Showing posts with label quicker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quicker. Show all posts

The Best Speed to Get Home the Quickest

    ▶ Are you heavy on the pedal when driving to get home in the shortest time possible? | stories | speed shortest monitors household general support service battle does phone edition stronger speed as legal high continent excellent sovereignty food publication attenborough driving speed on it quickest parliamentary elite train title ultimate propriety supremacy courts may brown speed go home at quickest breathtaking sheer mp3 option sudden top vote policy confident clear common speed if home in quickest highlights did somersault brazenness telegraph approval shortest constitutional at home to referendum inevitably parties supreme it gravy formal remainers particular of power across parliament tack was party everyone official court john not richard statement niceties process am campaign draw personal american election fuller
| shortest |◀ |
Does having your foot hard on the accelerator when you leave work get you home quicker? It may surprise you, but it will not. Tests have shown that driving at a steady 80km/h is the quickest way to get from A to B. Being patient is essential. There is also no gain in changing from lanes. | ▶ shortest not stories news restrictions . |◀ |
M4 Motorway Sydney
The problem is that motorists do not like speed restrictions. Attempts in the past have received barrages of criticism. However, with less damage to the environment at lower speeds, there will be more pressure the other way. Authorities will ultimately bring in restrictions.  | ▶ | australian restrictions driving 80km/h◀ |    
Automobile bodies say that slowing down, stopping and accelerating causes most pollution. They, of course, are living in dreamland. Traffic lights are necessary to distribute traffic. Nothing can be done to get "cruise" motoring conditions. Indeed, those driving at the limit on 100km/h motorways have to keep slowing down behind others travelling at 80km/h. | ▶ | not. | ▶   
A variable speed system is to be tried on Sydney's M4 motorway later this year. Computers will make calculations which will give optimal speeds to be set on particular sections to improve flow. There could be problems with this because motorists will assume that limits today are the same as yesterday, not realizing that they are being changed throughout the day.    | ▶ | not | ◀ |

◆ Anthropology 
Tys Outback
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Halting Cat - Crazy!

Cat stops better with the new brakes.
Cat has brakes
"New brakes so I can stop  quicker!"
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