Showing posts with label sweet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sweet. Show all posts

Humble Bee Company in NZ Disrupts the Plastics Industry

The plastics industry could be challenged by new product developed from an Australian masked bee. The insect creates a cellophane-like substance when making its nest. A company named the Humble bee in Wellington, NZ is researching the material to determine if it can be mass produced.
humble bee how zealand's forward-thinking biotech company helping disrupt plastics industry humble australian bee helping disrupt plastics industry skip sections navigation skip content skip footer network subscribe log open menu sydney morning herald subscribe close search site sections network home sydney nsw politics show subsections federal nsw victoria queensland act western australia business show subsections economy markets companies banking finance business consumer affairs workplace world show subsections north america europe asia middle east oceania central america south america africa national show subsections victoria queensland act western australia opinion property sport show subsections nrl rugby union afl soccer cricket racing motorsport netball cycling tennis basketball golf nfl athletics swimming boxing sailing world cup 2018 show subsections fixtures standings teams socceroos entertainment show subsections movies tv radio music celebrity books comedy dance musicals opera theatre art design tv guide lifestyle show subsections life relationships health wellness fashion beauty horoscopes money show subsections super retirement investing banking borrowing saving tax planning budgeting insurance education healthcare environment show subsections conservation climate change sustainability weather technology cars travel food wine executive style today's paper subscribers letters editorial column obituaries good weekend quizzes weather sydney morning herald age brisbane times watoday canberra times australian financial review domain commercial estate allhomes drive good food traveller executive style sixty essential baby essential kids babysitter store weatherzone rsvp adzuna advertisement exclusive national plastic humble australian bee helping disrupt plastics industry esther han june 2018 — 44pm normal text size larger text size large text size talking points humble bee early stage biotech startup company based wellington zealand studying australian masked bee hylaeus genus whose nesting material similar plastic wants disrupt plastics industry starting outdoor gear apparel market global market plastic products worth trillion growing per cent year doesn't honey live hive yellow stripes unassuming australian masked bee holds key disrupting trillion-dollar global plastics industry biotech start-up company found solitary masked bee's cellophane-like nesting material water-repellent expected resistant flames temperatures strong chemicals australian masked bee hylaeus genus solitary bee makes cellophane-like nesting material young photo usgs bee inventory monitoring lab humble bee based zealand now process reverse-engineering nesting material bid manufacture biodegradable alternative plastic large scale competitive price plastic particles chemicals permeated ecosystems organisms world foetal blood babies remote arctic lakes pervasive terrifying founder veronica harwood-stevenson said australian masked bee one centimetre long yellow badge back photo usgs bee inventory monitoring lab advertisement many types plastics we're looking one type we're working useful industrial properties believe applications multiple industries began ms harwood-stevenson came throwaway line research paper how species solitary bee's nesting material cellophane-like had potential bioplastic struggling enough hylaeus bees zealand ventured noosa queensland met chris fuller kin kin native bees who coincidence had figured trap nest bees same family special wooden blocks. ~ aussie, insects, sweet, sugar, hive, babies, fly, alone, flying, catching, breeding,
Solitary masked bee
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Dog Waits Patiently for Cream Cakes - Comical

Canine look forlornly at the two lonely but beautiful creamy sponge deserts. He would love to eat them. and is thinking of a way to get them. No humans are around so it should be easy. Just take them and they won't be missed. They will never know. But what if they find out? It is too risky. I will just wait. dog can waits big patiently has cream down cakes ah comical up dog will waits great patiently mus cream up cakes uh comical to dog more waits be patiently far cream in cakes ho comical at dog should waits for patiently to cream on cakes uh comical or dog is waits from patiently as cream at cakes ha comical do %
od carly pe as bus he home id georgia ed owner % $ pi carly oy di bus te home mm georgia mo owner an - eh er twitter do leave st hoping jo users mi university al day re window $ ~ if carly za be bus ob home et georgia lo owner pi - oy di twitter te leave mm hoping mo users an university eh day er window do - st jo emotional mi dunn al duluth re faithful em started is freshman ch state yu carly's or received sh likes fe retweets ug college ox tweet en story ny giving ai 18-year-old ~ * aa carly so ba bus bi georgia to owner if - za be twitter ob leave et hoping lo users pi university oy day di window te - mm mo emotional an dunn eh duluth er faithful do started st freshman jo state mi carly's al received re likes em retweets is college ch tweet yu story or giving sh 18-year-old fe - ug ox schol en she'll ny shared ai adorable ax original hi read bo i've ja semester oo ur told op buzzfeed na terrible on goodbyes ar time la house ky sad ki face go literally ma adoption ah let's uh hope ea visit xi desperately es drop zo video oe reunion it sympathised od bo's pe dedication as urged he immediately of home * $ of carly if hi bus ho ha georgia in owner on - an to twitter it leave at hoping or users we university he day up window to - uh eh emotional go dunn at duluth ok faithful la started me freshman no state so carly's is received us likes ox retweets a college i tweet oh story ah giving by 18-year-old id - my ax schol as she'll an shared am adorable of original be read hi i've la semester as ox told up buzzfeed od terrible na goodbyes ai time za house oh sad gu face ex literally el adoption oi let's ta hope ou visit po desperately ka drop um video ut reunion ho sympathised me bo's yo dedication qi urged ya immediately de - un fy waiting nu aest li december at school us leaving xu shares ha sadness aw it's da woman ag post ab telling ef love no crying my wanted wo reunited $ + carly bus georgia owner - twitter leave hoping users university day window - emotional dunn duluth faithful started freshman state carly's received likes retweets college tweet story giving 18-year-old - schol she'll shared adorable original read i've semester told buzzfeed terrible goodbyes time house sad face literally adoption let's hope visit desperately drop video reunion sympathised bo's dedication urged immediately - waiting aest december school leaving shares sadness it's woman telling love crying wanted reunited + || doggy, pet, food, eating, dinner, lunch, plate, pair, sponges, sweet, || If I keep quiet they will be mine.
Cream cakes dog
"If I keep quiet they will be mine."
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wiki the world

Ridiculous Big Eyed Dog Eats Cake

Dog with eyes bigger than cake belly, haha
"My eyes can handle this cake."

Funny Animal Pictures
Australian Blog
 Adventure Australia
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Saccharin to Treat Cancer

Are you sweet enough? Maybe you are if you use saccharin. But wait! Are there other uses that this comforter can be used for? Scientists believe that it could treat cancer. The saccharin molecule deactivates carbonic anhydrase IX, a protein in aggressive cancers.
Sweet saccharin to treat aggressive cancers
Carbonic anydrase IX regulates PH so that cancer can more easily spread through the body. It is hoped that saccharin can change the PH level. If it is not at an optimum level the cancer can be successfully treated with radiation and chemo therapy.

Healthy tissues, except for the gastrointestinal tract, have no carbonydrase anydrose IX. Other carbonic anydrase proteins are there though. Molecules tested before blocked similar carbonic anydrase proteins which are present to make the body work. By tweaking the saccharin molecule it was discovered that it does not affect helpful anhydrase proteins.

Tests have begun on liver and breast cancer. These are currently on animals. If the research is successful work on humans will open a new road to treating aggressive cancers.
Chemistry by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

Sweet Versus White Potatoes

You don't know which is better for you - standard or sweet potatoes? Well read on. While many people rant on about the benefits of sweet potatoes, ordinary potatoes are good for you too. There is a drive to reduce the consumption of starch. But be careful about this. Human beings have been eating tubers for hundreds of thousands of years. It is starch from wheat that is new to us - only ten thousand years. Our bodies have evolved to be able to digest tubers.
Processed food like flour is unnatural. Tubers have starch balanced with other elements. This slows down digestion and releases sugar very slowly into the body. Bread is digested quickly. You are hungry again in no time.

Sweet potatoes are not the best low GI (slow sugar release) in an absolute comparison of standard potatoes. Some varieties of potatoes are floury while others are waxy. They differ in GI qualities.

Cooking methods change the GI index. Boiling is best because water binds with the starch. Baking concentrates the sugar. Cutting up before cooking preserves the starch. Cooking potatoes whole raises sugariness. These methods can make sweet potatoes have a higher GI than standard boiled potatoes.

The thing about antioxidants can be ignored. In tests with mice it was found the long-living mice had more oxidants in their bodies than shorter-living ones. All vegetables are high in minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Sweet potatoes compare to Brussels sprouts and spinach, but white potatoes are sufficiently high. Note that we eat potatoes with other things. The "other things" provide missing elements that potatoes lack.
Chemistry by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

New Technology Adopted by Citrus Grower

About the only way for a business to succeed in this day and age is to improve productivity by developing new technology not by breaking employees' backs. Increasing productivity by making people work harder has never worked. It is only successful in the short term.

The Costa Group which exports high quality citrus fruit to Japan has installed an infrared Brix sensor system to improve the selection of the best for export. There will be no rejection by customers because the Brix scale shows how sweet an orange is for example. There is also higher sales of blemished fruit that are very sweet according to the scale.

It seems odd that the Brix system is not shown to domestic customers. There is a down side: minerals and trace elements are not measured. However, there is no doubt that Australian consumers would like the Brix scale placed on the sales price ticket of fruit.

Like keeping out New Zealand apples, Australian growers will go to extremes to sell low quality produce. The strangle hold on the industry must be broken. Australians should have the right to buy the best, no matter where in the world it comes from. Market manipulation is supposed to be illegal.
Agriculture by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Being Overweight Causes Osteoporosis

Being overweight leads to heart disease but it can also cause osteoporosis. This is due to people cutting out vital elements in the diet in their attempts to lose weight. Dairy products are essential for strong bones. Yet milk, butter and cheese are precisely what it being disregarded in diet by 30 per cent of women. Another danger is the consumption of bread. An astounding 40 per cent of women have stopped eating this food that is calcium fortified.  It must be remembered though that bread has only been part of the human diet for 10,000 years.  It could be the cause of many humans "diseases".

Research has shown that the real cause of weight gain is carbohydrates. Yes, it's as simple as that. People who only cut out sugar lose weight very quickly and maintain a low body weight thereafter. People concentrate on eating low fat diets even though research shows this to be the wrong thing to do. Look at movies made up to WWII. Actors and actresses and especially the extras were all quite skinny then. In those days most Western nations had not developed the high sugar habit. And most workers then went to work on a large fatty fried breakfast.

Danger in the future will not be with low fat diets. Young people today just refuse to eat vegetables. Cabbage and broccoli are high in iron. Young people steer well clear of these. Hope lies with the intake of fish. The young do like fish. Note the dash for seafood at Christmas. Fish contains calcium and minerals. Processed food is high in sugar. Government needs to have a policy aimed at lowering sugar intake in our diets.
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Conservation by Ty Buchanan
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