People need to be punished for doing things that damage the planet. The only way to do this is by putting tax on such activities. Setting target years to ban fossil fuel burning cars will not work. People need to be enticed to change their ways.
Showing posts with label global. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global. Show all posts
Seasons and Ocean Distorts Australian Continent
The continent of Australia distorted by the seasons
continents are not static. They are pliable and change shape. In Australia it is called the continental wiggle. Ocean water moves in line with the seasons. It causes measurable deformation.
continental earth seasons summer continent
continental earth seasons summer continent
The Earth is not a perfect sphere. It is lopsided. This disrupts the flow of the ocean. From April on, Australia is "pushed" to the east. This changes in October when it is pushed to the west and a bit to the north.
shape continent seasons earth winter summer
Australia's measurement is determined by two satellites. It may be only millimeters but the Australian continent is moving. During the northern hemisphere winter, build up of snow and ice makes the Earth "top-heavy", which creates changes in the ocean.
seasons distorted summer winter
The planet's center of mass moves to the South Pacific when the ice melts. Australia is in the middle of this see-saw effect, so it impacts more here than any other land mass.
◆ Tectonics ◆
ocean shape pushed continental moves mass global weather storms movement planetary distorts
Not Positive Work on Coal-Fired Power Station Carbon Capture - Pollution
Coal powered power stations to lessen pollution by carbon capture - power.
For decades there has been much talk about capturing carbon from coal-fired power stations. So far projects have failed to come up with a viable solution. Coal is dirty and it remains so. Nuclear is more realistic alternative but it is dangerous.
power pollution carbon coal-fired capture soda ash power stations pollution news
A new attempt is about to be made in India by Carbon Clean Solutions (CCSL). Claims are being made of capture costs as low $30.00 a tonne, half of that achieved so far in other tests. Pollution is also claimed to be reduced to zero. Such figures are obviously totally baseless.
carbon coal-fired pollution power stations cement fertilizer news
Reduction of carbon by salt and amines to soda ash is the method to be used. Soda ash is used for fertilizer and cement. There is more than one system. The list includes solvent, membrane and negative emission.
carbon power stations coal-fired soda ash fertilizer cement station
The UK has cut funding in its research program. President Trump of the US has indicated he will expand coal power stations as there is no global warming caused by pollution - he believes. Countries are not acting in a positive manner to reduce the deleterious affect of coal.
◆ Chemistry ◆
research capture coal-fired positive station
Drink Your Own P.
It says in the Bible that a time will come when Man will eat his own .... and drink his own .... This is not so absurd as it sounds. Already effluent is cleaned and recycled as drinking water in populated cities. Plans are also afoot to use human waste as crop fertilizer.
With reusable energy a high priority for the future, this agenda will probably be followed for high density regions of the world. If clean water is not available everywhere disease will spread across the globe. Production of food will also have to be maximized. Human waste is not the primary fertilizer yet.
Obtaining sufficient amounts of food and water is under threat from global warming. Make no mistake: climate change is a reality. It is not a fear campaign by the political Left. Denial is stupidity. The planet is a degree warmer today that is has been in past centuries. Predictions of a rise of at least two degrees are in the offing.
The Internet has come at the right time for Man. More efficient communication will be needed to create and deliver the staples of human life. Political refugees have been a thorn in Australia's side for a long time now. There is no prospect that this country will be a target for climate refugees. Climate change will have a greater effect here than anywhere else.
✴ Technology by Ty Buchanan ✴
Australian Leaders Wear Ear Muffs to Keep Out Global Warming
Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his mate Maurice Newman are both as thick as a post. They are both climate change skeptics. Business advisor Maurice Newman wants a Royal Commission into the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) claiming that it has doctored temperatures to support global warming.
If anyone is looking for a phantom in the cupboard it is the couple above. After all, Tony Abbott blindly believes that there is a God. How stupid is that in this day and age - religious fanatics not withstanding? In regard to God, you can knock on the door but there is no one home.
So the Australian weather authority is lying. What about weather departments in other countries? The poles are clearly melting. Global warming is a fact. Take note skeptics: scientists are telling the truth.
That is the trouble with "businessmen": they don't want a free market; they want a fixed market. They want to legislate to ban any reports of global warming because it is bad for business.
In the long run Tony Abbott's removal of the carbon tax will make him look ridiculous. Other countries will eventually take action to curb world pollution. More natural disasters due to a hotter planet will prove a cost too hard to bear.
Science by Ty Buchanan
The Demise of Species Will Have to be Prioritized
Not much can be done about saving endangered species when the great majority of people "don't give a damn". Like global warming many just do not want to hear the truth. Money is not forthcoming for conservation. Stopping animals from going extinct is only being done on a piecemeal basis. We have to choose what to save.
This really means that the blame for the loss of some animals lies solely with Mankind. Just who is to decide the fate of creatures is not yet known. It will have to be bodies that receive funding for such purposes. They are probably doing the selection process as we speak. If what is to be saved and what is to be lost was publicly known there would probably be an outcry - everyone has their favorites.
More funding is the answer of course. Whether times be good or bad giving money for conservation has never been popular. Other things seem more important. It is really inevitable that prioritizing what goes extinct will occur. The global warming issue shows that people only care about their present welfare. Environmental damage continues.
Caterpillars Are Changing into Butterflies Earler
Climate change is making butterflies more active. They are coming out 10 days earlier than they used to in spring. The change has been caused by a 0.91ºC increase in temperature in Melbourne. All species that interrelate with the Common Brown butterfly (Heteronymph Merope) breed earlier as well.
A group of academics funded by the Australian Research Council has researched this issue. Members of the group studied caterpillars bred at the old and new temperature in the laboratory and noted the change. Observation of the butterfly in the wild has confirmed that caterpillars are changing into butterflies earlier.
If butterflies are coming out sooner then other insects must be doing so as well. This means that crops will have to be planted earlier to be fertilized by insects. Bees are not the only insects needed to grow crops. People in cities do not understand the importance of pollination on food crops.
A group of academics funded by the Australian Research Council has researched this issue. Members of the group studied caterpillars bred at the old and new temperature in the laboratory and noted the change. Observation of the butterfly in the wild has confirmed that caterpillars are changing into butterflies earlier.
If butterflies are coming out sooner then other insects must be doing so as well. This means that crops will have to be planted earlier to be fertilized by insects. Bees are not the only insects needed to grow crops. People in cities do not understand the importance of pollination on food crops.
Rain Forest in Northern Australia Doing Well
The northern part of Australia is getting hotter, but it is no drier. A comparison of data from the 1950s and the present shows the borders between rain forest and eucalyptus forest remained the same. However, the density of rain forest increased by 732 ha. Neither drainage, geology, topography, aspect or elevation are responsible. The climate has definitely changed. Despite a series of El Nino dry spells since the 1950s, the country is becoming wetter.
This rain forest expansion has slowed over the last 2000 years, with 25 per cent being tall open forest. Eucalyptus forests are spread out in irregular shaped pockets which are very stable. Higher CO2 is responsible for the increasing density of rain forest. The humidity keeps damage from fires low.
Overall, this is good news for the world generally. Brazilian rain forest stores 250-300 C ha–1 (carbon per hectare). Though Australian rain forest stores less, it is still significant. There is a possibility that local factors in Australia are having this effect. Yet indicators do point to global warming.
This rain forest expansion has slowed over the last 2000 years, with 25 per cent being tall open forest. Eucalyptus forests are spread out in irregular shaped pockets which are very stable. Higher CO2 is responsible for the increasing density of rain forest. The humidity keeps damage from fires low.
Overall, this is good news for the world generally. Brazilian rain forest stores 250-300 C ha–1 (carbon per hectare). Though Australian rain forest stores less, it is still significant. There is a possibility that local factors in Australia are having this effect. Yet indicators do point to global warming.
Global Warming But Floods in Australia!
There is something strange going on with the weather. Despite reports telling us that Australia is becoming drier we are getting more rain than ever. They say that global warming will make it rain more but water will evaporate faster.
In Britain they may have to set water restrictions because it is raining less. Holding water in dams in Australia at the moment is a silly idea. With La Nina seemingly fixed off Australia's coast more and more rain is predicted. Some east coast towns, many inland, have had three house-destroying floods in three years.
The poles are melting. We know this. Yet long-term predictions about future weather for different countries is like water divining. It seems to be right, though the truth will be known only by what actually eventuates.
If the sea does rise and Australia still gets flooding rains people will abandon low, flood-prone regions permanently. There are only so many times you can repair a house. Australia will become what it has been in the past - hundreds of small islands. With new ports planned in this country to export more coal to the world this possibility becomes a probability.
In Britain they may have to set water restrictions because it is raining less. Holding water in dams in Australia at the moment is a silly idea. With La Nina seemingly fixed off Australia's coast more and more rain is predicted. Some east coast towns, many inland, have had three house-destroying floods in three years.
The poles are melting. We know this. Yet long-term predictions about future weather for different countries is like water divining. It seems to be right, though the truth will be known only by what actually eventuates.
If the sea does rise and Australia still gets flooding rains people will abandon low, flood-prone regions permanently. There are only so many times you can repair a house. Australia will become what it has been in the past - hundreds of small islands. With new ports planned in this country to export more coal to the world this possibility becomes a probability.
Caterpillars Are Changing into Butterflies Earler
Climate change is making butterflies more violent. They are coming out 10 days earlier than they used to in spring. The change has been caused by a 0.91ºC increase in temperature in Melbourne. All species that interrelate with the Common Brown butterfly (Heteronymph Merope) breed earlier as well.
A group of academics funded by the Australian Research Council has researched this issue. Members of the group studied caterpillars bred at the old and new temperature in the laboratory and noted the changed. Observation of the butterfly in the wild has confirmed that caterpillars are changing into butterflies earlier.
If butterflies are coming out sooner then other insects must doing this as well. This means that crops will have to be planted earlier in to be fertilized by insects. People in cities do not understand the importance of pollination on food crops.
A group of academics funded by the Australian Research Council has researched this issue. Members of the group studied caterpillars bred at the old and new temperature in the laboratory and noted the changed. Observation of the butterfly in the wild has confirmed that caterpillars are changing into butterflies earlier.
If butterflies are coming out sooner then other insects must doing this as well. This means that crops will have to be planted earlier in to be fertilized by insects. People in cities do not understand the importance of pollination on food crops.
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