Galactic Theory

New scientific theories are cropping up all the time. And that is just what they are - theories. So the Higgs boson particle has been seen. What a lot of tripe this is. It has only been shown to exist mathematically. The particle itself is still not proven to exist.

Large galaxies eat up smaller ones. It would have been thought that this had been believed for some time. Apparently it hasn't been generally accepted. New findings show that the Milky way will be absorbed into larger galaxies billions of years from now.

The Milky Way did expand by taking in smaller galaxies. Now it has peaked and this slowing down will allow Andromeda to absorb our home galaxy. When the Magellanic Clouds become part of the Milky Way that will be about it.

As galaxies become larger they produce less stars. The reason for this is not known. There are a lot of conflicting theories about this. Research by the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey done by Australian observatories is ongoing. We can expect either new theories or selection of the most probable one.
 Science by Ty Buchanan 
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     Australian Blog                         

Toffee Dog

"That toffee is tough to get down."
 Funny Animal Pictures by Ty Buchanan 
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     Australian Blog                         

English Culture or Australian?

 Working Class Englishman. Oh hum.
An Australian travelled the streets of London and asked people what they thought Australians were really like. It was amazing how many English people had visited the big dusty land. They all, of course, told bad stories about their trips. This is the thing you do when you get back home apparently.

There is this mistaken belief that all ex-pat Australians live in Earl's Court. They used to, but not anymore. They think we all work in bars - even in Australia. The interviewees kept looking around for a backpack, which I didn't have.

English people are obsessed about the Australian accent saying it is funny, even though it is more London than London. After all that is where most of the convicts came from. Furthermore, the English have some of the strangest accents in the world.

They think that Kylie Minogue is the sole representative of Australia. All their beliefs are based on her. This is despite the fact that Kylie has become a quasi Brit. She is certainly more popular in England than she ever was in Australia. We don't move our lips when we speak. This, they believe, is to keep the flies out.

Another thing: New Zealand is the sheep country not Australia. We just have millions of kangaroos here; oh, and rabbits that were cleverly introduced by the Brits. We do have a lot of cattle as well.  This is also where the world's minerals come from.  Australia is a giant mineral "bucket".  England doesn't have much of this.

Australians are racist. That is a given. Even though the English hatred for anything French is well known. It is actually the English who are the most racist. They must be - they are superior to everyone else!
 Culture by Ty Buchanan 
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     Australian Blog                         

Don't Marry Him

"Please don't desert me!"
 Funny Animal Pictures by Ty Buchanan 
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     Australian Blog                         

Replace the International Whaling Commission

The problem with the International Whaling Commission (IWC) is that it is too bureaucratic and pussy foots around still toying with the concept of "scientific" whaling. All research on whales should be banned and have done with it. Leave the mammals alone and they will look after themselves. They do not need human intervention.

Of course, finding that Japan was not practicing scientific whaling left the door open for them to change their methods and continue slaughtering the defenseless creatures. Unfortunately, the IWC was never set up to stop the killing. It was meant to manage the widespread industry in the 1940s.

The moratorium and having whale sanctuaries in the Antarctic have failed, as Japan keeps bending the rules. Japan continues to rave and jump up and down about their culture. Since when has culture been part of lawmaking - it never has been.

The IWC is far too soft and it exists because the industry still exists. Set up a completely new body with tough laws that completely bans interference in the life of whales. Even whale watching should be banned. People do not have the right to such a "freedom". Do they have the freedom to shoot elephants? No they don't!
 Environment by Ty Buchanan 
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     Australian Blog                         

Like Owner Like Dog

Dogs do look like their owners!
 Funny Animal Pictures by Ty Buchanan 
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     Australian Blog                         

An Efficient Hydrogen-Hybride Bike (Hy-Cycle) Developed

If you want to clean up the environment get a bike. Not just any bike though: you need a Hy-Cycle with pedal power assisted by hydrogen. A team of developers at the School of Chemical Engineering led by Associate Professor Kondo-Francois Aguey-Zinsou has put a lot of work into the new bicycle.

The main problems in the past has been storage and cost. Hydrogen is now safely stored in hybride, a stable metal. This "compound" is then secured in a canister. Hydrogen is fed into a fuel cells that charges a lithium battery. The battery range is 125 kilometers at a cost of $2.00. This distance is sufficient for a day's use on one charge.

Major cities across the world have already established bicycle pools where people can collect a bicycle, ride it to their destination and leave it at the nearest bike station. It would not be difficult to hire out the new powered Hy-Cycles at a small fee alongside ordinary bicycles.

Improvements are already on the way. The current storage system holds 100 liters of hydrogen in one kilogram of hybride. A similar amount of hydrogen can be stored in 50 grams of borohybrides. A new technique nearly perfected. It seems the barrier is not investment or capability it is human culture itself.
Technology by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Bath Time Fluff

"Damn humans!"
 Funny Animal Pictures by Ty Buchanan 
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     Australian Blog                         

We are Heading Toward a Drugged-Up World

A new survey has found that school children under 17 years who smoke cannabis are less likely to complete their high school education. This is not surprising as cannabis "kills" the rational part of the brain and makes users impulsive, unable to control their actions.

Addicts are driven through a path in life from one pleasurable thing to another. They avoid all uncomfortable situations immediately, seeking the nearest pleasure at hand. This is why they end up breaking the law and becoming incarcerated.

Suicide is high amongst cannabis users because good experiences are not always for the taking. When one works at a job it is not pleasant, nor is it truly sought after. However, unless the discomfort is suffered there will be no pleasure from spending the income.

Legalization for medical use is another step toward general access. Many young people are already unfit for the workforce because schools do not teach work related skills. Education needs radical reform. We need to turn the clock back. Get rid of the choice subjects and make all students do fundamental, core subject like in the old days. Rote is not a dirty word. Every older person knows the twelve times table by heart even in old age. Having all student repeat things out loud, together is a good thing. How are they to discover the answers on their own?

Like in ancient days in China when people spent their days slothfully wasting time sitting under a tree waiting for ripe fruit to fall, we are heading toward a world where everyone expects welfare and someone else will do the work. Drug taking is bringing this closer.
 Culture by Ty Buchanan 
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     Australian Blog                         

New Mushroom-Like Organisms found off Australian Coast

There may be alien creature "out there" - Well many believe that there is - but some weird things live on this planet. In the ocean depths of Australia odd living organisms have recently been discovered.

At first glance they look like floating mushrooms. They are not related to fungi though. The creatures are actually flowering plants and vertebrates. Dendrogramma mostly consist of a stomach surrounded by jelly-like skin.

Scientists believe they are the remnants of early life forms which appeared before the life that went on to dominate the Earth. In other words they were a dead end. They are unique, not related in any way to life that eventually became successful across the globe.

There are a lot of new things still continuing their existence at the bottom of the oceans. Many are very specialized living off toxic substances that would kill other organisms. Don't bother to look for life in the stars. Much still awaits discovery beneath our feet.
 Science by Ty Buchanan 
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     Australian Blog