Showing posts with label government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label government. Show all posts

Australian Will Have a Higher Cost Of Living With a Carbon Tax

What has happened to Australian society that the support for a carbon tax, so high when Kevin Rudd was in charge, has vanished? It seems everyone thought that a tax on pollution wouldn't really mean a financial burden. With the sudden hits from water and electricity price increases they know that it will cost - a lot. Kevin is crying into his handkerchief saying they made me do it - his cabinet told him to give up his push for a carbon tax, so he says. Julia Gillard has apparently had a change of heart and it is now her baby.

Australians will have to accept that they will get less for their money in the near future. All countries will have to join the carbon club eventually. Not using as much petrol is a possibility, but doing without air conditioning particularly the wealthy that will be difficult. It seems the pillars of capitalism will be challenged. This is the kind of post-capitalism that twenty years ago hardly anyone would imagine. A society that really cares for the environment? That is something new. We have spent two centuries running rough-shod over the countryside, dumping pollutants everywhere. The time has arrived to get out the shovel and broom and start cleaning up.

Lower consumption will not be a problem. Permanent prices rises are in order across the board, with national GDP remaining at about the same level. The cost of living will be significantly higher. House prices will probably fall, though, due a lower capacity to pay. The problem lies in convincing those in developing countries that they will never enjoy the standard of living we in the West had for such a long time.
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Foster Care Is Still an Issue

Australians are not doing their parental duties very well. A record number of children are in government care due to abuse and neglect. Authorities say that out-of-care has grown largely because of improvement in information gathering. However, an increase of 44 per cent in 4 years is worrying.

Putting children in care is seen as making life better for badly treated children. There is debate about this issue. A child living on a quasi temporary basis in an institution or foster family situation certainly grows up with a "skewed" outlook on life. Their upbringing is not "normal". And they know it.

Saying there are multiple issues at home is really a cop out by the government. It doesn't explain why the problem exists nor offer a satisfactory solution. Holding that reuniting them with their families is too much work sounds very much like the department has given up. The desire to be with their families is strong even when they are young adults.

Foster care has always been a second-best cure. Children move from family to family and never trully fit in. They feel isolated and this isolation continues into adulthood. A problem that is never examined is that a child from a family with poor parenting skills grows up to be a bad parent also.
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The Government Is Wrong to Fund Chaplaincy in Schools

Most people don't attend church, synagogue or mosque yet Nations pander to those who hold religious beliefs with outdated ceremonies. It seems one hasn't the right not to believe in anything other than accepting the fact that humans live and die.

Ron Williams tried to send his children to a school that taught all religions but also taught secularism. He couldn't find one. Schools identified with one faith and virtually condemned all others. He saw requests for gold coins to fund scripture union classes as offensive and something he wasn't going to give. Indeed, chaplains seemed to be at war with teachers over the minds of students. What he found most difficult of all to accept was that the government was already partially funding Access Ministries which were "transforming the nation for God." Adolf Hitler tried similar brain washing systems to control the Hitler Youth.

What is driving the wads of cash? All political parties need the support of the church to win elections. Indeed, it is the silence of the churches that is the objective.

The issue is now being taken to the High Court by Ron Williams with the intent of stopping the funding. He probably won't win. His attempt is worth loud applause from the community.
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A Rethink Is Needed on the Elderly

Those involved in the aged care industry call for more money from government. Despite money being ploughed in and the rate of pension being increased it still isn't enough. But we need to take a close look at what is going on in the world. European countries are cutting back on pensions and health care, saying that governments cannot afford it. Perhaps residential aged care will always be unsustainable. Indexing of current payments will only keep up with inflation, and it appears the Government will not even do that.

In ages passed the family cared for the elderly. Aged parents spent their day sat in the armchair by an open fire. They got bread and cheese if they were lucky and they certainly didn't enjoy an income. Too infirm to work their daily tasks involved caring for the toddlers in the family. They were seen as assets not liabilities.

Society has changed. Many adult children today do not even visit their parents. Child care is sourced privately. But these same children do not take kindly to parents mortgaging the family home and living better in old age. This is unfortunate. Perhaps the Government is too paternal. It seems in Europe that reality has put a check on welfare. Maybe a return to old ways will be forced on us.
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