Elderly have to agree to a review being done on their home before they can get into an aged facility. ⁍ assessment aged retirement form home ⁌ ● elderly computer must to asset numbers test it care we elderly figure must keys asset text test in care of elderly make must colors asset code test software care to elderly or must in asset by test on care ● ⧫ form aged complete retirement residential accommodation assessment apply properties ⧫ ⏏ apply properties aged residential form complete retirement assessment accommodation ⏏ ⦿ aged home income assets nursing assessment read 101 file homes pay need costs complete password login retirement services financial living agedcare 101 forum receive website operators residential accommodation time combined department form email user applications submit address nsw contact donaldson maroubra apply estimator fee human government create notifications news forgot click client information subscribe discussion video days house foord dudley golder kate calculate assessed fees question wait good weeks moved results completed circumstances search check participate vacancy opt-in bulk properties shortlist allowed username e-mail instructions top media village policy privacy listing disclaimer advertise community newsletter perspectives topics open sisters questions list cost waitress saved bath woman kill talk dying articles featured assistance suites junction road environment court paling chris move options main next valid acat significantly find idea remember letter affinity director calling date based change eligible system moving agreements finances working set-up informed definitions ⦿ ∎ notifications contact combined assessed set-up human woman address circumstances news user community instructions website remember submit receive donaldson foord 101 file sisters assistance aged search estimator operators completed create good perspectives video idea cost open court list eligible forgot residential e-mail vacancy bulk acat based assessment results complete talk paling dying subscribe topics apply main time password information environment maroubra village username policy days next finances bath find client suites email road affinity services nsw waitress shortlist junction informed listing director articles kill definitions questions accommodation fee check house assets need weeks applications privacy pay advertise disclaimer working living question kate newsletter forum allowed moved fees costs calculate agreements properties valid chris move system login featured government income nursing change moving retirement click letter significantly participate agedcare 101 top golder date form media discussion saved dudley department options financial calling homes wait opt-in read ∎
Showing posts with label pensioners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pensioners. Show all posts
Elderly Must Do Asset Test for Care
forms state
Millennials are Strange Creatures to Elderly People
Millennials seem to be difficult to understand for seniors. They are too politically correct. ● millennials computer strange to creatures numbers elderly it people we millennials figure strange keys creatures text elderly in people of millennials create strange colors creatures code elderly software people to millennials or strange in creatures by elderly on people ● ⧫ single gigs stereotypes citizens carefree values trends parents happiness millennial meaning young older ⧫ ⏏ older young meaning millennial happiness parents up trends no values or carefree citizens stereotypes gigs single ⏏ ⦿ workers older work jobs money young important economy meaning percent part-time restaurants decade happiness millennial parents trends values carefree citizens senior rise kolko labor fact stereotypes highest feel commission shift gigs company single income working uber arrangements alternative years workforce age gig aging america’s prefer ⦿ ∎ prefer america’s aging gig age workforce years alternative arrangements uber working income single company gigs shift commission feel highest stereotypes fact labor kolko rise senior citizens carefree values trends parents millennial happiness decade restaurants part-time percent meaning economy important young money jobs work correct workers politically correct to politically ∎
Drug Subsidies Taken Away From Pensionsers
The Australian government is in Goo Goo land with its health service. Cutting funds while spending on the odd "party belief" thing seems to be the order of the day. It is taking tens of billions out, then spending a billion on a stupid, fruitless idea.
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Don't I love it when I make you stupid old foggies pay? Ah, ah, ah! |
It says it will end hepatitis C in Australia by spending on specific target drugs - over five years! Nothing is eradicated in just five years. It takes decades to half a century to stop a prevalent disease, and it will still come back occasionally.
The government is following a policy of robbing Peter to pay Paul by subsidizing high end expensive drugs while taking many basics off the PBS scheme that pensioners rely on. Members of this government simply don't care as long their misguided belief that the market will solve all is promulgated when they lash out here and there with unfathomable foot in mouth decisions.
◆ Politics by Ty Buchanan ◆
Australian Blog
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#health #politics #money #budget #subsidies #drugs #basic #drugs #medications
#health #politics #money #budget #subsidies #drugs #basic #drugs #medications
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australian blog
Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey are misguided in believing they can hide the jobless. Taking all income away from unemployed youth will only increase poverty and crime. Taking careers' income away and forcing them onto the dole queue will only ruin their lives and the lives of people they care for.
The elderly who need full-time care will only head for "old peoples' homes", particularly if they do not own a house that the government can hock to pay the fees. To say they are not hitting those who cannot hit back is definitely not true. These elderly sick people are defenceless.
Australian youth are in fact losing jobs. The proportion with work has fallen to its lowest rate for twenty years. Cutting penalty rates and wages generally will only drive the young into poverty. Having enough to buy food and nothing left for accommodation is a recipe for social disaster. Do you think for one moment that they will not take what they don't have. Watch the numbers rise for those living for free in empty houses owned by others.
If they want to study, the young will go into massive debt even before they start their working lives. Paying HECS for trade coursed is stupid. Next to laboring, trade jobs are the lowest paid. They certainly will not be able to save for a house deposit while paying off debt.
Where is the money coming from to move to a place that supposedly has work - as if these places exist. It costs money to move to a new city and the government is offering nothing. They know that the young cannot move so they will lose their unemployment benefit. No human being can live on nothing.
Politics by Ty Buchanan
Part-Time and Full-Time Employment Means Fewer Babies
It is not work in general that is causing a decline in women giving birth at a young age. It is specifically temporary jobs that are responsible. In Australia part-time and casual employment has boomed over the last decade as employers see it as a way to keep costs down. Many work extra hours for no money at all, afraid of losing their jobs.
Women working full time can afford to pay for child care, or at least for critical periods when they are working. Such career women are having children before they reach the age of 35 years. There is a myth out there that it is these career women who are starting families at an older age. Oddly the effects of not working full time changes the behavior of women in the high socieconomic group as well. They may be able to afford childcare from a financial "nest egg", but it is the state of mind about not working enough and not having sufficient income for a family.
Financial security in regard to income is essential for women to even consider having children. Careers are not that important to women. This goes against all of the prevailing stereotypes. The number of years spent in part-time work had a strong impact. A year of part-time employment reduced the probability of having a baby by 35 years by 8 per cent. Five years in such work increased the rate to more than a third.
Another myth is that university graduates go straight into full-time employment. Over 60 per cent of these began working in a job with reduced hours. Therefore, high and low-skilled women suffered the same job market problem.
All economies are moving to less-secure employment to reduce production costs. This means that as the decades go by the world population will fall, confounding all predictions. Furthermore, the population in most countries will have a larger proportion of elderly people. Some of these will have to work to survive. Providing old age pensions will become too costly.
Economics by Ty Buchanan
Elderly Drivers Singled Out
There isn't much doubt that there is discrimination against older members of society. This is confirmed by comments from young people that it is unfair that the elderly usually fully own their own homes. If the young had their way property would be forcibly taken from seniors. It is forgotten however that the elderly took a lifetime to buy their homes.
Another issue is the overreaction to car accidents involving senior drivers. A five year inquiry is going on at present to set a test for doctors to apply to the elderly who want to continue to drive. This is despite the fact that younger drivers have far more car accidents than older people.
Young drivers are more dangerous on the following factors:
1) Poor Hazard Detection;
2) Low Risk Perception;
3) Higher Risk Taking;
4) Not Wearing Seat Belts;
5) Lack of Skill;
6) Taking Alcohol and Drugs;
7) More Crashes When Carrying Passengers; and
8) Accidents After 9:00 pm.
Let's wish the Monash University inquiry good luck in its research. When the test is finalized it can be extended to cover young people as well. This is only fair. Elderly people can always go to state anti-discrimination boards and make this happen.
Pensioners Hoarding Is a Witch Hunt
I live and spend money in Australia. Rarely do I get a $100 note in change. Indeed, the economy seems to be flooded with $50 bills. Most people carry a wallet full of them. Despite being completely ruined if folded (they keep the crease for ever), the government keeps destroying the old and releasing new $50 notes.
Now, for someone like a former Reserve Bank official to make the absurd claim that pensioners are hoarding their savings in $100 bills in order to keep their pensions, really takes the cake. What fox hole does he live in? It is just as easy to hoard in fifties as it is in one hundreds, particularly when they come brand spanking new from ATM machines.
Peter Mair is so sure he is right that he is writing to Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens. He wants pensioner discounted car registrations, council rates and discount phone rentals stopped forthwith. Ask for a pensioner discount on your telephone line rental and you'll get a belly laugh back. It just does not happen. You can put down you have broadband, but Social Security wants to see a copy of the actual account before you to get a few dollars extra from them.
Make it harder to hoard, Mr Mair says. Print dollar bills again and don't circulate large denomination notes. The result would be people pushing wheel barrow loads of cash around to do their weekly shopping. It would take a bold Australian government to adopt the "cashless" society system of Singapore. Though Australians use cards for most transactions many still like the idea of cash in their pockets. Peter Mair thinks the feel of cash can be met by leaving metal coins in circulation. If he would just look around the shops he would find people at checkouts trying to dump the heavy pocket loads of valueless coins for notes.

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