Showing posts with label wear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wear. Show all posts

Pig Goes Shopping for Beer

Pig goes shopping for beer
"Just going to the shops."
            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia
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New Glasses "Cure" Color Blindness

It is not known how many levels of vision there are: There could be billions. Every human being and animal for that matter sees the world differentially. It was believed that all people are the same. We are not. Shades of color can be divided into finer and finer degrees. At one end are the color blind. At the other are probably the most skilled painters.
Glasses cure color blindness
As we age, like taste our vision of the world fades. It is so gradual: we do not notice that the number of colors we see has diminished. Special glasses have been made to change shades of color into fine levels of black. gray and white. This works well in that color blind people have  got through the "Ishihara" detection test for this malady.

It may be possible to improve perception of gray spectrum shades. Perhaps even detection of colors can be increased. This is for the future though. For now the new spectacles have had a great impact. Adult men have been brought to tears when the glasses are first put on.

Color blindness is the most common congenital malady in humans. It is partially gender specific. Most sufferers are men. Color is not totally absent for these people. They can see specific colors when they are bright. It is like being able to play music "by ear". The shades disappear when there are lower faint realms.

There is no doubt that some color people are not good motor vehicle drivers. Reading road signs is a problem. Even seeing brake lights becoming brighter when a vehicle in front brakes is difficult. At the moment there is discrimination against elderly drivers. There are calls for them to take tests every year. No doubt if this does happen then there will be calls for the color blind to be similarly tested. This will be unfortunate.
Technology by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

New Invisible Zipper Hits the Olympics

Technology is moving forward at a rapid pace. One can hardly keep up with new things on offer. Really, people do not have an immediate need for the the new products. New products are absorbed into our lives out of curiosity and the need to keep up with the neighbors.

Seams on clothes are something we accept - it is normal. Visible seams are not a problem. Indeed, the seams are used by designers in the latest fashions: they are part of the design.

Important sports events are a great platform to launch new ideas. They are on view for the whole world to see. There is no difference between East and West anymore. New products appear across the world at the same time.

Russian and American athletes at the 2014 Olympic Games will have waterproof zips built into their outfits. They are almost invisible when closed. This means that in the future parts of different outfits can be joined together to create different variations.

Lightrail Zippers are integrated units at the moment, but it won't be long before both halves can be separated. New fashion is on the horizon when the new zipper is released to the public. Micro-seams are not what the world needs. However, it is certain many will want the new gizmo.
Conservation by Ty Buchanan
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