Millennials seem to be difficult to understand for seniors. They are too politically correct. ● millennials computer strange to creatures numbers elderly it people we millennials figure strange keys creatures text elderly in people of millennials create strange colors creatures code elderly software people to millennials or strange in creatures by elderly on people ● ⧫ single gigs stereotypes citizens carefree values trends parents happiness millennial meaning young older ⧫ ⏏ older young meaning millennial happiness parents up trends no values or carefree citizens stereotypes gigs single ⏏ ⦿ workers older work jobs money young important economy meaning percent part-time restaurants decade happiness millennial parents trends values carefree citizens senior rise kolko labor fact stereotypes highest feel commission shift gigs company single income working uber arrangements alternative years workforce age gig aging america’s prefer ⦿ ∎ prefer america’s aging gig age workforce years alternative arrangements uber working income single company gigs shift commission feel highest stereotypes fact labor kolko rise senior citizens carefree values trends parents millennial happiness decade restaurants part-time percent meaning economy important young money jobs work correct workers politically correct to politically ∎
Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts
Millennials are Strange Creatures to Elderly People
Email is an Increasing Problem
Since the email was "invented" in 1977 it has continued as the main means of sending information that is admissible in court. Though you may think that what you say is not important, the content can be used against you in a court of law.
For light social exchange people use Facebook, Whatsapp and Twitter. If governments could get their hands on the data it would use that against you as well.
The main problem with email is that there is so much of it. The vast majority of users cannot deal with it. Most emails are discarded without being read simply because users think it is spam, or the nearest thing to it - continuing emails from a company you have either purchased something from or downloaded supposedly for free.
New email systems from Google, Amazon, IBM or WorkMail usually just provide more folders that you could create yourself. The boundary between work and home life is now blurred with a mass of emails that need ongoing, endless attention.
Trying to make email more manageable is just making it more complex. You cannot make anything simpler that opening an email, reading it and replying, or dumping it into Trash.
✴ Technology by Ty Buchanan ✴
Governments Must Invest in Internet Structures Now
People are jumping on the Internet without realizing that their action is leading to potential disaster. Many countries are leaving Internet investment to the private sector but such companies are only interested in short-term profit. Unless a monopoly exists it is just not worth while investing large amounts in Internet infrastructure.
Communication is at the center of everything we do today. Soon mobile devices will outnumber PCs. In some places Internet speed is slowing down due to overload. To meet future demand Governments will have to get involved in telecommunication infrastructure investment. In some cases this will mean government take-over of information systems.
Advanced technology requires very high speed and wide bandwidth. It takes up to ten years to build adequate optic fiber information networks. Soon poor countries will be measured by the quality of their Internet. Even some currently advanced nations will be left behind if they don't act in the near future.
Communication is at the center of everything we do today. Soon mobile devices will outnumber PCs. In some places Internet speed is slowing down due to overload. To meet future demand Governments will have to get involved in telecommunication infrastructure investment. In some cases this will mean government take-over of information systems.
Advanced technology requires very high speed and wide bandwidth. It takes up to ten years to build adequate optic fiber information networks. Soon poor countries will be measured by the quality of their Internet. Even some currently advanced nations will be left behind if they don't act in the near future.
mobile phones
Telstra Should Not Have Been Compensated for the NBN Using Fibre Instead of Copper
It seems odd for the Government to compensate Telstra for building the National Broadband Network considering fibre optic cable is a modern version of old copper. If a rival company in the market place builds a new factory with modern equipment established firms are not paid a cent. Besides, the copper was funded by Australian citizens and not by Telstra per se.
Selling Telstra was a stupid idea anyway. People who bought shares should have known that the monopoly would eventually die. Perhaps John Howard saw the writing on the wall and decided to sell it. In recent times Testra has barely made a profit so it could no longer be relied upon as a cash cow.
The Australian Government is paying Telstra $11 billion in compensation. Laws should have been changed to prevent this public liability taking place. Telstra's ownership of the copper should have been changed before the sale. It's control should have been altered to protection of the copper network which was paid for by Australian taxpayers.
Selling Telstra was a stupid idea anyway. People who bought shares should have known that the monopoly would eventually die. Perhaps John Howard saw the writing on the wall and decided to sell it. In recent times Testra has barely made a profit so it could no longer be relied upon as a cash cow.
The Australian Government is paying Telstra $11 billion in compensation. Laws should have been changed to prevent this public liability taking place. Telstra's ownership of the copper should have been changed before the sale. It's control should have been altered to protection of the copper network which was paid for by Australian taxpayers.
John Howard
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