There is a mystery about how Aboriginals first came to Australia. No evidence has come to light that shows there travel from Africa to the Southeast Asia. Artifacts in Australia date to 65,000 years ago but evidence in SEA only dates to 45,000 years ago and they are different people.
Showing posts with label native. Show all posts
Showing posts with label native. Show all posts
Aboriginals Got to Australia Along Two Routes in Southeast Asia
Time of Aboriginal Arrival Now 65,000 Years
Madjedbebe archaeological finds show Aborigines have been in Australia for more than 65 millenia. ⁍ shelter earliest excavation axes researchers sediment ⁌ ● time computer aboriginal to arrival numbers 65,000 it years we time figure aboriginal keys arrival text 65,000 in years of time create aboriginal colors arrival code 65,000 software years to time or aboriginal in arrival by 65,000 on years ● ⧫ humans dating artifacts excavation age samples rock researchers madjedbebe axes shelter sediment ancient earliest archaeologist ⧫ ⏏ archaeologist earliest ancient sediment shelter axes madjedbebe researchers rock samples age excavation artifacts dating humans ⏏ ⦿ sand humans study dating layers clarkson site university artifacts stone excavation human date age results luminescence samples determine long dark researchers buried grain people corporation gundjeihmi finding madjedbebe suggests schwenninger email involved provide jacobs team laser colleagues sunlight exposed amount energy shelter rock deepest called sediment continent animals evidence brien dominic migrated ancient axes earliest material studied author archaeologist chris timing ⦿ ∎ timing chris archaeologist author studied material earliest axes ancient migrated dominic brien evidence animals continent sediment called deepest rock shelter energy amount exposed sunlight colleagues laser team jacobs provide involved email schwenninger suggests madjedbebe finding gundjeihmi corporation people grain buried researchers dark long determine samples luminescence results age date human excavation stone artifacts university site clarkson layers dating study humans sand ∎
No One Can Claim Ancestry to Native Tasmanian Aboriginals
There is a problem in Australia in regard to claims that one is an Aboriginal. In the past, part Aboriginals have identified themselves as native Australians, so they are entitled to welfare benefits that white Australians cannot access.
The Palmer United Party Senator Jacqui Lambie has ignited the debate by claiming she is Aboriginal. This is questioned by other Aboriginals. Sure she does look a little bit different than "pure" white Europeans, but the difference is minuscule. She actually claims that she is a descendant of Mannalargenna, a famous Tasmanian Aboriginal leader.
Her offer of a DNA test to substantiate her claim is not of much use. Aboriginals originally came from Africa, as we all did. No genes have been identified as being unique to Australian Aboriginals. DNA testing was suggested in 2002 at the Tasmanian ATSIC elections.
The issue is that Tasmanian Aboriginals were a different "race" than mainlanders. They were all killed by European immigrants to Tasmania. The original Tasmanians had a very primitive culture. They believed that fire was mysterious and magical. They did not know how to light fire. If the fire went out they had to steal it from a neighbor.
All Aboriginals living in Tasmania today are Imports from the mainland. They left their cultural bases on the mainland more than a century ago so their lineage cannot be traced. The theory that mainland Aboriginals were the first people to leave Africa is brought into question by the earlier presence of Tasmanian Aboriginals.
✴ Culture by Ty Buchanan ✴
australian blog
The Aboriginal "Race" is in Danger
Aboriginals have been in Australia for at least 40,000 years, perhaps 60,000 years. If they were the first to leave Africa this could be pushed back to 80,000. Because they are so different from Asians this could be the case. A skull found in South America is clearly aboriginal - How did it get there?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders number about half a million of Australia's 23 million. Numbering them is difficult as many, like the American black population, have white people in their ancestry.
There is a strange state of affairs with more than a quarter of the overall population in Australia being born overseas. This has meant an important inter-cultural mix. However, the Aboriginal culture is dying out. Few young people speak native tongues in depth. Older people are not able to pass on languages completely: there are thousands of Aboriginal dialects across the country. Religious rituals in particular are disappearing.
Aboriginal art is very strong and many earn income from this. It is in demand not only in Australia but worldwide. Indeed, Aboriginals tried to patent the "dot" in their painting. The claim was turned down which left fake paintings by white people as a problem in the market.
Absorption into the white population has been the country's main aim for centuries. There are a few Aboriginals who stubbornly stay out of this idea. They are losing as time passes. City Aboriginals know nothing about traditional Aboriginal life. They would die of starvation if left in the outback. Their forebears knew how to survive.
Anthropology by Ty Buchanan
ACEAS Database Explains Australian Animal Extinctions
How do we stop the mass extinction of native animals in Australia? That is the big question. Building up a database of endangered species will help but action is needed now. More than a hundred kinds of animal are under threat.
Species are quickly dying off. Small marsupials are becoming extinct. These are in remote regions where humans seldom go, so this is a bit of a mystery. The answer could be imported predators which have been brought here since Europeans arrived.
Though feral cats and foxes are seen as mainly responsible, changing the landscape for farming and housing has also had an impact. Open land assists cats and foxes - they can more easily see their prey. Small slow-moving native animals
stand no chance at all.
The Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (ACEAS) database has identified areas most in need of conservation management plans. Animals are in the process of moving to new locations as the climate changes. Species fill environmental niches. They must move to places a place where their external needs are met. If they do not find suitable environments they will become extinct.
Conservation by Ty Buchanan
Fracking and Conservation Do Not Mix
There is always conflict between industry and the natural ecosystem. With the arrival of extraction and even mass agriculture comes pollution detrimental to the flora and fauna. This is no different in Aboriginal regions as in urbanized cities.
Dean Mathews is a Yawuru Aboriginal and Project Officer for the Nyamba Buru Yawuru Aboriginal Corporation. He monitors the impact on groundwater by agriculture and mining. He has made a video. It is significant that the location he tested did not have any visible industry there, so it would be expected that the water was still pure. Test the water adjacent to mining activity and the results would be quite different.
Much has been made of Aboriginal cooperation with industry - too much for my liking. One has the feeling that local Aboriginal have been duped. The mining industry employs people whose sole motivation is to change public opinion to accept the "job-creating" mining companies. The problem is of course that few Aboriginal are qualified to get these jobs.
In my opinion this is just a public relations exercise. As modern agriculture and mining becomes widespread pollution will occur. The states have allowed fracking for natural gas to take place anywhere. The effects of this is disastrous with farmers showing that gas which seeps up after fracking can be ignited with a lighter.
Aboriginals should try as best they can to have their native regions isolated completely from industry. They got the vote and ownership of their land. Now, they have to go one step further and fight for the right to keep minerals where they belong: in the ground.
Conservation by Ty Buchanan
Alien predators are the main danger to the survival of Australia's native wildlife. Foxes and cats are clearing many areas of native animals. Indeed, Australian fauna has been the hardest hit in the world. Bettongs (rat-kangaroo) and wombats for example are oblivious to the danger when a cat or fox is present.
Australian prey have developed camouflage to defend themselves from native predators, but alien predators can see through this.
Thousands of years of isolation have made native fauna vulnerable. Other continents have long had the cat, goat, grey squirrel, mouse, pig, rabbit, red deer, red fox and ship rat, so their native animals have learned to survive and avoid extinction. Responsibility lies clearly with early European immigrants. The damage was done a few hundred years ago.
Australian prey have developed camouflage to defend themselves from native predators, but alien predators can see through this.
Thousands of years of isolation have made native fauna vulnerable. Other continents have long had the cat, goat, grey squirrel, mouse, pig, rabbit, red deer, red fox and ship rat, so their native animals have learned to survive and avoid extinction. Responsibility lies clearly with early European immigrants. The damage was done a few hundred years ago.
New Way to Kill Cane Toads
It has recently been discovered that the way to fight the intrusive cane toad in Australia is to fence off all waterholes and dams. Without water they die. Another method has also been identified. A chemical that is in the toad itself is used against it. Tadpoles contain this chemical that kills toad eggs on contact. Those that survive grow at a slower rate than normal, so they are more vulnerable to predators.
The chemical is harmless to native species. Ways of implementing this strategy nationwide need to be developed, but this is only a matter of time. The pest has just reached the far west coast of Australia, leaping its way across the whole country.
West Australians are on search and destroy missions into the night. Queenslanders gave up on this years ago at it had no impact on their numbers. The fight continues.
The chemical is harmless to native species. Ways of implementing this strategy nationwide need to be developed, but this is only a matter of time. The pest has just reached the far west coast of Australia, leaping its way across the whole country.
West Australians are on search and destroy missions into the night. Queenslanders gave up on this years ago at it had no impact on their numbers. The fight continues.
cane toad
West Australia
House Sparrows Discard Their Parasites When They Move to New Regions
The ubiquitous house sparrow found in just about every country is being examined by scientists. They successfully populate new regions by discarding their "companion" parasites. Though they force their way into new niches, they don't kill off native birds and animals with their resident parasites.
Sparrow parasites spread avian malaria. It seems that this disease is not spread to new areas because parasites that carry it are discarded. Without this deadly malady sparrows thrive.
House sparrows originally came from Western Europe. They successfully live alongside humans. The cheeky little birds get much closer than other birds to people. This enables them to get food easily.
Sparrow parasites spread avian malaria. It seems that this disease is not spread to new areas because parasites that carry it are discarded. Without this deadly malady sparrows thrive.
House sparrows originally came from Western Europe. They successfully live alongside humans. The cheeky little birds get much closer than other birds to people. This enables them to get food easily.
Native Claim Wins Out Over Commonsense
Here we go again. Beliefs of a small group win out over commonsense. We all know that the land around Uluru, Ayers Rock, is sacred. That is accepted. Saying it is too sacred to go boating on a freshwater lake in South Australia is absolute rot. The native Aboriginals, the Arabunna, at Lake Eyre are making outrageous claims. How does boating affect their beliefs that objects have souls? If you want to believe that grains of sand have souls so be it, but leave everyone else alone.
The Arabunna were quite happy with local boating until plans were made to hold a sailing event by a yacht club. Nothing has changed. Swimming will be banned next. Aboriginals are afraid to use the lake anyway because they fear the lake's spirit keeper.
It all boils down to a dispute with the government over native title. If things aren't going well say something is sacred and stop this, stop that, stop everything. It is just bloody mindedness.
As the commodore of Lake Eyre Yacht Club says: this infringes on the natural right of people to use the lake as a navigable waterway. Talks have stalled. It seem nothing will be done until the Arabunna have their way.
The Arabunna were quite happy with local boating until plans were made to hold a sailing event by a yacht club. Nothing has changed. Swimming will be banned next. Aboriginals are afraid to use the lake anyway because they fear the lake's spirit keeper.
It all boils down to a dispute with the government over native title. If things aren't going well say something is sacred and stop this, stop that, stop everything. It is just bloody mindedness.
As the commodore of Lake Eyre Yacht Club says: this infringes on the natural right of people to use the lake as a navigable waterway. Talks have stalled. It seem nothing will be done until the Arabunna have their way.
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