Showing posts with label landing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landing. Show all posts

Did Australian Aboriginals Plan to Reach the Continent?

Aborigines were the first out of Africa and first into Asia. Aboriginal Australians left Africa earlier that East Asians and Europeans according to analysis of DNA from a 90-year-old hair sample. Human migration from Africa first began 70,000 years ago. Genome analysis of early Australians presents a picture or isolated pockets of Aboriginal Australians from a small initial group. research, journal, science, hans villarica. roaming area least 24 000 years ancestors present-day europeans asians first live australia according dna results 90-year-old hair sample young man link aborigines first inhabitants part world 50 000 years ago study however first contradict popular theory modern humans came single out-of-africa migration wave europe asia australia does deal huge blow confirming aboriginal australians part first rounds human relocation aboriginal australians descend first human explorers explains lead author university copenhagen professor eske willerslev news release ancestors europeans asians sitting somewhere africa middle east explore their world further ancestors aboriginal australians spread rapidly traversing unknown territory asia finally crossing sea australia gallery up-close aboriginal australian hair specimen landmark study q co-author university california berkeley biologist rasmus nielsen follows learn backstory sample how genome-sequencing works technology led discoveries team's key findings why significant anthropologists long interested finding how humans dispersed agree modern humans evolved africa 50 00 thousand years ago thereafter spread rest world consensus stops anthropologists believe hypothesis so-called southern route idea aboriginal australians descended early wave dispersal modern humans southern asia other population groups africa according theory descendants separate recent wave dispersal others believe one major wave hotly debated aboriginals living australia today descend modern humans area 50,000 years ago resolve debates sequenced genome australian aboriginal 90-year-old hair sample analyzed dna computationally compared genomes individuals other geographic regions found individual must descended early dispersal wave different one leading east asians europeans humans dispersed major waves migration africa our results confirm aboriginal australians descendants first wave migrants reaching australia backstory hair specimen involved acquisition hair sample i've duckworth laboratory collections university cambridge obtained one distinguished anthropologists his generation dr alfred cort haddon 923 according haddon's notes sample obtained golden ridge kalgoorli western australia donor described young man worked together goldfields land sea council represents aboriginal traditional owners goldfields region including cultural possibly biological descendants individual who gave original sample how does genome-sequencing work perhaps can explain analogy genome compared book three billion letters sequencing genome australian aboriginal individual managed all letters book still don't really understand language book written can compare similar books genomes other populations learn differences similarities populations technically easier now ever sequence genomes cut genome many chunks feed chopped-up dna machine tell identity all chunks analogy book book shredded many pieces figure how all pieces fit together first time done human difficult now other humans compare hard analyzed dna hair sample knew individual who count europeans aboriginal australians recent ancestors wanted ensure individual 00 percent aboriginal australian descent talk methodology particularly technology team used type dna sequencing talked earlier called next-generation sequencing developed past five years provided incredible increase amount dna sequencing allowed now routinely sequence genome individual cost computational advances allow extract information dna sequences infer history populations dna accurately study developed computational method estimating divergence times populations single genome representative each population implications study any present-day aboriginal australians any significant political implications rights aboriginal australians hopefully determined genetic issues events happened 50 000 years ago however might satisfying aboriginal australian community occupied land long looking
Ancient seafarers
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Drone Lands on Athlete - Injuries

Companies are announcing delivery of parcels and takeaway food by drone. This is all advertising bling. It cannot possibly happen. Strict aviation rules will apply and this will completely rule them out. They are too dangerous. Imagine one landing on a crowd of people. Its rotors would cut flesh everywhere.

At the moment there is no restriction on their use in most countries because not many are in use. As accidents happen there will be strong calls for limitations on who can fly them. An athlete in an Australian triathlon was hit by a drone carrying a camera. She suffered lacerations to her
head. The owners of the drone said he was not hurt. In other words they denied responsibility. The first thing that must be implemented is insurance for these "flying attack vehicles". Wire protectors covering the rotors is another option. Part of a propeller was stuck in the runners head. To say she was making up her injuries is rubbish - she had three stitches.

The owner of the machine said that the drone had been hacked. This is not possible as few knew a drone with a camera was going to cover the event. Another problem is the question of licencing. The person flying the drone had a licence but the company who hired him did not. This is a gray area in the law. Oddly, the controller held a plane flying licence which does not cover drones.

CASA the official aviation authority is investigating the incident. Apparently many drones have crashed with few being reported. They are powerful machines and can quickly leave a controllers line of sight. Accurate landing software does not exist. A GPS or radar type landing system is absolutely necessary as soon as possible. Until this is done all drones should be banned from highly populated areas.
Technology by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Bombs Dropped Near Barrier Reef

The Us has dumped bombs near Australia's Great Barrier Reef. It was not intentional. Two of their Marine aircraft were in fuel trouble and had to jettison the dangerous cargo for safety reasons.

Before dumping the explosive devices they were disarmed. The planes were operating from a Navy ship. The now harmless bombs are sitting in a deep channel away from the Barrier Reef. They are in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage area, however.

Plans are under way to retrieve the bombs. Just how this is to be done is unknown at present.  It is not an international incident. The Australian government knows full well the immediacy of the action. There has been no protest. Removal will be done as soon as practicable.
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Australian Blog                         

An Attempt to Get Survivors to Another Planet Is Futile

Australian astronomers are searching for planets in other solar system that could sustain human life. Dr Charley Linweaver says Mankind is reaching the beginning of the end. It's time to look for a way out at least for a small group of people.  The number of planets identified orbiting other suns now exceeds 750. Though a few of these could be like the Earth, exact information is lacking.

The objective of getting people to such a distant destination is way "off the planet" at present. We do not have the technology to get people in orbit around other planets in our own solar system, let alone reaching a far away planet and landing safely.

Finding an identical planet to Earth is just not possible. This planet is a freak in regard to the universe. Most planets do not have life because they are regularly hit by asteroids and even other planets. Sending probes to  a possible twin planet would be a waste of time. It would literally take a lifetime to get a message back.
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Waterbird Landing

"Get out of the way I'm landing....well I will be landing soon."
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Funny Animal Photos

Bird Flight

"I won't take this flight again if the landing is rough."
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Funny Animal Photos