Showing posts with label myth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label myth. Show all posts

Un-Accredited Chinese Herbalists to Work in Australia

Chinese herbs treatment
The trade deal between Australia and China is off to a bad start. Australia becomes an open market for quack traditional Chinese medicine. China is already responsible for the demise of African animals because of superstitious beliefs about curative properties of ordinary parts of animal bodies.

Australia has not even policed homeopathy properly. Constituents are diluted into insignificance where they cannot possibly have any effect. They are harmless at best. Homeopaths live well on treatment based on a mythical foundation.

Under the agreement between China and Australia Chinese herbalists will be allowed to register and set up shop in Australia without any accreditation. They will come in their tens of thousands to partake of a lucrative market of stupid people.

I was once visiting an Australian doctor of Chinese origin who was filling-in for the regular GP. He was giving me acupuncture treatment as advised by my GP and he said, "You don't believe in this baloney do you?"

It seems odd to me that as most Westerners drop old beliefs the demand for alternative medicine is actually increasing. Alternative therapists boldly claim that science has proved their treatment to be valid. This is incorrect. Regulated tests show no benefits whatsoever! Their claims are mere hearsay. This is another legacy of Tony Abbott - sign everything to do with the free market and sod the voters. Ah well, he will get his further down the track.
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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Evidence of Tiny Pygmy Aboriginals

Did tiny people ever live in Australia?  There is photographic evidence of pygmy-like Aboriginals being here, but ignored by scientists. They are widely seen in Aboriginal rock art and are spoken of in Aboriginal mythology. To native Australians pygmy people are here with us all the time. They are just out of our vision.

Apparently there are thousands of them living in the vast outback where no "physical" people live. They are mischievous, playing tricks on us all the time. Older Aboriginals say they remember seeing them. This is like the local people on the Indonesian island of Flores , where little people died out ten thousand years ago. Obviously, there is some truth in myth and living people really believe they have actually seen them.

There seems to be different types of Aboriginal pygmies and each lives in its own dimension of reality. It is fact that there were two types of Aboriginals on Bribie Island in Queensland and they didn't intermarry. One was tall thick set rather like Papua New Guineans. The other was shorter.

Myth has it that tall thin mainlanders moved down the coast to Groote Island and found little people living there. They interbred with them. However, a dispute arose and there was a great battle between them. The little people were completely wiped out. If this was the case there would be some unusual genes if present day Groote Islanders were tested. Skeletons of short, thin people have been found in caves on the island.

Little people are prominent in Aboriginal mythology. They act as spiritual intermediaries. As in the family religious tradition in China the "Mimih" society lives in the spiritual realm and is structured the same as physical people living today. This is hard to sustain given how technology has radically changed even Australian Aboriginals.

It seems Mimih did once live in the physical world. Over time they dwindled and left for the spiritual realm. It is possible for modern Aboriginals to wander into the bush, make contact them, stay and live with the Mimih. Aboriginal people tell you that the stick paintings on the rock are accurate representations of the little people who are very thin, so they can no longer live in the physical world because strong wind would break their bones.
Anthropology by Ty Buchanan
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