Showing posts with label blame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blame. Show all posts

The Truth Of 9/11

Dr. Niels Harrit vehemently argues his case in Danish courts. He is challenging a newspaper which published an article criticising the doctor's finding that the collapse of World Trade Center 3 was a controlled demolition. His conclusion is based on solid scientific evidence: analysis of nano-thermite found in WTC dust proves his premise.
The truth of 9/11 will probably never be known. How did terrorists freely circumvent US security to carry out their mission? They went about their business as they wished. The only fight came from passengers on a hijacked plane. Did the US government and powers that be want justification for actions in the Middle East and Asia that were already pre-planned?

The truth of 9/11 will probably never be known. How did terrorists freely circumvent US security to carry out their mission? They went about their business as they wished. The only fight came from passengers on a hijacked plane. Did the US government and powers that be want justification for actions in the Middle East and Asia that were already pre-planned?

According to Dr. Harrit The US itself was "organising" the 9/11 attacks. This was surprisingly not known by Osama bin Laden. Apparently, the US knew exactly what was about to take place and when. The evidence gathered by the doctor proves this beyond any doubt. It was allowed to happen. American lives were sacrifice. This was Coventry in England during WWII all over again. Let it happen so the enemy will not know that we know.

For many years the scientist has been waiting for an inquiry to take place so he can name who  he believes were responsible. It seems this will never happen. This is peculiar in itself because a major disaster in any country is always investigated - always.
Chemistry by Ty Buchanan
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The Demise of Species Will Have to be Prioritized

Not much can be done about saving endangered species when the great majority of people "don't give a damn". Like global warming many just do not want to hear the truth. Money is not forthcoming for conservation. Stopping animals from going extinct is only being done on a piecemeal basis. We have to choose what to save.

This really means that the blame for the loss of some animals lies solely with Mankind. Just who is to decide the fate of creatures is not yet known. It will have to be bodies that receive funding for such purposes. They are probably doing the selection process as we speak. If what is to be saved and what is to be lost was publicly known there would probably be an outcry - everyone has their favorites.

More funding is the answer of course. Whether times be good or bad giving money for conservation has never been popular. Other things seem more important. It is really inevitable that prioritizing what goes extinct will occur. The global warming issue shows that people only care about their present welfare. Environmental damage continues.
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