Showing posts with label black. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black. Show all posts

Black Tulips and Blue Roses - All Is Possible

"Nah! I don't care. Take my photo."
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Funny Animal Photos

Black Tulips and Blue Roses - All Is Possible

The black tulip will soon be a reality. Development of a blue rose has nearly be achieved. A new rose that is "nearly" blue is soon to be released onto the Japanese market. The asking price - a quite low $30 each.

There is no blue pigment in a rose, so it is impossible for a natural rose to display this color. The tone has to be put into the plant. It has been done by genetically splicing color into the rose from Petunias. This flower has a blue pigment called Delphinidin. The combined project by both Japanese and Australians has taken twenty years to create the "blue" rose.

American nurseryman Samuel Parsons said as long ago as the 19th century that one day scientific advances would lead to the cultivation of a blue rose. Attempts have been made in the 20th century. A blue-grey rose was bred, but it flowered only once.

For many years roses dyed blue have sold well in England. Unfortunately, horticultural advisor to the Royal Horticultural society, Helen Bostock, believes a blue rose will not be accepted. She is probably wrong about this. People are fascinated by anything new. It is probably "sour grapes" that the blue rose was not created in England. Another English rose grower Bernard Mehring is a bit miffed as well. He says he wouldn't grow it in his garden. He wants British controls to keep the plant out of the country. This is a sad situation that wreaks of elitism. China, however, will want the new rose because there a blue flower signifies hope toward reaching an unattainable love.
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Islander Blondes Are Natural

All black people have black hair - right? This is an incorrect assumption. When Europeans first arrived in Australia they found some blonde Aboriginals. They thought that White sailors must have been shipwrecked off the coast and took Aboriginal wives.

In the Solomon Island near northern Australia 10 per cent of black people have blonde hair. The sun has not bleached the hair white. European sailors are not responsible either. It is a random gene that causes it. This is proven as the tone of blonde is different from Europeans.

A group of Islanders were tested for gene structure: forty two with dark hair and 43 'blondes'. The pigmentation gene was either coded with a "c" which produced blond haired people or 'T' giving dark hair. It is a recessive gene which means both parents must have the blond gene to have a blond child.
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Obey Dog

"When I give an order I expect to be obeyed!
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Fight Dog

"Do you want to give it a go? Go on then. Try it."
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Post Cat

"I'm leaving as soon as the postman arrives."
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Cat Guide

"And this is the old table where it all took place."
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Cat Light

"Let me light up your life."
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