Showing posts with label forest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forest. Show all posts

Human Rib Eaten by Deer

Plants destroyed in australia
Human rib-bones consumed by ungulate - never seen before bodies incident porcupine omaha sign academia follow flesh eating privacy human to rib jo eaten ax deer um picture an sartore left forensic ungulates service carnivorous fish cases wild Understand be rib ow eaten ka carcass oh spotted zoo society share study doorly copyright ark twitter policy north human ah rib mm deer ar carcass eh published lauren decompose scavengers american time ocean courtesy human ho rib qi eaten if photograph corpse remains watch artboard week porcupines chevron-up human ha aquarium chewing animal including research stories images delaney human oh rib xi eaten mu deer ma picture oh brazilian researchers henry joel view chambers photo chew work human by rib two ox eaten ki deer op picture carcass a up decompose zoo photograph remains corpse chewing research photo wild |  |
Deer eats meat

Smart Fox Follows Hunting Dog

Doggy I am following you
"Hey, look behind dog.  No don't!"
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Sexy Deer

Do I look sexy in this deer?
"Do I look sexy in this?"
Funny Animal Pictures
Australian Blog
 Adventure Australia
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Koalas Know What to Eat

Koalas may look dozy and stupid. However, they are really smart. Nature has given them a strong identification for what is good to eat. The nutritional quality of eucalyptus leaves determines the koala population in a given area.

Koalas need nitrogen to make energy, though they move very slowly. Without this valuable mineral they would simply not survive. Eucalyptus trees also contain toxins, a potential death threat to the animal.

Eight species of eucalyptus were tested. It was found that koalas stayed away from trees carrying toxins and were attracted to those high in nitrogen.  They obviously know what is good them.  The search for food dominates their lives.

If this identification of superior food is true for koalas it must be the case for other animals. They are intrinsically guided to sources of higher quality food. Dogs for example do know which type of grass to eat to solve a health problem. It is unusual for dogs to eat grass, but sometimes they do.

If good food is scarce which it is in Australia, it is logical that sensory systems of animals would evolve to identify sources of better nutrition. In the future, environmentalists should examine the quality of food in a habitat before re-introducing endangered animals.  The carrying capacity of the environment affects its carrying capacity.
Science by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Frog Alone

"Who you lookin' at?"
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Funny Animal Photos
-------Australian Blog-------

Rain Forest in Northern Australia Doing Well

The northern part of Australia is getting hotter, but it is no drier. A comparison of data from the 1950s and the present shows the borders between rain forest and eucalyptus forest remained the same. However, the density of rain forest increased by 732 ha. Neither drainage, geology, topography, aspect or elevation are responsible. The climate has definitely changed. Despite a series of El Nino dry spells since the 1950s, the country is becoming wetter.

This rain forest expansion has slowed over the last 2000 years, with 25 per cent being tall open forest. Eucalyptus forests are spread out in irregular shaped pockets which are very stable. Higher CO2 is responsible for the increasing density of rain forest. The humidity keeps damage from fires low.

Overall, this is good news for the world generally. Brazilian rain forest stores 250-300 C ha–1 (carbon per hectare). Though Australian rain forest stores less, it is still significant. There is a possibility that local factors in Australia are having this effect. Yet indicators do point to global warming.
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