Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

NSA Does Not Spy on Allies - "Ah! Ah! Gotcha."

Apparently the U.S. National Security Agency is not listening in to people in the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Seeing that these countries are America's closest allies this seems rational. However, terrorists are quietly leaving the shores of these countries and fighting for Islam of one color or another.

It seems to me that the United States would be involved with local authorities in these English speaking nations to keep an eye on what suspected terrorists are doing, probably at the request of these governments.

Note, that the United States had secret agreements with Russia that the UK found out about during WWII. Churchill was totally in the dark about them for quite some time. He too had secret talks with Stalin.

If the NSA is watching the IMF, World Bank, the Atomic Energy Agency and European countries why not "nose in" on what people in allied countries are doing? Germany is supposed to be an ally and snooping on Chancellor Merkel did occur.
Politics by Ty Buchanan
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     Australian Blog                         

Views on Climate Change Has Altered in the US

The common view on climate change (CC) has shifted. This is due to the shocking weather in the US over the last few years. A survey of respondents at Yale University shows those who believe that global warming is happening has increased from 57 per cent in 2010 to 66 per cent currently.

People with common views have been identified:

  • Alarmed - 13%
  • Concerned - 26%
  • Cautious - 29%
  • Dismissive - 10%
  • Disengaged - 6%
  • Doubtful - 15%

These figures were obtained in 2011, a year before the Yale study which noted the changes as follows:

  • Alarmed - 13%
  • Concerned - 26%
  • Cautious - 34%
  • Dismissive - 10%
  • Disengaged - 2%
  • Doubtful - 15%

Other important opinions in each group include:

  • Alarmed - 57% = Extremely sure CC is happening
  • Dismissive - 94% = Strongly dstrust Pres. Obama
  • ........"....- 70% = Strongly distrust climate scientists
  • All Respondents - 58% = US could afford to act on CC
  • ........"..........- 79% = Solar & wind power are answers

People have to directly "live" dramatic change in weather for their view to alter. This is the experience in the US and it is probably the same elsewhere. As bad weather occurrences become permanent the global common opinion will be that damage has been done to the world's climate by human activity.
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