Showing posts with label growing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label growing. Show all posts

Wheat Rust Genes Understood After 30 Years

The genetic makeup of wheat rust has been a mystery for over 30 years. Puzzle of wheat rust genetics solved after 30 years by scientists. Researchers from CSIRO, the University of Sydney, Limagrain UK, the United Kingdom's John Innes Centre and the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) have identified the first three resistance genes against stripe rust disease which devastates world wheat crops. UK and Australian scientists solve 30-year wheat rust genetics conundrum.

CSIRO University of Sydney Limagrain UK United Kingdom's John Innes Centre National Institute of Agricultural Botany NIAB. yr7 yr5 yrsp. world's population. crops. Dr. Peng Zhang, Ms Jianping, Zhang, prof robert park, Dr. Evans Lagudah, Ms Clemence Marchal.

discovery scientists, cloned three related rust resistance genes—called Yr7, Yr5, YrSP enable important genes accurately monitored integrated breeding programs fight ever-changing pathogens kill 70 percent whole wheat crops time. Wheat relied one-third world's population economically important staple foods. Wheat rust widespread devastating diseases stripe rust— bright yellow shaped stripes is problematic pathogens worldwide easily adapts different climates environments, effective genes breeders varieties.

characterisation three genes made possible short period time improving technology collaboration led Australia UK. University Sydney's cereal rust research team directorship Prof Robert Park—a world-leader wheat rust research—created mutation populations 2015 identified mutants each gene, unknowingly parallel, scientists UK working genes. found each other's work international conference (the 3th International Wheat Genetics Symposium) April 2017 started collaborating.

findings published today Nature Plants. Co-author University Sydney Dr. Peng Zhang research major contribution understanding immune receptor protein class resistance genes wheat; similar gene structure, each gene confers distinct unique recognition specificity stripe rust pathogen. This work finally resolved relationships three genes provided answer question 30-year-old. Our work represents authenticated molecular isolation major resistance genes stripe rust.

Australian, UK scientists solve 30-year wheat rust genetics puzzle. lead authors Ph.D. students: Ms Jianping Zhang (co-supervised Prof Robert Park Dr. Peng Zhang Sydney's School Life Environmental Sciences Dr. Evans Lagudah CSIRO) Ms Clemence Marchal John Innes Centre, UK. Ph.D. candidate Ms Zhang recently, would years clone resistance gene wheat. With advances mutational genomics, sequencing cloning technologies, clone three genes relatively short period time," Ms Zhang, member Sydney Institute Agriculture Plant Breeding Institute Cobbitty conducting research University Sydney CSIRO. thorough understanding gene structure relationships three important genes.

Dr. Zhang breakthrough possible editing genes rendered ineffective rust pathogen, order try switch effectiveness again, protecting rust pathogens minimising fungicide. work possible isolate genes better understanding architectures functions. Diagnostic markers developed genes utilised promptly wheat breeding programs world. addition, cloning functional analysis genes lead novel control strategies future. Explore further: Researchers seek wheat fungus thing past

~ farm, farmers, food, eat, hunger, growing, plants, feed, market, commodity,
Wheat rust

Probiotics for Plants is Absolute Nonsense

 ▶Probiotics or Plants as Absolute if Nonsense. on plants ◀ |
Probiotics don't work. Tests demonstrate that assimilation in the gut devastates 99.9 percent of probiotics. It is a prevailing fashion. trends go back and forth. Presently farmers are being informed there are probiotics to increase yields. This is rubbish.  |||plants Probiotics in Absolute up Nonsense on plants. |
Crop probiotics
It is said that supplements will expand profitability, make plants hardier and strengthen pest resistance. Australia is told its regulation allow supply of ineffective products. Particular Producers need laws to give them the market to ensure decent supplies  What a major lie this is!  ||| Probiotics at Plants no Absolute ah Nonsense. | ||    

Right now researchers do not know much about biostimulant organisms, so it is ridiculous to put forward the supposition that a product works.  Scientific testing is required to provide a level playing field between growers and micro-supplement providers   |.| not. |.|   
  ▶news | ◀ |
To stimulate better growth complex chemical signals must be sent between the acting chemical and the plants.  Furthermore the ultimate effect on storage and transport of signal vegetables must be known. A test was carried out on sugarcane. No advantage of any sort was recognized in the crop.   | Probiotics me Absolute um Nonsense..
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|.| tech information blog | photos |.|

The World's Rice Originated in Australia

Rice came from Asia, more specifically China, right? You would be wrong. Genetic tests on rice grown today show it come from northern Australia. It was clean, uncontaminated and has been pinned down to Cape York in Queensland.
Australian wild rice in cape york northern queensland
Originally, it was growing wild in the tropics, an unusal place for rice as we associate it with wet conditions all year round. The real question is how did it get to Asia? Obviously, people from Asia came to Australia and took it home.

The Middle East is the cradle of Mankind. For rice it is Australia. Wild rice growing there today is more genetically diverse than anywhere else in the world. Asian domestic and wild rice is inbred. Australian rice is wild. It grows there today unchanged by human intervention. This took place 7,000 years ago.

Australian rice will be the basis of research to improve world food production. It holds the genetic keys to open the door very wide indeed. Modern rice varieties are just little sparks from the fire of the Australian native gene pool. The introduction of genes from Australia is vital to feed the growing world population.
Genetics by Ty Buchanan
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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Australian wild rice cape York northern Australia species modern food crop world population

Australia's Blueberry Industry Increasing Output

Blueberries aren't that popular in Australia. They are certainly not loved, as in the USA. However, Australian farmers are growing more of them as Australians look for something different. There is also a thriving international market.
The Clarence Valley in Grafton, NSW is the main growing region for the product. At present Australian growers supply only a tiny amount of berries to the world. Yet, Australia uses the latest genetic technology to grow good blueberries.

Hard quarantine laws stop Australia getting into the China market.  Maybe this is quid pro quo for Australia's brick wall against New Zealand growers of fruit and vegetables in general. Four years ago Japan blocked imports into that country. It was only an increase in local demand that saved the industry.

Australian blueberry farmers are raising output despite there being no real overseas target market in sight. The recent summit at Coffs harbour did not change the existing state of affairs. Delegates from 25 countries attended. This was not a good investment for the Australian blueberry industry nor government.
Agriculture by Ty Buchanan
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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Australian blueberry industry market demand domestic local international crop fruit world

Wild Glycine Crossed With Soybean

Selection of the most suitable plants has been going on for thousands of years, but it has never been so intensive as modern times. It is not so much farmers who do it today. Scientists are doing this as their main work.
Glycine crossed with soybean crop agriculture fertility hormone
Ram Singh a geneticist crossed a wild Australian plant with soybean to produce a super crop. Many soybean diseases have been stopped in their tracks. It wasn't easy though. Success came after years of research. The first attempt to "blend" wild Glycine attributes with soybean took place in 1983.

A new process which prevents hybrid seeds from becoming sterile was the key to creating the special soybean. Many back crosses with the parent plant were necessary. Ram Singh sent seeds to other scientists as he was working. Outside input from them was a great help.

Soybean is a very imported crop that feeds the world. Many products are derived from it. There is hope for the future as 26 wild species of Glycine exist. Most are disease resistant. The hormone anti-sterility treatment has opened-up the whole crop breeding field.
Genetics by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

Drink Your Own P.

It says in the Bible that a time will come when Man will eat his own .... and drink his own .... This is not so absurd as it sounds. Already effluent is cleaned and recycled as drinking water in populated cities. Plans are also afoot to use human waste as crop fertilizer.
Bill Gates drinks recycled sewer water
With reusable energy a high priority for the future, this agenda will probably be followed for high density regions of the world. If clean water is not available everywhere disease will spread across the globe. Production of food will also have to be maximized. Human waste is not the primary fertilizer yet.

Obtaining sufficient amounts of food and water is under threat from global warming. Make no mistake: climate change is a reality. It is not a fear campaign by the political Left.  Denial is stupidity.  The planet is a degree warmer today that is has been in past centuries.  Predictions of a rise of at least two degrees are in the offing.

The Internet has come at the right time for Man. More efficient communication will be needed to create and deliver the staples of human life. Political refugees have been a thorn in Australia's side for a long time now. There is no prospect that this country will be a target for climate refugees. Climate change will have a greater effect here than anywhere else.
Technology by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

City Spiders Are Larger

Many animals do better when they live alongside humans. One seldom thinks of spiders though. If you travel overseas you soon discover the huge spiders in rented accommodation. Research has shown that these frightening but usually friendly creatures do grow larger in warm homes.

They don't have to be living inside the houses either. Just staying close to warm building is sufficient. The golden orb spider was placed in particular external environment and data were collected. Those near buildings were larger and fatter than their bush cousins. Living in the middle of a car park with the heat given off by cars made them bigger as well.

Though many people fear them, urban spiders are harmless. They keep pest insects in check. If they weren't there, we would probably be "eaten alive" by flies and gnats. Rather than spraying and crushing them, put them outside and send them on their way.
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