Showing posts with label movement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movement. Show all posts

The Ancient Geology of Australia is Varied Not Uniform

Lost handwriting skills
The Australian continent is ancient and its geology varies between locations ⁍ unauthorized fee users foreigners access license ⁌ ● ancient computer geology to australia numbers varied it uniform we ancient figure geology keys australia text varied in uniform of ancient create geology colors australia code varied software uniform to ancient or geology in australia by varied on uniform ● ⧫ mantle i antarctica i earth i basin i formation i ⧫ ⏏ mantle c antarctica c earth c basin c formation c central c evolution c neoproterozoic c ⏏ ⦿ mantle antarctica earth basin formation central evolution neoproterozoic south igneous time continental western flood plain coast sea superplumes great drainage early eastern gondwana major ocean tectonic west water subduction ranges provinces nullarbor north late large ice hills flow evidence east craton beneath basalts land jack high siberian event crust zone level breakup structure hadean proterozoic plate northern rivers geological impact area plains glaciation years plume implications cycle components landforms soils climate zircon southern areas drifting history earthquake lake zircons archaean erosion linked magmatism volcanism desert supercontinent events fault system region island quartzite global weathering plumes influence rocks gulf eyre glaciers world systems basins flinders mountain orogeny precambrian salt snowball rifting range strzelecki soil zones boundary transition constraints timing deformation belt orogen eruption volcanic sources million twidale highest dry inland year cratonic times widespread atmospheric deposits carbon recorded reservoir revealed limited resulting middle uplift province active mesoproterozoic dynamics marine change felsic kimberley activity tirari deserts linear seismic fold stability melting volcanoes record creek detrital source journey length arid surface parts result extensive campbell vast rain shield adelaide arnhem unique assemblage metallogenic summery bay cryogenian surfaces river deccan basalt traps orogenic gorkha slip inferred internal landscapes lachlan supercycle sedimentary plateau scale upwelling periodic main himalayan orogenesis block narryer geochronology u-pb ages gawler isotope crustal mixing magma palaeozoic pangaea margin catastrophic chemistry organic age palaeogeography setting narrow rifts rodinia mass extinction oceanic southeast marinoan sediments dune core sydney peninsula tasman models timeline toba greenland rock africa india local antarctic glacial review margins terranes yilgarn southwestern origin building tectonics places fauna environment site height ratio islands streams serve hemisphere millions covered seas formed added impoverished means rises table eventually agriculture landscape point compared lack highlands allowing compact embayments coastline occurred tertiary began uplands ground plateaux edge sides murray-darling part coastal depend interior long reaches peripheral structural size compensation oligocene root mountains cliffs bunda cambrian capricorn discharge present rise development cooper evolved reconstruction lithospheric dating delamerian cretaceous eocene groundwater duricrust depositional thrust earliest conditions erosional hot hydrothermal mafic volcaniclastic dispersal migration flows state pulses secular consequences fluvial domain constrained dividing young interactions stream group earth’s oldest processes monazite mineral jurassic palaeomagnetic restraints hamersley small bedrock kanimblan high-k canyon structures essential lips exmouth wind deep head temperatures rate nepal quaternary geodynamics megathrust earthquakes mount musgrave complex basaltic faulting indo-australian palaeoproterozoic pacific permian-triassic perth precambrian-cambrian heat continents carbonates regime regimes sheet sandstone stress permian confirmed resulted simpson arc driven slab increased climatic variations interglacial dynamic behaviour china proposed connection siberia laurentia ridge tasmania successions dunes characteristics convection supercontinents velocity superplume material circulation tomography layer channel constraining gouge eruptions submarine accretionary terrestrial tidal waterfalls cores springs motion magmatic friction warming bluff cold palaeoclimate role crater aeolian video interest flora national email admin reading ⦿ ∎ mantle a antarctica a earth a basin a formation a central a evolution a neoproterozoic a south a igneous a time a continental a western a flood a plain a coast a sea a superplumes a great a drainage a early a eastern a gondwana a major a ocean a tectonic a west a water a subduction a ranges a provinces a nullarbor a north a late a large a ice a hills a flow a evidence a east a craton a beneath a basalts a land a jack a high a siberian a event a crust a zone a level a breakup a structure a hadean a proterozoic a plate a northern a rivers a geological a impact a area a plains a glaciation a years a plume a implications a cycle a components a landforms a soils a climate a zircon a southern a areas a drifting a history a earthquake a lake a zircons a archaean a erosion a linked a magmatism a volcanism a desert a supercontinent a events a fault a system a region a island a quartzite a global a weathering a plumes a influence a rocks a gulf a eyre a glaciers a world a systems a basins a flinders a mountain a orogeny a precambrian a salt a snowball a rifting a range a strzelecki a soil a zones a boundary a transition a constraints a timing a deformation a belt a orogen a eruption a volcanic a sources a million a twidale a highest a dry a inland a year a cratonic a times a widespread a atmospheric a deposits a carbon a recorded a reservoir a revealed a limited a resulting a middle a uplift a province a active a mesoproterozoic a dynamics a marine a change a felsic a kimberley a activity a tirari a deserts a linear a seismic a fold a stability a melting a volcanoes a record a creek a detrital a source a journey a length a arid a surface a parts a result a extensive a campbell a vast a rain a shield a adelaide a arnhem a unique a assemblage a metallogenic a summery a bay a cryogenian a surfaces a river a deccan a basalt a traps a orogenic a gorkha a slip a inferred a internal a landscapes a lachlan a supercycle a sedimentary a plateau a scale a upwelling a periodic a main a himalayan a orogenesis a block a narryer a geochronology a u-pb a ages a gawler a isotope a crustal a mixing a magma a palaeozoic a pangaea a margin a catastrophic a chemistry a organic a age a palaeogeography a setting a narrow a rifts a rodinia a mass a extinction a oceanic a southeast a marinoan a sediments a dune a core a sydney a peninsula a tasman a models a timeline a toba a greenland a rock a africa a india a local a antarctic a glacial a review a margins a terranes a yilgarn a southwestern a origin a building a tectonics a places a fauna a environment a site a height a ratio a islands a streams a serve a hemisphere a millions a covered a seas a formed a added a impoverished a means a rises a table a eventually a agriculture a landscape a point a compared a lack a highlands a allowing a compact a embayments a coastline a occurred a tertiary a began a uplands a ground a plateaux a edge a sides a murray-darling a part a coastal a depend a interior a long a reaches a peripheral a structural a size a compensation a oligocene a root a mountains a cliffs a bunda a cambrian a capricorn a discharge a present a rise a development a cooper a evolved a reconstruction a lithospheric a dating a delamerian a cretaceous a eocene a groundwater a duricrust a depositional a thrust a earliest a conditions a erosional a hot a hydrothermal a mafic a volcaniclastic a dispersal a migration a flows a state a pulses a secular a consequences a fluvial a domain a constrained a dividing a young a interactions a stream a group a earth’s a oldest a processes a monazite a mineral a jurassic a palaeomagnetic a restraints a hamersley a small a bedrock a kanimblan a high-k a canyon a structures a essential a lips a exmouth a wind a deep a head a temperatures a rate a nepal a quaternary a geodynamics a megathrust a earthquakes a mount a musgrave a complex a basaltic a faulting a indo-australian a palaeoproterozoic a pacific a permian-triassic a perth a precambrian-cambrian a heat a continents a carbonates a regime a regimes a sheet a sandstone a stress a permian a confirmed a resulted a simpson a arc a driven a slab a increased a climatic a variations a interglacial a dynamic a behaviour a china a proposed a connection a siberia a laurentia a ridge a tasmania a successions a dunes a characteristics a convection a supercontinents a velocity a superplume a material a circulation a tomography a layer a channel a constraining a gouge a eruptions a submarine a accretionary a terrestrial a tidal a waterfalls a cores a springs a motion a magmatic a friction a warming a bluff a cold a palaeoclimate a role a crater a aeolian a video a interest a flora a national a email a admin a reading ∎ || rocks, geological, strata, movement, moving, changing, seas, oceans, hill, planet, ||
Australia's ancient geography

Seasons and Ocean Distorts Australian Continent

The continent of Australia distorted by the seasons
continents are not static. They are pliable and change shape. In Australia it is called the continental wiggle. Ocean water moves in line with the seasons. It causes measurable deformation.
   continental earth seasons summer continent
Australian continent changes shape

The Earth is not a perfect sphere. It is lopsided. This disrupts the flow of the ocean. From April on, Australia is "pushed" to the east. This changes in October when it is pushed to the west and a bit to the north.
    shape continent seasons earth winter summer
Australia's measurement is determined by two satellites. It may be only millimeters but the Australian continent is moving. During the northern hemisphere winter, build up of snow and ice makes the Earth "top-heavy", which creates changes in the ocean.
  seasons distorted summer winter
The planet's center of mass moves to the South Pacific when the ice melts. Australia is in the middle of this see-saw effect, so it impacts more here than any other land mass.
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ocean shape pushed continental moves mass global weather storms movement planetary distorts