Showing posts with label young. Show all posts
Showing posts with label young. Show all posts

New Species Found in Australia

An endangered animal, Antechinus, has two new members. Well, they have been there all along. A team from Queensland University of Technology discovered the Tasman Peninsula Dusky Antechinus (Antechinus vandycki) in south east Tasmania, and nominated the Mainland Dusky Antechinus (Antechinus mimetes). The latter was known to be in New South Wales and Victoria but it is now a species in its own right.
Tasman Peninsula Dusky Antechinus vandycki
The Tasman Antechinus is about 13 cm long with a short tail weighing roughly 90g. It is located in Port Arther, Tasmania. Under threat from clearing of trees it resides in state forest in fragmented groups.  Survival is precarious in the isolated stands.

While uncovering new species is rare in developed countries, new ones are being found in Australia all the time. This is due to the low population density of people in inland Australia. Unfortunately, new species when found are usually in small numbers and under threat.

Antechinus are not helping themselves, though. Males fight to the death every mating season. They literally go sex mad for a few weeks copulating with as many females as possible for up to 14 hours at a time. All males are dead by the time females give birth. This leaves plenty of food for females. Having a glut of insects and spiders secures a good start for the young.
Biology by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

Magic of the Bowerbird

The bower bird is seen as a very common bird in Australia. However, in many ways it is special, particularly the satin bowerbird. The males of this species has dazzlingly bright blue eyes. This contrasts with the dark black body which has a sheen.
Male bowerbird with female at bower
They are very intelligent and have a complex courting ritual. The color blue controls their life. The male builds an archway comprising two pillars out of twigs, fruit, feathers and flora on the ground. It is decorated by sticking bright objects onto it with saliva, even things made by humans.

When a female is within range the male struts his stuff, offering her all sorts of pretty trinkets that he has gathered. He makes chattering and hissing sounds while she examines his "things". If she likes what he displays mating will take place in the bower.

The male is so obsessed with bower making that the female has to build the nest on her own. After laying precisely three eggs she will raise the young alone.
Biology by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

Man Pregnant in Australia

A man got pregnant in Australia - laugh, laugh, laugh! But you may be surprised to know that it actually happened, many times. Fifty four men have fallen for a baby since 2013 to be precise.  It is perfectly legal here.

Now, in Australia one can choose which gender can be used on public records. This has been the cause of records showing male births. Patients are people who are born female and continue to keep their reproductive organs while living as a man.

All of the 54 people who have had babies in Australia are transgender, originally being born as a women. One of these was actually 64 years old. The births were covered by medicare. A few did choose to have abortions. Of course some groups have slammed the whole concept as being against nature.
Health by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Australian Binge Drinking Problem

Australia is a society that "molds" itself around a culture of high alcohol consumption. Other countries also have this problem. Germany, Ireland, Scotland and England also have a reputation for excessive drinking behavior. None, though have the strong established culture as that in Australia.

The young learn from the old. Australian youth spend their weekends in a blur of binge drinking. Their parents have openly consumed alcohol at parties, barbecues and in pubs, since the youth were toddlers. And in Australia, children can be brought into pubs.

Cultural change is called for by the federal government. However, cultural norms of behavior are nearly impossible to change unless people feel a real crisis. The Ebola catastrophe in Africa have forced citizens to change their burial habits. Unfortunately, Australians do not take the alcohol crisis seriously. They think it does no apply to them.

The intention to charge mothers with a crime for damage to their unborn babies through heavy alcohol consumption is a step in the right direction. It could also be extended in the future to cover the obesity crisis as well. Regrettably, laws have not stopped illegal drug use. People are stubborn. It is like believing that you can change someone - individuals can change in the short term. They go back to their old ways in the long run.
Science by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Australian Scientists Reverse Aging

Australian scientists attempt to understand the aging process. In a partnership with Harvard University, the University of New South Wales has found a way to stop aging. Though it has been achieved on mice it has already been applied to humans.

Young youthful genes are turned on while older ones are turned off. Done in the right way, the process can halt and even reverse aging. The triggers are naturally occurring molecules and proteins. Change is made in the muscles and improvement begins in a week.

Hopefully, drugs containing the triggers can be developed. At least this is what the researchers are planning. Tests on humans have shown great promise so far. An extra plus for the "treatment" is that it is anti-inflammatory. Such diseases as inflammatory bowel disease could be sent into remission.

It makes one wonder, however, why findings aren't applied generally much sooner. Leader of the project, Professor David Sinclair a specialist in the field, has been taking the red wine molecule resveratrol for ten years. Why isn't this available for use by the general public?
Health by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Euthanasia and Dying at Home Should be on the Agenda

Euthanasia should be legal. When you are ill and feel that your life is no longer worth living, you should be given access to drugs that can be self-administered. It is of no help to society or anyone for that matter to continue painful existence.

Even when doctors know you are dying, in Australia you are not taken home to die. Eighty six per cent of Australians die outside of their home. This is despite 70 per cent of people wanting to die at home. There is high demand for medical facilities. Nonetheless, the critically ill are kept in hospitals and residential care against their wishes.

More home care is made available in other Western countries to look after dying people at home. Why is this not done in Australia? At present more die at an old age. This state of affairs could change as the young adopt poor lifestyles and medical treatment becomes more privatised.

Making wishes known will not alter the state of affairs, because the key to improving matters lies with government. Government policy driven by uncaring third parties is at fault. A social structure supportive of choosing how one dies is needed.
Health by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Menstruation is Not Happening at a Younger Age

Just when a girl has her first period is genetically based. It is determine by more that 100 parts of the the human genome. It is not affected by more good food, etc., as was once believed. Furthermore, good food intake is not making girls menstruate earlier.

Going into adulthood sooner is a danger to health. The chances of getting type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and breast cancer is increased. These findings come from an international study carried out in 166 institutions.

It seems that diseases are usually limited to a few parts of the genome, while menstruation involves a surprisingly large number. It is whole-body function. Indeed, one's physical and social surroundings could also play a part in triggering genes.

Yes, a better diet has lowered the onset of menstruation from 17 years of age in the 1800s to 12.5 years in the 1960s. Since that time, however, it has remained at that point. It must be noted that many diseases that delayed the onset of periods have been significantly reduced. Many people got seriously ill from infections in times past.
Health by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Men Choose Degrees That Provide Good Incomes

There is a reason more women are not in high income occupations. Let's face it the truth is the truth - most women do not have a mathematical mind. It is based on evolution where women developed social skills to collect berries and tubers. Men on the other hand had to hunt dangerous large animals and this needed calculating brains.

Even today the sexes express their differences. More men choose university degrees in maths, engineering, technology and science. This where big money is earned. Humanities degrees especially the common or garden Bachelor of Arts will leave you in the unemployment line.

Australians generally persist in studying for a BA despite all the statistics showing how weak this honor is. They know it is easy to get, but the easy way is not the best and more rational way.

Just choosing a non-humanities degree is not that easy for females. A few have extremely good mathematical skills. They are at least equal to men. Most do not have the mental precondition to do well in maths at school.

As an example, a quarter of men choose engineering degrees. Only 3.7 per cent of females choose this course of study. The only "maths" area of science studied by more women than men is veterinary science.
Education by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         
Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey are misguided in believing they can hide the jobless. Taking all income away from unemployed youth will only increase poverty and crime. Taking careers' income away and forcing them onto the dole queue will only ruin their lives and the lives of people they care for.

The elderly who need full-time care will only head for "old peoples' homes", particularly if they do not own a house that the government can hock to pay the fees. To say they are not hitting those who cannot hit back is definitely not true. These elderly sick people are defenceless.

Australian youth are in fact losing jobs. The proportion with work has fallen to its lowest rate for twenty years. Cutting penalty rates and wages generally will only drive the young into poverty. Having enough to buy food and nothing left for accommodation is a recipe for social disaster. Do you think for one moment that they will not take what they don't have. Watch the numbers rise for those living for free in empty houses owned by others.

If they want to study, the young will go into massive debt even before they start their working lives. Paying HECS for trade coursed is stupid. Next to laboring, trade jobs are the lowest paid. They certainly will not be able to save for a house deposit while paying off debt.

Where is the money coming from to move to a place that supposedly has work - as if these places exist. It costs money to move to a new city and the government is offering nothing. They know that the young cannot move so they will lose their unemployment benefit. No human being can live on nothing.
Politics by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog