Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

Student Study Shows Religious Belief is Declining

There has been a fall in the belief that God created humans in an Australian study over 32 years. The landmark research shows Australian university students who believe in divine guidance has declined since the annual surveys of student opinions began. Now the majority hold that evolution is a scientific thing. Creationists are in the very low single digit percentage.

Journal conference Evolution: Education Outreach. University New South Wales. Australian university students far credit previous generation science human evolution far less creationism divine guidance, according landmark study. University New South Wales. overview last 32 years annually-assessed student opinions, clear belief students god ultimate contributing cause human origins steeply declined majority view 986 minority view 2017. Conversely, conviction humans evolved divine involvement kind rose steeply same period become dominant view students.
University New South Wales

Every year 986, researchers polled first-year biology students UNSW Sydney views evolution creationism. 986, 60% students believed god something origin humans, 29% held view 2017. contrast, percentage students convinced god nothing origin humans increased 25% 986 62% 2017. findings – published today Evolution: Education Outreach – longest continuous annual survey opinions creationism evolution first-year university students world-wide. Professor Michael Archer, lead study author Professor UNSW Science’s School Biological, Earth Environmental Sciences, original intent poll assess level commitment incoming students supernatural explanations origins.

Given creationist view (that humans created God last 0,000 years, evolved naturally millions years involvement God) common American students, challenge introducing evidence evolution first-year students would Australia Archer. Australian student views key issue changing time. From 986 2017, student attending first-year biology course invited complete one-item poll strictly anonymous basis. An average 530 students year participated survey. results relevant year’s survey – previous years – always openly presented class lecture. Each student handed slip paper circle four options, agreed:

God created people (Homo sapiens) pretty present form sometime last 0,000 years. People developed millions years less advanced forms life, God guided whole process, including development. People developed millions years less advanced forms life. God process. honestly opinion matter. Analysing survey results 32 years (Fig. a), researchers identified main findings. First, percentage Australian students endorsing creationist option (the four) consistently small, averaging 0.4%, slowly declining less 5%, Professor Archer says. Second, striking cross-over opinions successive cohorts students. 986, 60% students endorsed creationist option theistic, god-guided evolution option (the second four above). 2017, proportion students endorsing theistic options fallen 28.8%.

Conversely, endorsement non-theistic option rose 25.1% 62.2%. This rise appears mirror endorsement theistic options. Reports long-term trends views origins humans rare and, cases, limited surveys adult populations US and, rarely, areas world. extent pace decline Australian students' commitment religious views divine creation, especially creationism, distinct contrast corresponding beliefs American students American public. USA, belief creationism, slowly declining, appears remained 40% range, four times Australian survey Professor Archer. fact commitment Australian students view, involves refusal accept evidence humans evolved animals, always low—and declining, suggested Archer’s team extra effort needed communicate year students scientific evidence human evolution.

team proposed additional strategies better understand long-term changes student viewpoints. “ value running similar annual survey schools contribute majority incoming students university,” Archer says. Slight changes national census questionnaire enable detailed assessment long-term changes public opinions issues would valuable, too, already clear (Fig. b) steep decline religious commitment occurring general public well. authors suggest assess potential impact university education opinions expressed students, useful same survey possible same cohort students three years undergraduate education. facebook icontwitter iconemail icon

top figure shows percentage students who, 986 2017, choose four options relation human evolution: (1) humans created God last 0,000 years (green); (2) humans evolved millions years whole process guided God (blue); (3) humans evolved millions years God process (red); (4) uncertain (yellow). Figures include lines fit linear quadratic regressions 95% confidence intervals. bottom figure shows percentage wider Australian public declared national censuses years 986 2016 religion.
~ believers, scientists, academic, surveys, data, church, prayers, priest, studying, congregation,
Belief graph
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Catholic Church Propaganda Against Gays is Hypocritical

Is everyone fed up with churches interfering in free speech and actions? We all have the right to say what we feel as long as it not directed at specific people with different heritage or beliefs. However, churches want those who are not religious to shut up. They are virtually saying shut up or we will shut you up.
Catholic Church against gay marriage
Ironically, the state itself is responsible for much of this. It is absurd in this day and age for a parliament to be opened with prayers to a God who does not exist. It is all superstitious nonsense! Obviously, Australian Muslims are upset by prayers to a Christian God when some elected representatives are Muslims.

At the moment the Catholic Church is targetting gay people to stop the majority pushing for gay marriage.  The Church has a program it is using in schools to try to brainwash our children. Surely, it should be taken to task for discrimination. Particularly when the Catholic Church has been harboring homosexuals for centuries - the main reason for priests abusing children. There is absolutely nothing in the bible about it being wrong to participate in same sex liaisons. The Greeks did it. The Romans did it.

The Catholic church has never seen the light! While the majority of its followers adopt some form of birth control, it insists on unprotected sex - a danger in this age of AIDs. Of course, the church has the support of our bigotted prime minister who says he is the "the last holdout for the traditional position."
Society by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

Catholics are Bigots?

It is not necessarily my view but when I was growing up I was told that all Catholics are bigots. It is due to the way they are brought up, being taught to hold strongly to dogma from the Vatican.
Malcom Fraser criticising Tony Abbot prime minister
This may not be true because the majority of adult Catholics do practice birth control even though this is banned by the Church. However, their upbringing is narrowed somewhat by the curriculum of Catholic schools which drives teachings of the Holy Scriptures into a child's mind.

The church of business was Protestant, at least initially. Now, it seems that the Catholic Church provides adults with a far right leaning. For example, a Catholic like Tony Abbott couldn't be further to the right. If he could move further he would fall off the edge.

He loves business and hates everything else. His attack on the tertiary sector is public knowledge. He thinks that money can be taken from scientific endeavour and business will somehow continue to make a profit. This view, of course, is wrong. Particularly today, advancement in technology is the key to making money. He forgets the great contribution of CSIRO. He would emasculate this illustrious body if he could!
Science by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

Only the Christian Science Church is Exempt from Vaccination

It seems odd to me that Tony Abbott has not exempted Catholics from the new compulsory  vaccination law. The only church outside of the new regime is the Christian Science church. Scott Morrison the Social Services Minister tried to keep this a secret. He was stupid to think he could do this. Nothing is secret in politics!

Any exemption is folly. People will be queuing up to join the church but never attend services just to get their children in school. There must be a back down on this decision. Just a letter from the church exempts children of members. Court cases are expected by followers of other churches. A court will allow exemption across the board because the decision is discriminatory.

Health professionals say the new rules will not work because all children have a legal right to attend school. Can you imagine the uproar if parents just choose to take their children out of school and plant them in front of the TV?

There are only 1,400 Christian Scientists nationwide. The decision to exempt them is weird. They obviously have great influence over government. Lobbyists would like to know their secret. Considering members of this church do accept treatment from doctors and hospitals, their belief in self-healing is weak. Furthermore, followers do vaccinate in other countries with compulsory vaccination. This government is continuing not to surprise. It will do the ridiculous.
Politics by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

The Government Is Wrong to Fund Chaplaincy in Schools

Most people don't attend church, synagogue or mosque yet Nations pander to those who hold religious beliefs with outdated ceremonies. It seems one hasn't the right not to believe in anything other than accepting the fact that humans live and die.

Ron Williams tried to send his children to a school that taught all religions but also taught secularism. He couldn't find one. Schools identified with one faith and virtually condemned all others. He saw requests for gold coins to fund scripture union classes as offensive and something he wasn't going to give. Indeed, chaplains seemed to be at war with teachers over the minds of students. What he found most difficult of all to accept was that the government was already partially funding Access Ministries which were "transforming the nation for God." Adolf Hitler tried similar brain washing systems to control the Hitler Youth.

What is driving the wads of cash? All political parties need the support of the church to win elections. Indeed, it is the silence of the churches that is the objective.

The issue is now being taken to the High Court by Ron Williams with the intent of stopping the funding. He probably won't win. His attempt is worth loud applause from the community.
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