Showing posts with label fuel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fuel. Show all posts

The Best Speed to Get Home the Quickest

    ▶ Are you heavy on the pedal when driving to get home in the shortest time possible? | stories | speed shortest monitors household general support service battle does phone edition stronger speed as legal high continent excellent sovereignty food publication attenborough driving speed on it quickest parliamentary elite train title ultimate propriety supremacy courts may brown speed go home at quickest breathtaking sheer mp3 option sudden top vote policy confident clear common speed if home in quickest highlights did somersault brazenness telegraph approval shortest constitutional at home to referendum inevitably parties supreme it gravy formal remainers particular of power across parliament tack was party everyone official court john not richard statement niceties process am campaign draw personal american election fuller
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Does having your foot hard on the accelerator when you leave work get you home quicker? It may surprise you, but it will not. Tests have shown that driving at a steady 80km/h is the quickest way to get from A to B. Being patient is essential. There is also no gain in changing from lanes. | ▶ shortest not stories news restrictions . |◀ |
M4 Motorway Sydney
The problem is that motorists do not like speed restrictions. Attempts in the past have received barrages of criticism. However, with less damage to the environment at lower speeds, there will be more pressure the other way. Authorities will ultimately bring in restrictions.  | ▶ | australian restrictions driving 80km/h◀ |    
Automobile bodies say that slowing down, stopping and accelerating causes most pollution. They, of course, are living in dreamland. Traffic lights are necessary to distribute traffic. Nothing can be done to get "cruise" motoring conditions. Indeed, those driving at the limit on 100km/h motorways have to keep slowing down behind others travelling at 80km/h. | ▶ | not. | ▶   
A variable speed system is to be tried on Sydney's M4 motorway later this year. Computers will make calculations which will give optimal speeds to be set on particular sections to improve flow. There could be problems with this because motorists will assume that limits today are the same as yesterday, not realizing that they are being changed throughout the day.    | ▶ | not | ◀ |

◆ Anthropology 
Tys Outback
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| ▶ exist | shortest wherever golly mine whom inasmuch some brrr arg lie aha congratulations herself others myself alas somebody something ourselves whomever many Anything them each both his nobody as lest whose theirs any several little everybody gadzooks one grief because either these soon whom eureka bingo other pushed none how after I whenever those till when origin whereas dang her provided it everyone ahh whatever me hour you before another though no although once ours who if long much not that rather bravo we supposing ahoy whoever now Each bam ahem eh goodness them most anyone than which himself this yourself unless gee currency why an him where she eek whichever money. hers nothing more whomever aw us someone all encore what blah yours neither whichever another such who even until they gosh whiz drat darn since fiddlesticks while goodbye few themselves in anybody itself | quickest ◀ | stories news photos articles |

E10 Ethanol Fuel Claim is a Lie

  Oil companies and governments are not telling us the truth ethanol lie alternative truck vehicle traditional gasoline ethanol heavy lie taxes europe environmental laws california greenhouse ethanol fuel lie emissions high priority manufacturers ethanol fuel lie current electric internal combustion forms ethanol it fuel on lie focus cells gdi hcci ethanol engines lie possible long-term economical advantages fossil natural renewable resource ethanol occurs nature whenever solution hybrid uses fuel multiple propulsion systems motive.
The conservational properties of E10 ethanol fuel for motor vehicles is a myth. If you have a medium sized car, say 2 litres in engine size, driving carefully your car will travel 100 kilometers on 10 liters of regular 91 octane petrol.  It is well known that E10 is inefficient in regards to performance and economy. You will not get 100 kilometers out of 10 liters of ethanol-blend. About 90 kilometers would be the distance.

Ethanol E10 fuel lie
What does this mean? To get 100 kilometers out of E10 will take 10 per cent more of the novel substance. Your car would use 11 liters of ethanol-blend. Normal 91 octane petrol makes up 90 per cent of E10-mix, so how much 91 petrol are you using to travel 100 kilometers?
The answer is here:

            0.9 x 11 liters = 9.9 liters of 91

            Rounding this up to a whole number we get 10.00 liters.

The 10 per cent added ethanol in E10 is doing nothing at all. It is just an "extender" - a thinning agent. Petrol remains the one and only substance powering your car.
Benefit to the environment is zero. Carbon is still pumped into the atmosphere at the same rate whether you use the magical, wonderful Ethanol-blend or standard 91 octane. You use your car in a habitual way: driving to work, the shops, family weekends. No matter what you choose to put in your car you still cover the same distance.

It doesn't even make sense for oil companies to sell the stuff.  They make less profit than selling ordinary gas.  At first they thought they would make a lot of money but they were wrong.  Politicians are a stupid bunch.  They live in ivory towers insulated from the real world. Making silly regulations forcing the wrong things on people is their game.

Don't believe all the hype. It is the great ethanol-mix fraud!

Note: Remember the hype given to diesel cars, how they were efficient and ran clean?  This is now found to be wrong.  Some countries are now banning such vehicles.  Diesel has always been a filthy substance.  Many people have known all along that clean diesel engines was rubbish - literally.

◆ Transport 
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forgotten seat lady

Elecric Cars are a Mistake

Adopting battery powered cars is the worst thing societies can do. It is just a transfer from dirty oil engines to dirty oil power station. Removal of carbon at power stations is talked about a lot. However, nothing has been achieved. Experiments have largely failed.

The distance barrier is still a problem for battery cars. To go more than two hundred miles requires an enormous battery, far to heavy to put in vehicles. Price is still an issue: there is little hope of a reduction even with mass production. Weak demand continues.

Planners are saying that the lack of battery "charge" centers is the main barrier. This is only secondary. Where does the capital come from to build them? Battery swap stations were established by the Electric Light Company to service a fleet of electric trucks a century ago. Buses in China get new batteries en route. The trucks disappeared and Chinese buses are government run.

Changing to a recharged battery is not cost effective. If you have to do this you may as well keep the petrol car. A charge-up at home is the only way to go. Long distance truckers will never adopt battery power. There is little torque in the powertrain, certainly not enough to transport heavy goods.
✴ Transport Transport by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Bombs Dropped Near Barrier Reef

The Us has dumped bombs near Australia's Great Barrier Reef. It was not intentional. Two of their Marine aircraft were in fuel trouble and had to jettison the dangerous cargo for safety reasons.

Before dumping the explosive devices they were disarmed. The planes were operating from a Navy ship. The now harmless bombs are sitting in a deep channel away from the Barrier Reef. They are in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage area, however.

Plans are under way to retrieve the bombs. Just how this is to be done is unknown at present.  It is not an international incident. The Australian government knows full well the immediacy of the action. There has been no protest. Removal will be done as soon as practicable.
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Australian Blog                         

Investment in Clean Energy Production Predicted to Rise

It is predicted that the use of solar and wind power will rapidly increase as costs falls. There has been an improvement in the efficiency of wind turbines. Solar panels also put out more power at a lower cost.

Australians have strongly adopted solar power while governments offer high payments for electricity going back into the system. Making an end date of 2026 of such overpayment was a silly idea. It is too far ahead for future governments to guarantee this "lopsided" subsidy that only helps the wealthy. The financial burden has been pushed onto the elderly.

Solar power has hidden costs. Power surges burn out televisions and computers. New ones must be purchased. Many consumers are saying someone has to fix this. Considering solar power generation will fluctuate throughout the day with this is near impossible.

Frank Calabria, CEO of Origin Energy, favors the elimination of all subsidies on clean energy. This indicates a probable back down considering Origin is the largest investor in wind farms. Coal remains the cheapest form of power production in Australia. This economic advantage will continue. Whether new calls for nuclear power are supported is unknown are present.
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Australian Blog                         

Australia's Economy Would "Stop" if Oil Imports Ceased

Some countries are moving toward other fuels such as coal gas. However, public opinion about it polluting the environment could bring an end to the trend of companies running roughshod over properties belonging to others. The search is driven by potential profit not for any long-term goal.

People are complacent. Australia is dependent on fuel from mainly Middle Eastern countries. If a major conflagration occurred there the Australian economy would come to a standstill in a matter of weeks. Rationing would have to be introduced immediately. Health and food would be the main priorities. Distribution would be hit hard as it uses most of the oil imported, apart from private use of motor vehicles.

Australia does not keep an oil reserve. Even though some countries have reserves. It would put off the economic hit for a few months. What is shocking is that even dried food in this country would last only nine days.

Using solar power for transport is not possible. If such a scenario did happen there would be a quick move to other resources like using sunlight to turn algae into a usable oil substitute. It has been calculated that algae would produce a minimum of 60 tonnes of oil from each hectare of pond surface. Streamlined systems could increase yield to over 600 tonnes.

At the moment there is no need to "manufacture" oil from algae. Natural oil remains the cheapest form of energy. Many universities are working on algae. Like everything else in this world new opportunities are only taken when it becomes necessary. Personally, I believe that there are solutions to a cut in oil supplies. Obviously there would be a world economic downturn, but Man has survived due to adaptation to changing environments. An oil crisis would be no different.
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Australian Blog                        

Mischievous Monkey

"You Don't need this harmless chemical do you?"
~~~~~Funny Animal Photos~~~~~
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