof over their heads. Within a decade, such a social class will return. This time though they will join the homeless young who exist on unemployment benefit that it much lower than the pension.
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Society by Ty Buchanan
     Australian Blog                         

Sick Dog

"I'm sick, but I gotta keep my website up to date"
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Funny Animal Photos

More Support for Euthanasia

Hopes rise for the right to die as the world population ages. Opponents, generally based on a fixed belief system about the afterlife, fight on to stop it. Despite greater tolerance in Western countries toward religious belief, strongly religious people continue to force their views on others. Everyone is entitled to follow some form of religion, established or otherwise. The right to choose when and how to die, as well as abortion will always be areas of contention.

As the proportion of elderly people in the world population increases, a point will be reached where there will not be sufficient resources to look after them. Euthanasia will then be seen as a potential option. In the bible it is said: "Though shalt not kill". Nowhere does it say: "Though shalt not take one's own life". The problem should not be fought on religious grounds.

The new French President has said he supports euthanasia "under strict conditions". Politicians in other countries are waiting for one 'mainstream' government to bring it into law. Then the floodgate will open. Germany will probably follow France. With half of all medical costs being spent on the last six months of life, clearly some change has to be made. More and more people are flying into Switzerland to end their lives in a way that they chose, with little impact on others. Even close relatives are in favor of it because it reduces suffering.
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More Disabled People Suffer Other Illnesses

Disabled people have poor health generally. A report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare have made this "Discovery". It is only common sense really. Living with a permanent disability has to be tough and a drain on the body's resources. The stress of living makes these people dependent on cigarettes and food, so they tend to be overweight.

On a scale of health, the greater the disability the worse the general health. Living with constant pain is a problem 40 per cent of them face. Only four per cent of other Australians suffer constant pain.

Having a disability is not the only problem. Nearly 70 per cent of the group have up to four other chronic health conditions such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, asthma, diabetes, mental illness and arthritis. Ninety nine per cent knew they were ill compared to 31 percent of the rest of the population who said they were in poor health.

The Government crackdown on disabled people under 36 who have to work at least part time appears to be misplaced.
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