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Showing posts with label out. Show all posts

Dog Line

"Who is going out first?"
Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan
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Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan
     Australian Blog                         

Tired Pup

"I'm soooooo tired."
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Funny Animal Photos
-------Australian Blog-------

The World Needs EXtroverts and Introverts

The world is full of extroverts and introverts. Society needs them. Some must lead and others must follow. This is the normal way of things. Can you imagine if everyone was an extrovert. There would be arguments aplenty. Nothing would be settled.

Extroverts need people. While their behavior will to a degree drive others away, extroverts don't like to be alone. Introverts on the other hand like their own company. They can happily work on their own for months.

The problem is that these categories are not clear cut. There are some in the middle, those who have characteristics of both groups. The way people behave in their spare time is the best indicator of where they fit. Introverts avoid parties because it is a drain on them. They prefer to go fishing, for example. Extroverts go up the pub to mix with others.

Both groups will eventually have to change as their needs are fulfilled. Body and mind tells them to switch off and go the other way. It may be only for a short time, but batteries can be recharged and they can again push full speed ahead to where they are most comfortable.
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Australian Blog                         

Dog in Raincoat

"I'm ready to go."
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Funny Animal Photos
-------Australian Blog-------

Dog in Jail

"If someone doesn't adopt me soon, I'm going to break out."
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Funny Animal Photos
-------Australian Blog-------

Past Interaction of Indians With Australan Aboriginals Is Questionable

Australia's physical connection with the mainland of Asia disappeared 4,000 years ago. It is assumed that people from India crossed into Australia before this time. There is little proof of this. Indians and Australian Aboriginals are distinctly different. Aboriginals are more like Africans, while Indians appear to be black Caucasians.

DNA tests on both gene pools do show a link. However, this link could be directly from Africa 70,000 years ago. A similar thing could be said about Neanderthal genes being carried by some modern humans. The markers could have been there before both species split off from a common ancestor. The fact that Neanderthals have a different number of chromosomes is dismissed by some scientists when it is known that offspring of related species with differing chromosomes can have offspring but they are invariably "mules" who have infertile young.

Australian Aboriginals are the earliest of Mankind to leave Africa. There were many waves of movement out of Africa. Southeast Asia is much closer to Australia than India. When Europeans first arrived in Queensland there were two types of Aboriginals, One very dark skinned with robust features like natives of New Guinea, and a lighter skinned more gracile kind.

India is divided socially today into very dark skinned people who have been in the country for a large period of time, probably those left behind on the Aboriginal migration to Australia, and lighter skinned Indians who arrived more recently. There may not have been later interaction from those who remained in India on the very first journey from Africa and Australian Aboriginals..
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Cat Needs Help

"Get me out of heeeeeeeeeere!"
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Funny Animal Photos
 Vista Computer Solutions Blog

Dog Outfit

"They called me. So I just threw this outfit on."
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Funny Animal Photos

Cat Going Out

"They are always going out without me. So this time I'm ready."
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Funny Animal Photos

Dog Tired

"It's really tiring this eating business."
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Funny Animal Photos

Staying Out of the Sun Prevents Skin Cancer but Not Osteoporosis

Australians are so obsessed about staying out of the sun to prevent skin cancer that the number of people getting osteoporosis is increasing. This is a sad consequence of a positive behavior change. Osteoporosis would not be a problem if more people took calcium tablets with vitamin D each day. Unfortunately, many would rather spend their money on other things. The disease affects young people as well as the elderly.

The Nepean Consensus Statement meeting has been praised for making the disease more widely known. However, money spent on such activities is wasted, considering you can treat yourself without actually being diagnosed with the disease. Developing "fancy" management practises is unnecessary.

Giving calcium and vitamin D to the elderly who already suffer with osteoporosis is a waste of time, because once you have the disease it cannot be cured. A person need not adopt a calcium rich diet: calcium and vitamin D in tablet form are easily absorbed by the body. Even exercise is questionable, as this could cause bone fractures in susceptible people. Bone density tests just show that someone already has the disease.
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