Showing posts with label bowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bowl. Show all posts

Canine is Given Odd Dog Food

This mutt has another little doggy. Is their something sinister in the owner presenting the pet with such a gift? it could be a new friend just to keep him company. Maybe it could be dinner. Yes, that is it. I have to eat the scrawny snack. Well I could do with more calcium. No, I can't eat it. The morsel is not on a plate. % Corn cobs, plastic toys among objects that get stuck. "People tend to throw corn cobs in the compost bin and, while most other things the dog can digest, a corn cob is like wood and it will often get stuck, especially when they're cut in half or thirds," Dr Archinal said. Pica explained: Why dogs eat things that aren't food, and what you can do to stop them "If you give a dog spaghetti bolognaise, it can smell every single ingredient in the whole spaghetti bolognaise. Changes in typical behaviour (eg becomes mopey or depressed) Pica explained: Why dogs eat things that aren't food, and what you can do to stop them. If your dog has been unwell and an X-ray shows an object is already stuck in the stomach or intestines, an endoscopy or surgery is usually needed. What to do if your dog swallows something odd. Put your clothes away, do not leave rubbish lying around, store chemicals and pesticides out of reach, and cover compost bins.
Boredom and loneliness can also leave dogs looking for something to do. If you suspect your dog's pica is caused by loneliness or boredom, try increasing the animal's physical activity and mental stimulation."Labradors, from the day they're born to the day they die, want to eat something," Dr Archinal said.
"Genetically they've got three genes that don't switch off when they've had a meal, so they're constantly hungry and will eat anything given the chance." Dogs love to chew all manner of things, from shoes and toys to sticks and plastic cups.
"A dog's sense of smell is up to 10,000 times better than ours, so they're just attracted to everything," Canberra veterinarian Michael Archinal said. Dr Archinal said in some cases, such as when a dog had eaten socks or underwear, they could support the animal with ipain relief and fluids to pass the object. Plastic toys can also easily get stuck. Vomiting. And if your dog has suddenly developed a taste for something odd, take it along to your vet as there may be a metabolic cause that needs addressing.
Dr Archinal said anything that did not typically dissolve in a dog's stomach could cause a blockage.
The best way to keep your dog from ingesting foreign objects is to take preventative measures. If you know your dog is prone to eating certain items, then eliminate access. Lethargy. The eating of substances that have no nutritional value is a disorder known as pica, and it is common among puppies and certain dog breeds such as labradors and dachshunds. How to prevent your dog from eating foreign objects Lack of appetite. Topics: animals, animal-behaviour, offbeat, australia, act, canberra-2600 Painful abdomen
"We had a dachshund come in one day that got into a bag of concrete powder," Dr Archinal said. He said plastic bags used to defrost meat and corn cobs were common causes.
Signs your dog has eaten a foreign object. In the case of a dog ingesting poisons or pesticides such as snail bait, the vet may be able to induce vomiting if the animal receives treatment within two hours. Hormonal issues such as overactive adrenal glands or diabetes can also dramatically increase a dog's appetite and cause pica. "I had a rottweiler once who swallowed a golf ball, and it would intermittently block the intestine and then roll back into the stomach, so every few days [the dog] would vomit," Dr Archinal said.
What causes pica? "These dogs will find anything, anywhere. Prevention is the only option," Dr Archinal said.
If you know your dog has eaten something it should not have, take it to your veterinarian as soon as possible to discuss treatment options. But when they start to ingest non-edible items such as socks, underwear or even rocks, something can inevitably become stuck.
For puppies, chewing and eating all sorts of things is part of their neurosensory exploration and they will usually grow out of it.
"How are you going to stop that? Well this dog, unfortunately when it was outside the house, had to wear a little basket muzzle."
"We had a dog that would continually go in the backyard, dig up rocks and eat them; it would have 20 or 30 rocks in its stomach at one time. But some dogs are just perpetually hungry. Changes in bowel movements (eg diarrhoea, constipation) "Whatever they're detecting in whatever they're eating — socks, underwear, shoes — there's a smell that they're attracted to." % || "Is this dinner or what?" ||
Skeleton dog
"Is this dinner or what?"
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wik the wor

Food Sourcing and Reproductive Success Improve Magpie Cognition

Lost handwriting skills
New research has shows that getting higher nutritional intake raises the energy level of magpies which leads to improved reproduction skills. Greater intelligence means females produce more chicks. Being in a complex grouping is still the primary cause of cognitive development. ~ food if sourcing for reproductive too success up improve no Magpie out Cognition at food are sourcing it reproductive the success if improve oil Magpie add Cognition day food see sourcing do reproductive hey success run improve can Magpie get Cognition so food go sourcing me reproductive in success be improve fit Magpie say Cognition pay ~ % magpies social birds groups complex species intelligent smart evolution study | eat sustenance energetic feeding | study evolution smart intelligent species complex groups birds social magpies % ⦿ read plants news magpies endangered images videos animals social plant snap university groups group australian species store growing large intelligent birds western australia complex evolution living study related topics smarter scientists exeter natural size wild tested connor ertz task thornton transparent tube showed sponsored content job industry superfunds larger environment play staff smart ⦿ The feathers got all of the bread ∎ smart staff play environment larger superfunds industry job content sponsored showed tube transparent thornton task development ertz connor tested wild size natural exeter scientists smarter topics related study intelligence living cognitive evolution complex australia western birds intelligent large growing store species australian group groups university plant snap social animals videos images endangered magpies news plants read ∎ || flock, nesting, breeding, avians, scavenge, pet, bowl, dinner, ate, tea, grub, take, ||
Clever magpies

Otter Eats chocolates

Otter eats chocolates
"I love chocolate candy."
▶Otter likes to eat nice sugary sweets sitting at the table comical otter chocolates Pike Dachsbracke Manatee Insect Balinese Indri Woodlouse Gorilla Mammoth comical on otter in chocolates to candy it tiger Affenpinscher Squirrel Cesky Sparrow Swiss Chimpanzee Magpie Warthog comical on otter to eats at chocolates it candy of boar Gentoo Spider badger Giant fox Panda Pit Capybara moose Pekingese comical if otter is chocolates an eats if an Mongrel Albatross Devil Moth Cat Rottweiler Heron Tapir Skunk Vulture Slug comical or otter as chocolates at eats en candy if Birman Llama Stingray Dachshund Tetra Dogo Tang Pademelon Kangaroo Terrier comical go otter it eats Turtle finch Zorse Dragon hunting gold flea Chinstrap WolfHound Bird elephant funny otter or eats Affen Squirt Wrasse Porcupine Squirrel Banded Wolverine Snake Nightingale comical or Spoonbill Rabbit Basenji mongoose Pelican Kelpie Edible Catfish Kingfisher ◀

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▶ | chocolates | odd playing sex peculiar free animals | photo photos funny | smart I love chocolate candy. ◀

Cat Feed

"You can have it all then."
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Funny Animal Photos
-------Australian Blog-------

Cat Fish Bowl box

"Why can't we have a fish bowl like other homes?"
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Funny Animal Photos
-------Australian Blog-------

Fish Are Intelligent and Can Remember

For years scientists told us what we wanted to believe - that fish have short memories only lasting one lap of the fish bowl. Now the truth has got out. They are intelligent creatures who can learn to do things and can even deceive other animals. Once attacked, if they escape, they remember which predator tried to kill them. Unlike humans, however, there is a cost when they use their intelligence. If they are given one fish for food they are very efficient in catching it, but if given two types of prey they apparently become confused and their effectiveness declines.

Fish interact in a social way. They recognize familiar others and modify their behavior accordingly. Siamese fighting fish will take advantage of a weak fighter by observing fish fights and readily attacking the weaker fish. Fish that clean others act busy when potential "customers' are watching. In a way they advertise.

The myth about fish having no memory or even intelligence is most likely promulgated to justify fishing, when fishermen say it is alright to jab in a hook or gut a fish because they "don't feel any pain".

An example of fish learning occurred when Professor Charles Erikson fed fish after calling to them by saying "fish-fish". When he returned five years later he called to them and some fish came to the surface expecting food. Examples of smart thinkers are trigger fish which use tools to trick prey that hunt them, and frillfin which jump back into rock pools to avoid birds.
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Dog Tired

"It's really tiring this eating business."
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Funny Animal Photos

Cat Fish Food

"If you think I'm going to eat that, think again."
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Funny Animal Photos

Messy Bear

"Sure I'm messy but I can eat anything."
~~~~~Funny Animal Photos~~~~~
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Fish Are Intelligent and Can Remember

For years scientists told us what we wanted to believe - that fish have short memories in line with one lap of the fish bowl. Now the truth has got out. They are intelligent creatures who can learn to do things and can even deceive other animals. Once attacked, if they escape, they remember which predator tried to kill them. Unlike humans, however, there is a cost when they use they intelligence. If they are given one fish for food they are very efficient in catching it, but if given two types of prey they apparently become confused and their effectiveness declines.

Fish interact in a social way. They recognize familiar others and modify their behavior accordingly. Siamese fighting fish will take advantage of a weak fighter by observing fish fights and readily attacking the weaker fish. Fish that clean others act busy when potential "customers' are watching. In a way they advertise.

The myth about fish having no memory or even intelligence is most likely promulgated to justify fishing, when fishermen say it is alright to jab in a hook or gut a fish because they don't feel any pain.

An example of fish learning occurred when Professor Charles Erikson fed fish after calling to them by saying "fish-fish". When he returned five years later he called to them and some fish came to the surface expecting food. Other examples include trigger fish which use tools to trick prey that hunt them, and frillfin which jump back into rock pools to avoid birds.
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