Showing posts with label fishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fishing. Show all posts

Cats Wait for Fisherman to Provide Dinner

These two cats could be waiting in vain to get their dinner. This is a skilled fisherman but he has been by the river all day and has not even had a bite. There is always his bait though that can be eaten. Unless he has only brought maggots. Felines will not even consumer bread. No, it is not a good day for pussy or fishy. Let's go down the road and get take away instead.

multiple cats? cat overweight obese? Or, maybe cat special diet. monitor cat’s food intake? difficult stick cat feeding schedule monitor cat eats — dogs gobble food seconds flat — cats tend graze. nibble wander return nibble again again throughout day. Enter meal feeding, scheduled feed cats twice day, taking food away cat eat mealtime. Here’s why it’s beneficial.

Remember, it’s OK cat doesn’t eat last morsel allotted time. (With exception cats medication mixed food. See tips doling medications). They’ll back dinner breakfast tomorrow on. cat feeding schedule helps figure feed cats. Portion control biggie! Cats overweight easily. simple plastic measuring cup dole each cat’s portion based age weight.

multiple cats, feed separate areas rooms ensure mooching another cat’s portion. cat used having food available day long, whine cry beginning. Keep mind working healthy feeding schedule. Check vet offer cat healthy treats meals. Health Care. multicolored cat eating food bowl. Cat Feeding Schedule: Benefits Meal Feeding Your Cats. At loss cat feeding schedule? Consider meal feeding cats manage portion control, truly observe eating habits stave obesity.

schedule meal feeding cats: An orange tabby cat eating food bowl. An orange tabby cat eating food bowl. Photography deyangeorgiev/Thinkstock. Typically, you’ll serve cats twice day — morning evening — times fit schedule. With meal feeding, wait 30 minutes — remove bowls. You’ll surprised quickly cats adapt. Dr. Nicole Uranko, Chief Staff Pleasant Valley Animal Hospital, says, “They’ll protest first, they’ll adjust. It’s healthier meal feed them.”

benefits meal feeding cats far outweigh slight inconvenience extra time takes divvy separate meals twice day. Here’s why set cat feeding schedule beneficial: Regular observation keeps alerts changes: Increase decrease appetite. Lack appetite. Food-guarding behaviors. Speed eating. Level disinterest food (Any change diet bound raise cat tail two, meal feeding gives up-close-and-personal view cat’s reaction food.) specific cat feeding schedule makes easier give cat pills medications.
4. Meal feeding cats great bond cat.

Sharing mealtimes cats great strengthen bonds. Make mealtime special sitting nearby. cat adapts cat feeding schedule, doubt nibble wander slightly. Use time pet catch latest gossip gently redirecting food. Sharing mealtimes easy cats — “eat with” breakfast dinner. For multiple cats, divide mealtime visits throughout week.

Meal feeding cats lets observe kitty’s eating habits. cat takes medication daily basis, mealtimes perfect mix little medicine sly. However, pills medications quite smelly, scent-savvy felines turn noses faintest whiff. might creative. Your veterinarian able offer same medication different form, flavored liquid. Your vet might recommend alternative medium mix medication tuna fish, baby food soft, malleable feline-specific treat.

Why go out? Add little festivity feline’s meal time colorful, seasonal cat-themed placemats. clean-up little easier.
It’s important regularly observe cat’s eating habits. This especially true cat special diet takes medicine food. You’ll able kitty getting proper nutrition medicine dosage healthy. Observing eating habits multiple cats easier meal feeding. With each cat fed separate area room, notice subtle changes eating habits quickly.

cats mischievous. water. play water bowls. So, meal feedings timely reminder me freshen water supply because, far know, spring water contain actual tiny, colorful springs. Nor contain litter residue busy feline feet.
According Dr. Debora Lichtenberg, VMD, “Healthy cats don’t tend drink lot water. sometimes drink need, drink less need.” So, refreshing water twice daily better keep track cat’s water intake.

Our girls Ocicats, fairly large breed (for shorthair), little girl Viola eight pounds older girl Saphira north ten. feed each 5.5 ounce quality canned food per day, divided three meals, feed eat. meal minutes, vet happy diets weights. Both active absolute joys.
Use cat feeding schedule helpful reminder freshen water.

am curious why important food away eaten 30 min. give cat fixed amount food x day eat, don’t necessarily to eat once. Why can’t food left eaten? believe go “bad” that’s argument. cats, eat room. It’s impossible give separate bowls watch all. Any suggestions?
Tell us: cat feeding schedule like? meal feed cats? Thumbnail: Photography Remains/Thinkstock. Read cat food Posted Health Care, Recommended. cat looking window books, blanket, etc. closeup cat face licking tongue out. gray kitten asleep bed.Black cat rooftop. Contributions.

Benefits Meal Feeding Your Cats” Did check hyperthyroidism? leave kibble cats day graze. When home work tell they’ve eaten. usually open wet food divide them, leaving whatever left kibble. Cats dogs. eat hungry sake eating… Cats obese humans feed calorie human food treat. Only cats likes human food aside possible lick finger, don’t give human food.

I’ve giving cat three four meals day—and months ago,feral stock,l strict mealtime. used free feed guys,tried feeding schedule something similar. Right now,think I’ll late afternoon feeding closer noon spread others well. seems work they’ve lost weight.

I’ve read several meals best. Our yr cats skinny,always guided vet. article general nature. good advice,got overweight regimen. So,finishes each portion. sounds good idea. cat wants graze,spread hour period. between,eat wants. afraid getting overweight,don’t idea leaving food open many reasons,started feeding several measured meals day. Because cats wild eat several meals day,mainly slept.,predicated healthy cats. Well senior.

probably doing senior same boat : meals often. Possum’s intake same cats,wet kibble morning. Then feedings kibble wet late afternoon bedtime. Once retire,canned,vet recommended feeding whatever whenever keep weight on. would say,coat luxurious. One benefit leaving food out: he’s grateful gets,instead,cats—for several years. Currently don’t give kibble
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Cats and a fisherman
"We should have brought sandwiches"
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A bird Flies Through Water - Little Penguin

A little penguin just flies through ocean water.
The little penguin (Eudyptula minor) literally flies through the water. It is uniquely adapted to live in the sea. The aerodynamically shaped wings of the penguin provide "flight" while their tiny legs are used as rudders.
The little penguin flies through water
   little penguin water
White bellies blend in when viewed from below. Dark blue on the back makes it difficult to pick out when seen from above. Short oily feathers insulate them from sea water.
    little penguin summer
At night little penguins return to familiar colonies on land. Animals brought to Australia by Europeans are an imminent danger to them. Dogs, Cats and foxes will quickly snap them up.
  penguin water australiana
The birds use old burrows to breed. one parent sits on two eggs while the other gathers food. They alternate roles each day. As youngsters grow they remain outside the burrow waiting for parents to return to satisfy their ravenous appetites.
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bird the flies feed off fish in the sea move out at dawn into the ocean bird                                            aussie feathers blue ocea photos return bird

Conservation of Fish is a Losing Battle

Conservation: Overfishing is just as toxic as pollution. G+
We are already running out of food.  If carbon dioxide doesn't kill us diminishing fish stocks will.  Soon, the humble fish and chips will cost too much for most people.  When the crunch comes the decline will be sudden over a period of five years.  It will not be possible to increase fish stocks in the medium term and some fish species will disappear forever.
People must eat and in Asia in particular daily fishing is part of everyday life.  There will be little chance of a freeze on fishing.  It they are allowed to keep fishing and Western countries stop they will export to the lucrative fishing markets and nothing will change.

Manufacturers like Birds Eye are alreading putting "rubbish" fish in their food products rather than the old reliable species.  When you get a fishy taste that is the second rate fish formally called baitfish.  It is so bad that major predators have fallen by 90 percent over the last 50 years.  There is not enough out there for them to eat and sustain themselves.

It is not only fishing that is reducing available stocks, pollution such as plastic bags is also killing fish.  Human control their environment,  they also destroy it.  Soon you will be able to swim safely on beaches because there will not be any sharks left.  Or there could be the odd one looking for his last dinner which could be you!
 Conservation by Ty Buchanan 
 Australian Blog
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Australia's Marine Resource

As fertile land becomes "all used up" with increasing demand for food we will rely more on the sea for nourishment, after we experiment with eating insects of course. Marine-based industries care little about the consequences of their actions at the moment. This has to change to make the oceans a renewable resource.

Australia has the third largest controlled ocean territory in the world. This country has more responsibility than most countries. We allow nations to fish our waters but foreign fishing fleets seldom stay within the rules that are set. Overfishing is common.

The Great Barrier Reef and Ningaloo are World Heritage Areas. We will have to protect and regulate more region around the coast of this vast continent. This may be selfish as we have a low population that enjoys to swim, dive, surf, sail and fish on an individual basis. However, with control comes responsibility.

Australia's marine industry will rise from about A$40 billion to A$100 billion or more by 2025, just a decade away. Although there is a lot of land here, much of it is not fertile enough for crops. The oceans are just "sitting there" waiting to be exploited. As more pressure comes upon it the health of the planet must be considered. The sea has soaked up a third of the carbon dioxide we have produced since the 18th century and 90 per cent of the extra heat from human activity in the last 50 years.
Conservation by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

New Ways to Repel Sharks

Like South Africa, Australia is known as a region of frequent shark attacks. A lot of research has been done over the years in an attempt to reduce such attacks. Humans are not normal food for sharks. It is when humans behave in a similar way to injured fish that attacks occur.

Electronic pulses and sounds have been tried with limited success. Colored diving suits have also proven to be ineffective, until now. It has been discovered that blue lines on wetsuits disrupts the vision of sharks because they are color-blind.

White stripes also work as a deterrent but in a different way. Poisonous fish have white on their bodies. It tells potential predators that eating them will have dire consequences.

The cryptic wetsuit that "blinds" sharks is aimed at divers, while the white stripped warning suite is for those close to the beach. Diving equipment and surfing gear is also being colored to match the wetsuits.

Though shark attacks cannot be stopped entirely, the number of people injured is certain to fall. Tests at the Oceans Institute in Western Australia has shown that the new suits work very well. The new products will be sold by a company called Radiator.
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Australian Blog                         

Australians Celebrate Thongs

Australians will always turn out when there is something odd going on. Thousands of people flocked to Bondi Beach for Australia Day but it was not just to celebrate the day off. They went because of the importance of thongs in there lives - no, not the ones worn around the waist, those worn on the feet!

A crowd of 500 beach goers grabbed giant inflatable thongs and took to the water in an attempt to break the world record set in 2006. The record was safe, however, well short of the the 863 target. At least everyone had a good time.

Australia day is when you celebrate things Australian and thongs are very popular here. In summertime some people wear nothing but thongs, all the time. They even go shopping in them. They are especially good for a day of fishing at the beach when you can "fling" them off and head into the water, then come back and put them back on again with your hands free.
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Eight Stages Toward Coral Reef Collapse

Coral reefs may look okay but on closer examination they may be dying. Overfishing, particularly in the Indian Ocean, causes eight steps that lead to reef collapse. Each step is a stage toward the end of a reef.

Keeping fish numbers up is important. When the level falls below 1000 kilograms of fish per hectare seaweed growth increases as well as urchin activity. This is a major indication of a problem. If fish density falls below 300 kilograms a crisis is reached.

Until now, coral cover has been used as a measure of coral health. This research shows that coral cover is the last threshold: the reef is heading toward ecosystem collapse.

It is during the first three stages that constructive change will save a reef. Fishing should be regulated. If a reef is in the final five stages, it is near impossible to save it. Only marine reserves have really healthy coral reefs because fishing is restricted. Unmonitored reefs fare the worst. A management system for each reef needs to be developed and put in place.
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