Showing posts with label people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label people. Show all posts

Think Before You Click

Human beings are like sheep. They follow the nearest "leader". This is an unfortunate truth about Man. If it wasn't for this need to follow we would not have civilization. A human failing has proved to be productive for the species as a whole.

How would we have governments if we did not allow ourselves to be ruled by individuals under the guise of a group. Like faith in money. It is belief that puts value into bits of paper. We believe that the government will honor the amount printed on the note. This is despite that fact that governments no longer back up currency with gold. They do not store gold anymore.

It is like religion. There is no proof about historical events actually happening the way they are set out in ancient literature. However, because most believe in something, we follow.  Usually we are "taught" to accept one thing or another in our childhood.

The Internet has made things worse. People follow the latest thing that arises. Even though such happenings can be utterly foolish. For example, a group of buddies met up in a yogurt shop because a bot told them to.

There are fake profiles out there on Facebook and Twitter. Some people are mischievous and even straight our mean. They will do anything to lead others into a cul-de-sac. Even clicking a link can be dangerous. This should be noted before you click on a link suggested by someone else.
Technology by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

The Aboriginal "Race" is in Danger

Aboriginals have been in Australia for at least 40,000 years, perhaps 60,000 years. If they were the first to leave Africa this could be pushed back to 80,000. Because they are so different from Asians this could be the case. A skull found in South America is clearly aboriginal - How did it get there?

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders number about half a million of Australia's 23 million. Numbering them is difficult as many, like the American black population, have white people in their ancestry.

There is a strange state of affairs with more than a quarter of the overall population in Australia being born overseas. This has meant an important inter-cultural mix. However, the Aboriginal culture is dying out. Few young people speak native tongues in depth. Older people are not able to pass on languages completely: there are thousands of Aboriginal dialects across the country. Religious rituals in particular are disappearing.

Aboriginal art is very strong and many earn income from this. It is in demand not only in Australia but worldwide. Indeed, Aboriginals tried to patent the "dot" in their painting. The claim was turned down which left fake paintings by white people as a problem in the market.

Absorption into the white population has been the country's main aim for centuries. There are a few Aboriginals who stubbornly stay out of this idea. They are losing as time passes. City Aboriginals know nothing about traditional Aboriginal life. They would die of starvation if left in the outback. Their forebears knew how to survive.
Anthropology by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Menstruation is Not Happening at a Younger Age

Just when a girl has her first period is genetically based. It is determine by more that 100 parts of the the human genome. It is not affected by more good food, etc., as was once believed. Furthermore, good food intake is not making girls menstruate earlier.

Going into adulthood sooner is a danger to health. The chances of getting type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and breast cancer is increased. These findings come from an international study carried out in 166 institutions.

It seems that diseases are usually limited to a few parts of the genome, while menstruation involves a surprisingly large number. It is whole-body function. Indeed, one's physical and social surroundings could also play a part in triggering genes.

Yes, a better diet has lowered the onset of menstruation from 17 years of age in the 1800s to 12.5 years in the 1960s. Since that time, however, it has remained at that point. It must be noted that many diseases that delayed the onset of periods have been significantly reduced. Many people got seriously ill from infections in times past.
Health by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Antibiotic Restant Staph Infects Australian Pigs

A world pandemic could occur at any time. Indeed, the chance of it happening eventually is assured. With the efficacy of antibiotics weakening there could be no treatment. Science could take months or years to find a "cure".

Poultry is seen as the real danger though other animals close to Man are also a threat. A staph strain with high resistance has been identified in Australian pigs. No antibiotics have knocked out the "bug". The methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has migrated here from Europe, Singapore or Canada.

It is a bit of a mystery how the strain got into Australia. No live importing of pigs is allowed. Could the strain still be in pig carcasses used in the canned meat industry?  The only other possibility is human carriers. Staph can live in the nasal passages of people for more than two weeks.

If a human carrier gets close to an animal the staph can be breathed in and the animal becomes sick. Horses are also a "weak link". They can be brought into Australia quite easily. They can be carriers as well. Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands have had MRSA ST398 related outbreaks in people already.
Health by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Australian Prime Minister Totally Wrong Saying Australia Was "Empty"

There isn't much doubt that we have the most "out of touch" prime minister in Australian history. He goes oversees and visits world leaders and says absolutely stupid things. It makes you wonder if he lives in the same world as everyone else.

He blatantly believes that he didn't lie about what he would do if he won office. He has gone full circle and made cuts to areas he said he would not change. He takes voters for granted thinking they are as stupid as he is.

Again, he has made a statement that the majority of Australians know to be untrue. He said Australia was unsettled when Europeans arrived. Color blindness seems to be one of his flaws.

Suggesting that British investment made Australia what it is today is applying modern theory to times when economic theory was in its infancy. There was little understanding of investment in those days. Anyway, Britain's investment was really more people, unwanted in their homeland. The only real investment was in the police force that did cost a great deal.

Admittedly, white people brought industrious ideas with them and they were responsible for growth in the economy by hard work and toil. Australia is a harsh land and back breaking effort was required to survive. They just applied European ideas to a land that had the Aboriginal culture which was not economically based. Given time, Aboriginals would have caught up if they had continued to have the land to themselves.
Economics by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Australian Immigrants Retiring to Home Countries

There was a joke going around in Adelaide in the 1960s when I lived there - all these Wogs will probably go home and live off of the Australian pension. Wog was a common term then. It referred to southern Mediterraneans, Greeks and Italians for example. English people were called Poms when immigrants were flooding in.

How a joke can become truth. People who have moved to Australia and indeed spent most of their lives here are going back to their home countries because of favorable exchange rates. Not so much the English. They seem to be staying here.

Between 2007 and 2012 the number of Australians living overseas and drawing the Aussie pension increased by 30 per cent. In the same period the overall number of Australian pensioners went up only 17 per cent. Recent changes in the budget will not affect those currently on the pension. Most will not be here when the pension age goes up to 70 years in 2035.

Most expatriates by far return to Italy and Greece in their twilight years. While the majority of citizens in Greece are doing it tough now, those on Australian pensions have guaranteed income. Others go to Spain and oddly, the Netherlands - there must be something tempting to move to a cold wet country from a hot dry one.

This group of baby boomers, however, will probably be the last ones to enjoy such a bonus. As people retire who have paid superannuation all their working lives it is inevitable that state funded pensions will be phased out. This is seldom admitted but it is the truth. Changes are being made now by government to ultimately benefit government.
Society by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Languages Falling in Number With Deforestation

Human societies change as the climate changes. Man is a clever animal. He uses his mind to overcome obstacles in nature. When we came down from the trees the first changes were made. This sped up our evolution to become more intelligent.

With evolutionary advancement certain things are lost. Tree clearing has led to an unforeseen event: languages are disappearing. Some, usually forest living, people speak more than a dozen languages. However, their tribes are decreasing in number as more contact with advanced societies and destruction of the environment they live in continues.

Papua New Guinea still has about 1,000 languages. Isolation is diminishing so more dialects are lost as times goes on. It has been said that as biodiversity falls so languages decrease in number. However, less biodiversity is an effect of less forestation rather than a causal factor.

Forest living people are moving to cities to find work as their livelihood disappears. Furthermore, governments find it easier to ignore minor languages and concentrate on teaching the one most used. Therefore, language are being lost at a much faster rate than wildlife and forests.
Anthropology by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

The Elderly Deserve a Pension

It is a pipe dream to raise the pension eligibility age and expect the elderly to go back to work. With thousands of young able bodied young people unemployed what kind of work are older people going to do?

Employers will not have older workers unless there is some sort of financial benefit. It makes no sense to give this with all the youngsters looking for work. Furthermore, making the unemployed wait six months to get any money at all is absolutely irrational. How are they going to get food to eat? The crime rate will rapidly increase. We will be back to the days of being imprisoned for stealing an apple.

Many of the young would like to see the accumulated assets of the elderly confiscated and given to them in benefits. Little goodwill is left in society. The old, worked 12 hour days, seven days a week in hard physical labor to gain their assets. The young today will only lift things under a certain weight. They use lifting machines to move heavy things around.

When I was a child I used to marvel at my father, a short man of average build. He took me with him in his delivery truck during my school holidays. He would unload 112lb bags of cement, but he carried two bags, one on each shoulder! Other men only carried one.

The elderly have worked hard for what they have. They should not be attacked and treated like lazy old welfare bludgers. They have served society and paid their taxes: they deserve respect and a decent income in the twilight of their lives.
Society by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Ancient Britons Were Cannibals

Watch out Caribs: your reputation could be under threat. This group of tribal people found in the West Indies when explorers first arrived there were given the "badge" of real cannibals. It now seems cannibalism was practiced elsewhere, in Britain as a matter of fact. Yes, in jolly old blighty.

Ancient Britons sat around the fire enjoying bloody drinks from skulls. They reached out to grab pieces of human flesh from the spit. Human remains from a dig at Glough's Cave show dismemberment of some bodies. There is evidence of butchering with bone marrow being removed. This is the most nutritious substance that can be obtained from a body. The edges of skulls were also made smooth to make them more comfortable to drink from.

While using skulls as drinking vessels is not evidence in itself that ancient Britons drank human blood from craniums - some non-meat eating people in Asia used them - prying damage on the skeletons does clearly point to cannibalism occurring
 History by Ty Buchanan