Showing posts with label water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water. Show all posts

Australia Finds a New Species Again!

Just when you thought the game was over a new species has been identified in Australia. In the darkest depths of tropical north Australia where there are wild crocodiles roaming freely a new waterlily has been found.
Peony flora waterlilly flower
A team of Australians and representatives of Kew Gardens in London scoured the Western Australian land searching for something new. It is amazing that  it was not identified before. The water flower is a beautiful purple and white.

It was in an isolated spot situated in an oasis of water near Gibb River. The Kimberley region is surely the place to be with new dinosaur fossils located there. Botanists have given the waterlily a common name: peony flora. A scientific label will soon be determined.

The plant seems to be plentiful. A "pond" was completely filled with the pretty flower. Further searches in other water bodies brought to light many more. Oddly, a specimen of the Lilly has been at Kew Gardens and was believed to be a hybrid. Now it is official - it is a species in its own right.
Botany by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

Drink Your Own P.

It says in the Bible that a time will come when Man will eat his own .... and drink his own .... This is not so absurd as it sounds. Already effluent is cleaned and recycled as drinking water in populated cities. Plans are also afoot to use human waste as crop fertilizer.
Bill Gates drinks recycled sewer water
With reusable energy a high priority for the future, this agenda will probably be followed for high density regions of the world. If clean water is not available everywhere disease will spread across the globe. Production of food will also have to be maximized. Human waste is not the primary fertilizer yet.

Obtaining sufficient amounts of food and water is under threat from global warming. Make no mistake: climate change is a reality. It is not a fear campaign by the political Left.  Denial is stupidity.  The planet is a degree warmer today that is has been in past centuries.  Predictions of a rise of at least two degrees are in the offing.

The Internet has come at the right time for Man. More efficient communication will be needed to create and deliver the staples of human life. Political refugees have been a thorn in Australia's side for a long time now. There is no prospect that this country will be a target for climate refugees. Climate change will have a greater effect here than anywhere else.
Technology by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

The Reason for the Sodium-Water Explosion is Answered

Many answers have been found for mysterious things in nature. As time moves on most of the reasons why things are have been answered. A few common scientific "happenings" still persist. If sodium is placed in water it explodes. The why has now been identified.

A sodium-water explosion was filmed on high-speed cameras. The flash is caused by sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gases being release when water upsets the balance. Heat creates a point of ignition.

The mystery is that released hydrogen gas should enclose the sodium thus stopping the explosive reaction. Like life itself the answer lies in electricity. All life, such as the nervous system, functions by the flow of electrical current.

When the film of a sodium-water explosion was slowed down electrons (as metal spikes) were seen to jump from sodium into the water. The sodium becomes positive while the water also remains positive because of its mass. Like with magnetism two positive poles repel. It is this that creates the violent explosion. The sodium is destroyed and more electrons leave increasing the contact area with water. This increases the energy of the explosion.
Science by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

El Niño Threatens but La Niña Persists in Australia

While a new very strong El Niño is on the way, fears of continuing La Niña are real as well. Although Australia is known as a drought country, severe floods are damaging. This is because the continent is flat with a few mountains in the east of the country.
If the El Niño does not arrive flooding will continue. Furthermore, the drought in the US will cause further damage to their economy. The odd thing at the moment is that Australia has drought inland with flooding along the coast. This isn't s normal state of affairs. It could be due to global warning.

We have had a very long intermediate period where La Niña persists and El Niño threatens. Research shows that La Niña will return every 13 years instead of 23 years. It seems to Australians that La Niña has been here for ever with the long intermediate period persisting. There are extreme El Niño and La Niña though. And it is these that do the most damage economically and socially.
Science by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

A Monster in the Water

There are some really strange things out there. Some animals are living fossils. They should have died out with the great extinction, but they survived and lived on.
The frilled shark looks more like an eel. Its mouth and teeth are enormous in relation to its body. It was caught for the first time in Australia by a fishing trawler. Fishermen had never seen one before.

Like the platypus it is a mishmash, having a tail like a shark with head and body like an eel. The animal can live in deep water as well as the shallows. This guy had a bad day. They usually frequent deep water. However, this one was swimming at 700 metres, the maximum fishing depth for trawlers.
Science by Ty Buchanan
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Vista Computer Solutions Blog 

Evolution Blog   Artilcles News Stories  

Jellyfish are Complex Creatures

Though jellyfish have no brain, intelligence is built into their bodies. They appear to act on instinct to changes in the environment. Whether they have consciousness is not known.
They swim better than any other creature. Swimming against the tide is their forte. Detecting the direction of currents was thought to be impossible without sight, yet jellyfish do it.

Rhythmically moving their heads and forcing water out from their bodies, they are a jet-propelled swimming machine. Most believe that jellyfish just drift. This is not the case, They head straight for their destination, for example, usually in groups.

Somehow they know that there are others of their kind with them, though they do not have eyes. Perhaps the animal uses the Earth's magnetic field as well as ocean currents to know where they are. Some scientists have suggested they use infrasound.
Science by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Storm Damage Will Affect Australia's Economy

The future does not look good for Australia. People fail to grasp the fact that as climate change "bites" the economy will suffer. Erratic weather patterns will affect food production. There will be shortages and prices will rise.

Insurance will become unaffordable as claims get bigger and disasters happen more often. Just one incident on November 27 caused a half a billion dollars of damage in Brisbane. At present, crises seem to be occurring more often. We are told this isn't yet the case, but they are getting stronger. Hotter more humid conditions are causing this.

Water will surely lead to some damage. Strong winds will be the greatest danger. Only strong storms hitting populated areas are reported, yet they happen all over the country. There is a concentration on the Eastern Seaboard, however. Another increasing problem is hail. More of it means a higher number cars will be written off.

Storms are predicted to double by the end of the century. Of course, we will not be here then. Our children though will have to cope with whatever the weather is at that time. The frequency of storms is just an estimate. Stronger storm are a certainty.
Science by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog