Showing posts with label marsupial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marsupial. Show all posts

Programs are Saving Australia's Native Fauna

Lost handwriting skills
Protective programs saving Australian natural wildlife from extinction. ⁍ ⁌ ● Programs computer saving to australia's numbers native it fauna we Programs figure saving keys australia's text native in fauna of Programs create saving colors australia's code native software fauna to Programs or saving in australia's by native on fauna ● ⧫ mammals h species h land h conservation ⧫ ⏏ mammals g species g land g conservation g mammal g society g control g threatened g extinctions ⏏ ⦿ mammals species land conservation mammal society control threatened extinctions greatest threat recognise biological cat problem important australia loss part need country affinity nature world biodiversity obligation research losses solution change heart rate situation feral save triage analogy pervasive current work disease simply environmental country’s australians care review fate fit continue responsibility action ⦿ ∎ mammals a species a land a conservation a mammal a society a control a threatened a extinctions a greatest a threat a recognise a biological a cat a problem a important a australia a loss a part a need a country a affinity a nature a world a biodiversity a obligation a research a losses a solution a change a heart a rate a situation a feral a save a triage a analogy a pervasive a current a work a disease a simply a environmental a country’s a australians a care a review a fate a fit a continue a responsibility a action ∎ || australian extinction wildlife koala, kangaroo, tasmanian, devil, wombat, roo, dingo, animals, marsupial, desert, ||
Australian native fauna

Thylacines Not Extinct From El Nino

Mercury pollution


Thylacinus cynocephalus disappeared from the Aussie mainland. A new theory of why it happened is suggested. oct gallery mainland telegraph follow tasmania news tiger dna thylacines extinction years tasmanian premium comment weather creatures rewards storm time pictures register drought climate dogs australia hunting ancient australian credit mystery wiped solved finally shop content attack 52am free white germany study theresa 24am government tells october day 03:00:00 latest trump donald tourist eyes afghanistan 55am year 33am instagram twitter facebook home state survived money log show fill change evidence search led sightings unconfirmed population diversity genetic university 1700s images getty afp blackwood torsten thylacine introduced wild extinct science business sport video oct a gallery a mainland a telegraph a follow a tasmania a news a tiger a dna a thylacines a extinction a years a tasmanian a premium a comment a weather a creatures a rewards a storm a time a pictures a register a drought a climate a dogs a australia a hunting a ancient a australian a credit a mystery a wiped a solved a finally a shop a content a attack a 52am a free a white a germany a study a theresa a 24am a government a tells a october a day a 03:00:00 a latest a trump a donald a tourist a eyes a afghanistan a 55am a year a 33am a instagram a twitter a facebook a home a state a survived a money a log a show a fill a change a evidence a search a led a sightings a unconfirmed a population a diversity a genetic a university a 1700s a images a getty a afp a blackwood a torsten a thylacine a introduced a wild a extinct a science a business a sport a video oct c gallery c mainland c telegraph c follow c tasmania c news c tiger c dna c thylacines c extinction c years c tasmanian c premium c comment c weather c creatures c rewards c storm c time c pictures c register c drought c climate c dogs c australia c hunting c ancient c australian c credit c mystery c wiped c solved c finally c shop oct k gallery k mainland k telegraph k follow k tasmania k news k tiger k dna k thylacines k extinction k years k tasmanian k premium k comment k weather k creatures oct m gallery m mainland m telegraph m follow m tasmania m news m tiger m dna m thylacines m extinction m years m tasmanian oct d gallery d mainland d telegraph d follow d tasmania d news d tiger oct p gallery p mainland oct or gallery th oct
Thylacine extinction

ACEAS Database Explains Australian Animal Extinctions

How do we stop the mass extinction of native animals in Australia? That is the big question. Building up a database of endangered species will help but action is needed now. More than a hundred kinds of animal are under threat.

Species are quickly dying off. Small marsupials are becoming extinct. These are in remote regions where humans seldom go, so this is a bit of a mystery. The answer could be imported predators which have been brought here since Europeans arrived.

Though feral cats and foxes are seen as mainly responsible, changing the landscape for farming and housing has also had an impact. Open land assists cats and foxes - they can more easily see their prey.  Small slow-moving native animals
stand no chance at all.

The Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (ACEAS) database has identified areas most in need of conservation management plans. Animals are in the process of moving to new locations as the climate changes. Species fill environmental niches. They must move to places a place where their external needs are met. If they do not find suitable environments they will become extinct.
Conservation by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Tasmanian Tiger Did Not Fill the Evolutionary NIche of a Dog

It was believed that the Tasmanian Tiger perished in mainland Australia due to the dingo taking over their habitat. New findings show the dingo did not directly compete with the marsupial dog. They had different ways of getting their food.

Dingos were brought to Australia from Asia in recent times. It is not native to Australia. The demise of the Tasmanian tiger on the larger part of Australia 3,000 years ago was coincidental. Settlers in Tasmania feared their cattle and sheep would be slaughtered so they eradicated the quite timid animal in the early twentieth century.

Dingoes are wild dogs that run for long periods running down their prey. Tasmanian tigers were not distance runners. They ambushed sick and young animals. The tiger's skeletal structure was more like cats than dogs, particularly the elbow joint which was feline in character. The dingo has elbows that lock, while the marsupial dog had a flexible joint. This undermines the theory that the Tasmanian tiger filled the evolutionary niche open in Australia due to the absence of a native dog.
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Ancient Marsupial Found With Specialised Teeth for Eating Snails

Evidence of the existence of specialised ancient marsupials have been found in Australia. They had teeth that were "hammer-like" for crushing snail shells. Lizards living today in rain forests have similar teeth. They had premolars like the teeth in humans located between the molars and canines. Researchers could not determine at first what the strange teeth were used for. It was the first time that such teeth had been found in marsupials.

Like the Tasmanian tiger a marsupial which filled the role of native dog in Australia, so this marsupial more than 10 million years ago, lived in the niche that the pink-tongued skink holds today. This wet rain forest lizard is quite large, about 40 cm in length, so it's ancestor would have been a tough competitor.

The extinct marsupial became extinct when the weather changed in Australia and inland rain forests receded toward the coast. Lizards could survive in the new environment. The marsupial could not.

Riversleigh in northern Australia, a rich source of marsupial fossils, was where the find was made. Indication are that the marsupial was not plentiful even in prehistoric times because so few fossils of the animal have been found.
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