Showing posts with label crowd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crowd. Show all posts

Australian Government Pushes Kangaroo Sales in California

The Australian government is interfering in the democratic process of California. Currently, the state has laws that allow the import and sale of kangaroo products. Conservation lobbyists say international law protects all endangered species. There is one major problem with this stance: kangaroos are not endangered. Indeed, they are pests like rabbits and camels.
kangaroos in plague proportions
The law in California expires in January. Assemblyman Mike Gipson intends to extend it and add a clause allowing the sale of parts for shoes and soccer balls. Funds nave been allocated by the Australian government to the Kangaroo Industries Association of Australia which pays for a California lobbyists company to keep trade open.

Ethically, being a private body, the Industries Association of Australia should not accept government funding while lobbying to gain economic benefit. However, their claim that a cull is needed on Kangaroos is correct. If you want to know the real situation about kangaroos ask an Australian farmer. He/she will tell you that profits disappear every year due to pest kangaroos.

It is a pity that the current Australian government does support its pro business views by proactively engaging in questionable behavior. The business sector is capable of being effective on its own behalf without government support even verbally or financially.
 Politics y Ty Buchanan
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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kangaroos pest plague number population australian government industries association australia

Dog Line

"Who is going out first?"
Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan
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Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan
     Australian Blog                         

Crowd Wave Observed in Prairie Dogs

The crowd wave at sporting events in not an entirely human thing. Prairie dogs do the "jump-yip". This keeps others involved and tells an individual how alert others are. It begins like the human wave. One or two will start doing it and at first it is ignored. Then it takes on a mind of its own and soon all are doing it.

The wave is just as noisy as the human wave with loud yips coming from everywhere. Prairie dogs use their whole body to make the sound. They raise there front legs then lower them with a "wee-oo" call in sequence. Like humans prairie dogs live in towns.

It was believed to be a warning call of the presence of predators, but prairie dogs continue the wave whether a predator is there or not. It is a social activity to test the alertness of others. If fellow animals do not respond a prairie dogs will not forage very much. On the other hand, if everyone is at it, they assume they can eat in safety. Somehow they are making a judgement about the prevailing danger.

In humans, the wave is usually done when the local team is doing well. Boredom about the state of play can trigger it as well. When the visiting team is doing well there is less motivation to do it - unless it is done in jest. It serves a social function in both species.
Nature by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Accident Witnesses May Not Remember the Truth

Witnesses in a trial may reiterate what they believe to be an accurate statement of what happened before their very eyes, but this may be distorted if they were stressed at the time. During a bank robbery or hostage taking they will be stressed if they are the victims.

Certain parts of the brain are known to be affected, when a memory (engram) is created. Once a memory is made and filed, recall of this is the same whether the engram is true or false.

In mice the chemical structure of a memory of a bright flashing light was identified. This chemical "program" was induced in some mice. When electric pulses were applied to the animal's feet for memory recall, those with the program froze in shock, while the others reacted normally. Obviously, the mice deemed the false memory to be absolutely real. Placement of the memory is fixed and immediate.

Human memories tend to improve with age. As time goes by, what actually happened and what really occurred during childhood is rosier. Bad memories affect health. Amnesia could be a safety mechanism to forget a very bad, painful memory.
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Australian Blog                         

The World Needs EXtroverts and Introverts

The world is full of extroverts and introverts. Society needs them. Some must lead and others must follow. This is the normal way of things. Can you imagine if everyone was an extrovert. There would be arguments aplenty. Nothing would be settled.

Extroverts need people. While their behavior will to a degree drive others away, extroverts don't like to be alone. Introverts on the other hand like their own company. They can happily work on their own for months.

The problem is that these categories are not clear cut. There are some in the middle, those who have characteristics of both groups. The way people behave in their spare time is the best indicator of where they fit. Introverts avoid parties because it is a drain on them. They prefer to go fishing, for example. Extroverts go up the pub to mix with others.

Both groups will eventually have to change as their needs are fulfilled. Body and mind tells them to switch off and go the other way. It may be only for a short time, but batteries can be recharged and they can again push full speed ahead to where they are most comfortable.
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Australian Blog