Showing posts with label eat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eat. Show all posts

Being Overweight Causes Osteoporosis

Being overweight leads to heart disease but it can also cause osteoporosis. This is due to people cutting out vital elements in the diet in their attempts to lose weight. Dairy products are essential for strong bones. Yet milk, butter and cheese are precisely what it being disregarded in diet by 30 per cent of women. Another danger is the consumption of bread. An astounding 40 per cent of women have stopped eating this food that is calcium fortified.  It must be remembered though that bread has only been part of the human diet for 10,000 years.  It could be the cause of many humans "diseases".

Research has shown that the real cause of weight gain is carbohydrates. Yes, it's as simple as that. People who only cut out sugar lose weight very quickly and maintain a low body weight thereafter. People concentrate on eating low fat diets even though research shows this to be the wrong thing to do. Look at movies made up to WWII. Actors and actresses and especially the extras were all quite skinny then. In those days most Western nations had not developed the high sugar habit. And most workers then went to work on a large fatty fried breakfast.

Danger in the future will not be with low fat diets. Young people today just refuse to eat vegetables. Cabbage and broccoli are high in iron. Young people steer well clear of these. Hope lies with the intake of fish. The young do like fish. Note the dash for seafood at Christmas. Fish contains calcium and minerals. Processed food is high in sugar. Government needs to have a policy aimed at lowering sugar intake in our diets.
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Conservation by Ty Buchanan
     Australian Blog                         
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Cat Toast

"It may only be toast but it looks good to me."
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Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan
     Australian Blog                         
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Climate Change Could Make Timid Animals More Aggressive

Climate change can cause changes in behavior. As water becomes warmer so some species of fish become aggressive. Some fish are inherently timid while others are bold. In experiments on fish from the Australian Barrier reef, when water was slowly warmed normally timid fish became aggressive. Their rate of activity increased as well. Evolution has created fish that fit into a niche where survival depends on a fish being very careful about its surroundings. If they openly attack larger fish it could mean the smaller ones will be eaten.

It is possible that similar changes will occur with reptiles, amphibians, ectotherms and even mammals. If timid animals become bold then they could be killed off by predators or by humans using harvesting equipment trying to catch other animals for food. Only a very small increase in temperature led to the change.

In the tests, fish were bred in captivity then released into holding tanks where the water was slowly warmed. They had no chance to socialize with wild fish. When the water was cool the fish hid in plastic pipe. As the water heated up the fish ventured further from the protective pipe.

Certain assumptions can be made from this research. As the Arctic ice disappears, Polar bears wandering near small towns in Alaska, Canada and Northern Europe could become more brazen in their search for food from garbage cans and dump sites. They could kill humans more frequently in their anger. Similarly, rats living in these cold climes may not just die of shock when hit. They could turn on people and fight back.
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Australian Blog                         

Spoon Cat

"Cat see.  Cat eat."
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Funny Animal Photos
-------Australian Blog-------

Cat Fish Bowl box

"Why can't we have a fish bowl like other homes?"
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Funny Animal Photos
-------Australian Blog-------

Burpy Cat

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Funny Animal Photos
-------Australian Blog-------

Australians Workers Not to Eat Meat - Dictated by Employer

If you do a paid job for a customer shouldn't you be allowed to eat what you want in your lunchbreak? I would think that most people would say yes. A Hindu billionaire, Pankaj Oswal, has dictated that workers do not eat meat while working at his home. The construction union of Western Australia has said that workers will eat what they want. Mr Oswal's case was based on the proposition that companies and organizations worldwide have rules such as no-smoking and no-drinking while at the premises. Rajan Zed of the Universal Society of Hinduism has called on the Australian Human Rights Commission to intervene.

I wonder, if Mr Oswal had chosen Hindu workers would he have had this problem? Surely there are Hindu workers out there. It would have been easier for Mr Oswla to do this. Considering he has set designated areas for workers to eat anything they want.

Rajan Zed has seen this as an opportunity to preach. He says, "Hinduism promoted strict vegetarianism insisting on ahimsa (not harming living creatures) and non-killing, and renouncing animal slaughter and meat eating." He further adds the dig: "Australia seemed to be lacking in human rights culture and it needed to do a lot to become a fully civilized society and to stay competitive globally." Such a statement is unfounded. Australia is a forward thinking country, not backward looking. We are moving to an era when all religious restrictions will be stopped. The world is in a mess today because people blindly follow religious "rules" based on myth. Note how the Catholic Church has recently accused atheists of being the cause of world problems.

Put succinctly, Australia welcomes all creeds, but it must not make restrictive changes to Australian society - particularly at the whim of a billionaire. I question whether Mr Oswal has ever hurt anyone in making his billions. Don't people count as "living creatures"?
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Dieting After Christmas

Many people have a guilt complex about Christmas. It is a time to eat to excess. Overeaters plan to suffer later to rip away the pounds gained by Christmas. Unfortunately, future suffering from fasting and exercise won't work. Perhaps people do it to reduce the guilt while knowing that weight reduction will only be temporary.

Detox diets are really myths. They can harm your body damaging the liver. Eating a lot doesn't necessarily build up toxins anyway. One's weight is genetically determined. If you reduce what you generally eat your body will slow the metabolism making weight loss more difficult. Ironically, eating less will increase your appetite as the body feels you need to go up to your determined weight level.

The best you can hope for is to change the balance of fat and muscle while accepting that your overall weight will not change. Cut out the carbs and eat more vegetables, fruit and lean meat. The real problem today is not really food intake. It is the high consumption of soft drinks packed with sugar. Sugar is pure carbohydrate which is transformed into fat by the body. While many will not accept the fact, consuming soft drinks seems to be addictive.
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Spider Eats Bird

Is it safe to go out? Well maybe not. A spider was seen eating a bird in Cairns, north Queensland.

The golden orb weaver spider usually eats insects. It is a step up for it to consume a bird. The bird had flown into the spider's web and become weak. Then the spider attacked it.

Golden orb spiders grow much larger than the one shown in the photograph. Though they were not thought capable of eating a whole bird.
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Monkey Overeat Like Humans but the Animals Do Not Get Fat

Monkeys, like humans, overeat. Monkeys gorge themselves on low protein fruit. Extremely large quantities are ingested which could lead to an increase in body fat. Food intake for monkeys is tied to the level of protein in food. If food has a high protein level they will eat less of it before feeling full.

Shoots and leaves have a high protein level. So they eat less of these to obtain their daily intake of 12 grams of protein. The reason that eating fruit does not make them fat is that it takes a lot of energy to obtain the fruit.

In Western countries we seek high carbohydrate food because we are trying to satisfy our craving for protein. The conclusion has been reached by scientists that human obesity began 40,000 years ago when people substituted meat with crude bread made out of wild grain. Humans have become fatter as easier ways of harvesting grains have developed.
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TV Animal

"Great shot! I think I'll have another snack."
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Funny Animal Photos

Dogs Eats Car in Australia

Keep an eye on your car - there are wild dogs about! Clayton Dwyer's girlfriend called him and told him to look at his car. The front bumper had been torn from the car and gnawed into bits. Dogs had even bitten into steel front panels.

Mr Dwyer found it hard to believe that wild dogs would do such a thing. He had seen the pack wandering around the neighborhood.

His girlfriend admitted to him that the dogs had attacked her car some months before. At first it was thought that someone had done the damage with a hammer. But panel beaters could make out teeth marks on torn parts of her car.
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