Showing posts with label wage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wage. Show all posts

Wages are Declining in Advanced Western Countries

First economies are facing falling real wages as the capitalist system balances itself. ⁍ earnings developed spending disposable incomes ⁌ ● wages computer declining to advanced numbers western it countries we wages figure declining keys advanced text western in countries of wages make declining colors advanced code western software countries to wages or declining on advanced by western on countries ● ⧫ earnings future spending developed disposable global decline research incomes government ⧫ ⏏ incomes research decline government global disposable developed spending future earnings ⏏ ⦿
incomes households people flat increase growth decade research financial market decline government sweden policy mgi global crisis report disposable segments transfers united france netherlands fall million population developed social spending time recovery slow phenomenon mckinsey trade number support advancing future tax impact rise earnings billion aest seekers job ⦿ ∎ job seekers aest billion earnings rise impact tax future advancing support number trade mckinsey phenomenon slow recovery time spending social developed population million fall netherlands france united transfers segments disposable report crisis global mgi policy sweden government decline market financial research decade income growth increase flat people households incomes ∎
Wages are faling

Work Is Inevitable

There is not much doubt that work is bad for you. Yes, it gets you up in the morning and you have to go through all the rituals of getting to work, but that is about it. You would probably feel better and be healthier if you could take a pleasant walk along the beach, then sit down for a cool drink. However, one must make a living. What good is money to you? Well, it gives you the power to make others work for you!

Manual work is doubly hard on any person. You have the worry of receiving a low wage and the body must suffer continuing hardship. Even having a "comfy" job in an office, sitting down lazing in a chair most of the time, the stress can be immeasurable.

With a physical job one has the problems of getting a permanent bad back, for example, and office employment has the dangers of obesity and heart disease.

Work is a fact of life. It makes the world go round. As the saying goes: Egypt made the pyramids, but the pyramids made Egypt.
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