Lithium (and cobalt/graphite/nickel/manganese) cells supplanted lead acid as the principal battery science basically on the grounds that lithium has the lightest weight, most voltage, and most prominent vitality thickness of all metals. Its relative shortage and recent rise in price has manufactures looking for other options. -- it cobalt or graphite and nickel to manganese if -- 0 technology batteries protons electrode minerals holes solid-state funding carbon cell 0 ! march technology metals investor market uranium gold intel clean tech news lara energy base silver analysis smith chemistry clausi peter batteries continue email sectors editors members gas oil healthcare biotech mmj agribusiness drill video dominate review february trending results lake section vanadium comment weslosky tracy editor demonstrated decades technologies solid protons electrode events videos reserved rights corp copyright disclaimer contact team nob company core update minerals holes strong grade ‘bonanza’ hitting resources gta mining glasier george century 20th beginning discovered interest chalmers mark working solid-state analyst gold’s red west notify address reply future long supply john change constant bubble successfully chemistries applications suited manufacturers university state funding leading expect water carbon lead power cell fuel reversible mackowski steve spencer richard phd izatt reed craze matt duchesne luc wareham jeff gerden eugene flint ian bovaird birks nixon adrian ! + tie lithium say battery he superseded let proton gov by sub flow of type on + $ aye lithium stay battery was superseded hi proton not by zap flow pad type at | | $ % of lithium run battery hi superseded ho proton ha by in flow on type or % ~ do lithium play battery yet superseded to proton as by so flow do type up | | ~ = adrian nixon birks bovaird ian flint eugene gerden jeff wareham luc duchesne matt craze reed izatt phd richard spencer steve mackowski reversible fuel cell power lead carbon water expect leading funding state university manufacturers suited applications chemistries successfully bubble constant change john supply long future reply address notify west red gold’s analyst solid-state working mark chalmers interest discovered beginning 20th century george glasier mining gta resources hitting ‘bonanza’ grade strong holes minerals update core company nob team contact disclaimer copyright corp rights reserved search videos events electrode protons solid technologies decades demonstrated editor tracy weslosky comment vanadium section lake results trending february review dominate video drill agribusiness mmj biotech healthcare oil gas members editors sectors email continue batteries peter clausi chemistry smith analysis silver base energy lara news tech clean intel gold uranium market investor metals technology march = || research, government,scientists, laboratory, investment, funds, time, ahead,.education, chemists, |
Showing posts with label government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label government. Show all posts
Lithium Battery Will be Superseded by the Proton Flow Type
Australia Has Too Many Engineers
Australia does not need engineers from other countries.
The Australian Federal Government is devious in its behaviour to secure cheap engineering workers from overseas for businesses. Shaping the labour market in line with right wing beliefs on the freedom of movement of lower paid employees is normal for the conservative party misnamed the Liberal Party. The mistaken premise of wealth trickling down from the wealthy is also pushed by them.
Despite many Australian engineers being unemployed the government is seeking 22 engineers from other countries. This is absolutely stupid and is political bias by the conservatives. However, once in Australia after spending their savings to set up a new life they have to go into the oversupplied labour pool. Put succinctly, they will have to be on welfare payments.
The Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, a dimwit at best, has ignored protests from engineering bodies to take engineers off the Skilled Occupation List. The mining boom is over which has created low market demand for engineers. Some new engineers brought in from other countries cannot even speak English.
◆ Engineering by Ty Buchanan ◆
oversupply, engineers, Skilled Occupation List, Skilled, Occupation, List, federal, government, lp, liberal, party, politics, right, wing
Skilled Occupation List
Tariff Protection Will Return - Globalization Has Failed!
More jobs for the US economy.
Globalization has failed. Countries are distinct cultures. Working life may be the same, but the values people live by are much different, particularly in regards to religion. Jobs have been lost in developed countries as so called developing countries keep labor costs down by manipulating their currencies and not giving their workers social welfare support.
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Americans want jobs |
A case in point is Australia's compulsory superannuation. This was a silly idea to begin with as companies went to the wall and workers lost all their super. This is a cost burden on wage costs. Employees must live now, so wages rose to leave enough current spending after paying in superannuation. This is seldom mentioned by economists let alone governments. Developing countries do not have this cost burden.
No wonder Donald Trump is supported by a large slice of the American population. He promises to put up trade barriers to create jobs at home. His revolutionary tax cuts would see the US plunged into a state much like developing countries, where people would have to pay the full cost of medical treatment. While health care is held to be mainly privately funded it receives more cash help from the government per head of population than "free" systems such as the UK and Australia.
Because of lower tax revenue, funding for schools would also be reduced. Trump's system would obviously favor the already wealthy who choose to pay private anyway. However, the ordinary person wants work. Missing out on social benefits is an afterthought.
◆ Economics by Ty Buchanan ◆
globalization, world, economics, politicians, government, trade barriers, US, americans, workers, employees, superannuation, health, schools articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting unique technology free news sex
trade barriers
Australian Politics is Skewed to the Right - The Poor Vote for Them!
Politics: Malcolm Turnbull favors is own class.
Malcom Turnbull is hitting at the lower working class and the poor - blaming them for their situation. Though Australia appears to be a relatively "level" society, this is not the case. There is the same inequality here as in other Western countries.
Increasing the cost of university places hits poor families. His children have been spoon-fed from the honey jar all their lives. The Prime Minister does not know what poverty is. The arrogance of the man when he says the states will pay the full cost of public schools while the federal government will subsidize private schools. It is obvious who he really cares about - the well-off.
Increasing job finding training for the long-term unemployed is treating the effect not the cause. Unless the unemployed get better work skills they will remain on the dole. This is not their fault. Where are the poor going to get the money to pay for TAFE training now the government is charging for it? There is a shortage of skilled workers. There is always a glut of unskilled people looking for jobs. They chase the few vacant places in the fixed market.
Giving tax cuts to high earners was a real "kick in the guts" for the poor. It astounds me how the Australian public can vote a right-wing party into government when it does nothing for them. Tony Abbott would fit nicely into the British Conservative Party. He is an out and out Tory! He is not even a true Australian - born in London.
◆ Politics by Ty Buchanan ◆
Australian Blog
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australian blog
Whistle Blower Accuses Telstra of Deceit
Technology: Telstra is being dishonest and is treating Australian consumers like fools.
Telstra is doing something that the federal government did not foresee. The telco is only using half of the nation's copper wiring originally laid a century ago. In Australia there are two pairs of telephone wires in the cable laid to each house. This was to enable each house to have two telephone connections. The system worked well with ADSL: each phone could have its separate modem and ADSL service. With the NBN this has all changed.
When the NBN began its roll out it allowed Telstra to set the rules. Telstra chose the rule: ONE PROPERTY ONE NBN CONNECTION. This is fine if you have a detached house. However, if you have a granny flat that has its own phone because the main telephone line has been split at the box on the house, one line will be scrapped and will no longer be used. It will lay dead in the ground forever due to Telstra's policy. Furthermore, if you rent out part of your house, you and your tenant/s will have to share one NBN Internet connection and phone. You can only get a new line laid to the rented section if it is has its own address recognized by your council. The council will of course not allow this because you must have a legitimate entrance for a car approved by council.
Telstra should have been forced by the federal government to use the copper resource. The two positive and two negative wires should be connected together at the node and again where it goes into the home. Twice as much copper would result in a faster NBN network nationwide. Speed and customer satisfaction are the prime objectives for NBNCo, Telstra, the federal government and Australian citizens! The ONE LINE IN policy does not fulfill either of these priorities.
If you have two ADSL connections and phones split from the main cable into your house, do not change to the NBN. You will lose a valuable system that has been available to Australians for over a century. There is no law that forces you to change to the NBN. Stay connected to the ADSL forever and mess up Telstra/Bigpond's plans and operational efficiency. After all, they are trying to improve their operating efficiency by the ludicrous ONE PROPERTY ONE NBN CONNECTION policy. Don't worry about the ADSL speed. New technology is about to be introduced that will raise ADSL to 50mbps. That is faster than Australia's NBN which is below 20mbps in regions outside of major coastal cities. Canberra will get fast NBN, of course, as it is a special inland case - politicians live there.
There is also another issue - Telstra is lying to us. When you phone the telco and ask about the node, you are given an answer that is an absolute lie. You will be told that nodes, where fiber ends, will be situated where each road and street begins. In fact, nodes will be located in the center of regional towns with copper stretching as far as six kilometers away. This will result in very slow Internet speeds. Australians in rural Australia will get speeds of about 10 mbps. Many are already getting 6 mbps on ADSL.
◆ Technology by Ty Buchanan ◆
Australian Blog
telstra, australians, federal, government, nbn, adsl, node, fibre, house, telephone, line, split, modem, connection articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology adventure australia blog australian blog free news sex
australian blog
Guaranteed Minimum Income is Fairyland Stuff
Many in Australia are calling for a guaranteed minimum wage whether a person earns it or not. If a low paid job for say 30 hours a week is below this minimum then the state will top it up. This sounds fair at first instance, but there is the problem of government income to pay for this and the world economic environment that thrives on low wages.
If every country in the world did it, the system would be viable. Unfortunately, humans are greed driven. We are nice to each other. This in only to a degree, however. Man is torn between egalitarianism and competition. The Star Trek world where only those who want to work abandon their sloth and actually go to work is far off in the future.
When I was young the dole was quite high. It was meant for times between jobs to maintain family income. Indeed, in England those who paid more tax got a higher rate of unemployment. This was definitely not egalitarian. The Australian benefit has fallen way behind the cost of living - the lowest in the OECD. It is only food money now. Forget putting a roof over you're head. It can't be done, unless you are female with eight dependent children.
The question has also been made about voting rights. If you have no abode you do not have the right to receive unemployment benefits nor can you vote in elections. The marginalized get more marginalized.
Paul Keating, ironically a Labor politician, brought in compulsory superannuation with the aim of virtually eliminating the old age pension. This concept has gone by the board now with a series of conservative governments messing around with the rules to reduce accumulation of capital for retirement. The idea of allowing drawing of superannuation to purchase houses was an idea to 'feel the waters". It was quietly dumped.
There has always been a pool of very poor people to fuel economic growth. They are essentially needed for manual or repetitive tasks to generate income for the already rich. The poor do drive the world economy even today. If this pool did not exist, consumers would have to pay a higher price for goods. It would make for a better world to live in.
◆ Sociology by Ty Buchanan ◆
Australian Blog
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#poor #low #income #pay #money #australia #minimum #wage #guaranteed
#poor #low #income #pay #money #australia #minimum #wage #guaranteed
equal pay for all everyone dole unemployment benefits income old age pension superannuation articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology free news sex
australian blog
Queenslanders Mock New South Wales Number Plates
Car owners in New South Wales can now purchase number plates with unique Australiana views in the background of the numbers. Of course, the views are limited to four. This defeats the object. People want to personalize their plates not have the same view as many others.
Australians do identify with the particular state they live in. They are extremely parochial about it. Whether they will accept plates that signify nationalism is questionable. A person from NSWs visiting Queensland could be open to ridicule.
It is a money making gesture not a "good feel" program put out by the state government. For a background view and a personalized number the price starts at $427. And you have to pay $102 every year from then on to keep it. If you have money to spare, then go ahead and get one. Not me. I can see it for what it is.
◆ Australiana by Ty Buchanan ◆
Australian Blog
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#number #plates #car #vehicle #nsw #state #government
#number #plates #car #vehicle #nsw #state #government
new south wales nsw number plates with australiana background views state government nsw money making exercise number plates australian views scenes background personalized articles news politics economics society anthropology historiography history sociology people nations country asia europe africa u.s. south america central Mediterranean eastern western interesting funny technology free news
australian blog
Bullet Train for Australia - Not Yet!
Australia has always wanted a high speed train. The problem is there are great distances to travel and a complete rebuild of tracks will have to be done. Like roads in Australia there is not the money to put down a decent foundation for them like they do in Europe where people live close together.
If it was to be done the first location would be from Melbourne to Sydney. That is where most choose to travel for vacation and business. Governments of both political persuasions have set up inquiries then rejected the findings in the past.
Some are saying that with the economic downturn investment in a bullet train would create jobs. The real problem is who is going to pay for it?' Victoria and NSW say that the federal government should pay. A joint investment program will be needed, however.
Australian Government Pushes Kangaroo Sales in California
The Australian government is interfering in the democratic process of California. Currently, the state has laws that allow the import and sale of kangaroo products. Conservation lobbyists say international law protects all endangered species. There is one major problem with this stance: kangaroos are not endangered. Indeed, they are pests like rabbits and camels.
The law in California expires in January. Assemblyman Mike Gipson intends to extend it and add a clause allowing the sale of parts for shoes and soccer balls. Funds nave been allocated by the Australian government to the Kangaroo Industries Association of Australia which pays for a California lobbyists company to keep trade open.
Ethically, being a private body, the Industries Association of Australia should not accept government funding while lobbying to gain economic benefit. However, their claim that a cull is needed on Kangaroos is correct. If you want to know the real situation about kangaroos ask an Australian farmer. He/she will tell you that profits disappear every year due to pest kangaroos.
It is a pity that the current Australian government does support its pro business views by proactively engaging in questionable behavior. The business sector is capable of being effective on its own behalf without government support even verbally or financially.
◆ Politics y Ty Buchanan ◆
Speed of Light Broadband for Australia
Netflix came to Australia and within a few months the entertainment landscape changed. All of the major free-to-air televisions stations now offer movie and program downloads at an exceedingly low monthly rate. Foxtel reduced the prices of some of its packages by 60 per cent. The Internet market per se is about to be hit as well.
MyRepublic is coming to Australia. It has heavily condemned Telstra for its lacklustre provision of broadband Internet via the National Broadband Network (NBN). The Singaporean company will invest in its own network and provide super-fast broadband at prices lower than Telstra. The offer of 100 megabit per second at $80 a month is at the low end of Telstra much slower offer. The copper to homes from the node will hamper Telstra Mr Rodrigues of My Republic says. He says the government has been lying all along about the NBN's ultimate speed.
Just about every Australian believes that the NBN rollout is a mess. It is the target of ongoing jokes with, "Have you go the NBN yet." "No, but the neighbours have it and I should get it in 10 years." Fibre to the home is MyRepublic's business motto that it will never give up. It will offer fibre all the way for free.
The government say the final speed will be 20Mbps. MyRepublic says it will be far less than that. With many ADSL2 customers already getting 25Mbps it is mot really a beneficial investment at all! Australia will be well down the list when the international minimum speed is set at 50Mbps. Disagreeing with Mr Rodriques' claims will not make them go away, particularly if they are the truth.
Telstra says MyRepublic will probably move the nodes closer to homes. The "feet stuck in mud" telecom giant says it will not do this because the government will not give them more money. How often do we see former market leaders end up on the scrap heap of history?
Yeah, saying the goal is the supply of faster Internet to the majority of Australians sounds marvellous, but individual Australians only care about the minimum speed.
◆ Technology by Ty Buchanan ◆
Accurate Data on Autism is Required
The number of autism cases is increasing. It is largely due to new diagnostic processes. This masks the real situation, so it is not knows what the actual increase is. It appears that many people who are now teenagers were overlooked and do have autism.
Very old data are the basis of case numbers. One in 5,000 of United States citizens suffered from the ailment in 1975. These data are far too old to be meaningful. A survey in 2002 showed one in 500 were autistic. Such a disparity means an accurate investigation must be done. It jumped to one in 68 in 2012. This is absurd!
Sure, reclassification has affected the results but knowing what is really happening is paramount. Because nearly all of those with autism are supported by welfare, government needs to know actual numbers. Oddly, Penn State University in the US found no increase in attendance at special schools. Where are these people going? Are they living a life of isolation?
On closer examination is seems that they are at special schools, being moved from one mental incapacity classification to autism. Just stating that autism is not increasing is not good enough. New diagnostic methods notwithstanding, the real numbers must be identified.
Australian Blog
◆ Chemistry by Ty Buchanan ◆
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