"My fish!"
Showing posts with label feed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feed. Show all posts
Dog blends into Carpet
"I am on the carpet - look closer!"
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wik the wor
This dog has disappeared! Wait. I saw him move. He is laying on top of the carpet. The dog and the carpet are the same color - white. You have to look very hard to see the outline of the pooch. He knows what he is doing. He is hiding in plain site. What a smart canine you little doggy.
Wheat Rust Genes Understood After 30 Years
The genetic makeup of wheat rust has been a mystery for over 30 years. Puzzle of wheat rust genetics solved after 30 years by scientists. Researchers from CSIRO, the University of Sydney, Limagrain UK, the United Kingdom's John Innes Centre and the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) have identified the first three resistance genes against stripe rust disease which devastates world wheat crops. UK and Australian scientists solve 30-year wheat rust genetics conundrum.
CSIRO University of Sydney Limagrain UK United Kingdom's John Innes Centre National Institute of Agricultural Botany NIAB. yr7 yr5 yrsp. world's population. crops. Dr. Peng Zhang, Ms Jianping, Zhang, prof robert park, Dr. Evans Lagudah, Ms Clemence Marchal.
discovery scientists, cloned three related rust resistance genes—called Yr7, Yr5, YrSP enable important genes accurately monitored integrated breeding programs fight ever-changing pathogens kill 70 percent whole wheat crops time. Wheat relied one-third world's population economically important staple foods. Wheat rust widespread devastating diseases stripe rust— bright yellow shaped stripes is problematic pathogens worldwide easily adapts different climates environments, effective genes breeders varieties.
characterisation three genes made possible short period time improving technology collaboration led Australia UK. University Sydney's cereal rust research team directorship Prof Robert Park—a world-leader wheat rust research—created mutation populations 2015 identified mutants each gene, unknowingly parallel, scientists UK working genes. found each other's work international conference (the 3th International Wheat Genetics Symposium) April 2017 started collaborating.
findings published today Nature Plants. Co-author University Sydney Dr. Peng Zhang research major contribution understanding immune receptor protein class resistance genes wheat; similar gene structure, each gene confers distinct unique recognition specificity stripe rust pathogen. This work finally resolved relationships three genes provided answer question 30-year-old. Our work represents authenticated molecular isolation major resistance genes stripe rust.
Australian, UK scientists solve 30-year wheat rust genetics puzzle. lead authors Ph.D. students: Ms Jianping Zhang (co-supervised Prof Robert Park Dr. Peng Zhang Sydney's School Life Environmental Sciences Dr. Evans Lagudah CSIRO) Ms Clemence Marchal John Innes Centre, UK. Ph.D. candidate Ms Zhang recently, would years clone resistance gene wheat. With advances mutational genomics, sequencing cloning technologies, clone three genes relatively short period time," Ms Zhang, member Sydney Institute Agriculture Plant Breeding Institute Cobbitty conducting research University Sydney CSIRO. thorough understanding gene structure relationships three important genes.
Dr. Zhang breakthrough possible editing genes rendered ineffective rust pathogen, order try switch effectiveness again, protecting rust pathogens minimising fungicide. work possible isolate genes better understanding architectures functions. Diagnostic markers developed genes utilised promptly wheat breeding programs world. addition, cloning functional analysis genes lead novel control strategies future. Explore further: Researchers seek wheat fungus thing past
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Alcohol is Not Good for the Heart
.. .. Going out for a good time may not be the best thing for you health alcohol for in and rests pumping it it size pump. fist the arteries organ alcohol superior body the of muscular The base is vena provide that cavity the of alcohol on good it heart the as transporting the health The closed to thoracic sternum. and the alcohol go good at health heart throughout the oxygen into functions the by The apex, the the about to alcohol if good in heart posterior pulmonary the in inferior It through lungs and circulatory cava alcohol at good to heart veins, diaphragm. lungs medial takes the to and just blood deoxygenated delivers tip which body as blood of good a and oxygenation body before located the to known to for nutrients the various tissues | news stories | .. .. good |
The claim that alcohol improves the health of your heart is questionable. Only about 15 percent of people have the cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) gene. It is this that functions to gain from imbibing the beverage. | .. .. not .The same problem arises from consuming red meat. Some get a great deal of benefit; others do not. It all depends on your genetic makeup. Beliefs are not truths. For many, vegetarianism may be good, but not for all. | .. .. |australian| .. .. take cent |
A study measured genes (via blood tests), height and weight of 618 subjects. In the group, 19 per cent had the resistant B2 allele of the ester. It was these patients who fared well in heart checks when they drank moderately. This leaves over 80 per cent of the population who get poor health results from drinking. | .. .. | not veins arteries .
It seems there could be some treatment value in alcohol consumption. It appears to improve erectile dysfunction in men. There is a down side though: quick ejaculation is followed by a real downer. More research is needed on this. | .. .. | not .. .. |
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Koala Needs a Bath
"I have't bathed for a week!"
● | Aussie bear needs a home and bathing | koala photo octopus finch at carp rabbit prawn polar fish gorilla cow bug sparrow whale koala bird puma pelican lobster rhinoceros toad penguin gold crocodile flyvulture boar koala in needs on bath squid gecko seal brown seagull tadpole salmon lion canary perch emu dingo koala if needs blackbird dolphin play owl wolf fox parrot chimpanzee moth hawk squirrel koala an needs at bath wildebeest lizard ape rat donkey goat turtle chimp buffalo deer elk ostrich koala it needs as bath seahorse possum pictures beetle wombat elephant albatross bass shark monkey mouse Tasmanian magpie frog snail tortoise crab photos robin goldfish thrush bear spider baboon tiger sheep Orangutan butterfly jackal marlin wallaby moose articles horse kangaroo amusing turkey bat weasel platypus snake eagle swan flea zebra | ●
Tys Country
Tys Country
● | photos | money hair Hilarious eerie and big small Silly tiny Depictions Strange picture snicker Absurd Ghastly little entertaining image Ridiculous grin frightening Doings proportion Playful Curious gigantic far-out shots cash farcical huge poo Oddball surf image body giant snapshots minuscule views Jolly Jocose portrayals fur loony kooky playful humorous medium large Freaky pictures Miscellaneous Crazy Views size snapshots snaps micro Hysterical ludicrous minute Snaps Laughable Whimsical Shots | photo ●
Cat Eats Camera
"Quick, let me take this pic, I haven't had lunch!"
● | funny | cat wombat beetle gold seagull buffalo squirrel rabbit wildebeest ostrich bird moose cat turkey finch puma rhinoceros tortoise deer snail cow boar whale gorilla goat cat eats camera photo possum crab turtle octopus elephant tiger mouse canary albatross orangutan photo cat in eats wolf horse rat butterfly sheep shark prawn zebra elk kangaroo jackal fly cat on eats on camera vulture chimpanzee wallaby toad baboon polar weasel flea ape lion crocodile brown cat it eats off camera Tasmanian seal snake pelican emu fish chimp bug at lobster fox owl sparrow carp magpie articles bat platypus amusing parrot play frog lizard spider eagle photos gecko dolphin monkey dingo donkey pictures bear blackbird moth penguin swan squid sparrow goldfish perch tadpole thrush robin salmon seahorse bass marlin | photo | ●
Tys Country
Tys Country
● | photos | Curious playful cash body grin fur Freaky large Ghastly Laughable picture Ridiculous Snaps Absurd money shots Depictions size surf little portrayals Crazy huge micro Whimsical Shots ludicrous Hilarious Views Strange views proportion hair snicker kooky image gigantic poo Silly entertaining snapshots snapshots Oddball medium small eerie loony big pictures Miscellaneous snaps tiny farcical Hysterical giant Jolly frightening humorous image Jocose minuscule and Playful far-out Doings minute | ●
Australiana - the Echidna
The echidna is on the list of Australiana.
A particular native mammal is everywhere in Australia. It is the great adapter. The ubiquitous echidna is its name. The Short-beaked Echidna, Tachiglossus aculeatus, is even found in the Australian Alps. Like the anteater its has a long nose, but that is where the similarity ends. They both eat ants. The echidna has no teeth. In some ways it is like a hedgehog, using spines for defence.
They have developed a way of safe mating. The male digs a trench. The female get in as does the male. The male carefully lifts the female's tail and while lying on his side pushes his tail underneath her. No harm is done by the spines.
Offspring feed by licking up milk that oozes from the mother's milk patches. They do not have nipples. Babies are born without spines. The mother pushes them away when the spines begin to grow at seven weeks. She feeds on ants and continues to return every five days to feed the young.
◆ Australiana by Ty Buchanan ◆
short-beaked, short, beaked, echidna, mammal, nipples, milk, young, babies, feed, ubiquitous
Toy on Cow's Head - levity!
Cow wears ludicrous feed bag.
"That's a nice feed bag, Daisy."
Funny Animal Pictures
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Lose Weight by Drinking Milk from Grass-Fed Cows?
Drink milk from grass-fed cows and have a healthier heart. This is because this milk has five times more unsaturated fat than that from grain-fed cows. You can even lose weight by drinking the milk. This is a call back to the past. Today most cows in the West are grain fed.
People having high levels of unsaturated fat had a third less risk of getting a heart attack. Studies have found that a diet consisting of unsaturated fats reduced cancer cells and tumours. Though meat from grain fed cows seems to have less fat, looks can be deceiving.
There is a problem with the proposition from this research. In Australia and New Zealand milking cows are fed mainly on pasture. However, people in these countries are almost as fat as US citizens and high blood pressure is just as bad. As a person ages milk consumption decreases. Australians do eat a lot of take away food. And these food establishments foister coke on you. When you order tea or coffee you can almost hear a sigh from those serving you. You see pained expressions on their faces as they search around for milk and cups hidden away under the counter. Some even opt out of the "chore" by asking older staff members to make it.
A campaign to make consumers buy grass-fed milk would be a waste of money. This type of milk would be more expensive anyway with separate processing and packaging requirements. It would be like the call for free-range eggs. Producers and sellers can be dishonest. Battery eggs are sold as free-range and buyers don't know the difference. The same thing would happen with "healthier" milk.
People having high levels of unsaturated fat had a third less risk of getting a heart attack. Studies have found that a diet consisting of unsaturated fats reduced cancer cells and tumours. Though meat from grain fed cows seems to have less fat, looks can be deceiving.
There is a problem with the proposition from this research. In Australia and New Zealand milking cows are fed mainly on pasture. However, people in these countries are almost as fat as US citizens and high blood pressure is just as bad. As a person ages milk consumption decreases. Australians do eat a lot of take away food. And these food establishments foister coke on you. When you order tea or coffee you can almost hear a sigh from those serving you. You see pained expressions on their faces as they search around for milk and cups hidden away under the counter. Some even opt out of the "chore" by asking older staff members to make it.
A campaign to make consumers buy grass-fed milk would be a waste of money. This type of milk would be more expensive anyway with separate processing and packaging requirements. It would be like the call for free-range eggs. Producers and sellers can be dishonest. Battery eggs are sold as free-range and buyers don't know the difference. The same thing would happen with "healthier" milk.
Share ArticleBull Ants Feed at Twilight
Bull ants do not feed during all daylight hours. Observation has shown that they feed at twilight. When the sun is brighter for longer for example in summer, or there is no cloud cover, bull ants forage for food later in the day. When the sun is darker, earlier, they search for food sooner in the day. It was believed that all insects fed according to circadian rhythms, but this does not seem to be the case.
Activity in the nest was affected by cloud cover. Outside activity that involves feeding occurs at twilight. Obviously, they are feeding during these short intervals to avoid predators: most animals that eat ants would be inactive at twilight.
Tests were done at ANU in Canberra. Bull ants were put in containers where diffused light was altered. It was found they only fed when the light was set at a particular low level. Evolution does take some winding paths. This shows though that evolution develops in a rational way.
Activity in the nest was affected by cloud cover. Outside activity that involves feeding occurs at twilight. Obviously, they are feeding during these short intervals to avoid predators: most animals that eat ants would be inactive at twilight.
Tests were done at ANU in Canberra. Bull ants were put in containers where diffused light was altered. It was found they only fed when the light was set at a particular low level. Evolution does take some winding paths. This shows though that evolution develops in a rational way.
Plastic Surgery Does More Harm Than Good
Dr. Craig Layt a plastic surgeon says potential patients should consult a qualified surgeon before going ahead with surgery. I thought people were doing that already. If the government is allowing unqualified practitioners to do plastic surgery then shame on them. Governments must be held responsible if things go wrong when "upstarts" do surgery.
Apparently, women who have breast enhancements are not told whether they will be able to breast feed in the future. Surely, patients are thoroughly informed of the operation and the possible consequences.
Women can breast feed after the operation, but breast feeding can completely ruin the implants. They can sag. Furthermore, liposuction should not be used just to lose weight. This procedure can leave a visible indentation in the body. Facelifts are notoriously visible when celebrities tippytoe to the surgeon. Patients who have plastic surgery may have improved self-esteem. This may be due to others not telling them the truth.

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