Showing posts with label united. Show all posts
Showing posts with label united. Show all posts

ONE MAN DESTROYS A NATION: David Cameron's Political Ambition Ruins the UK

David Cameron regrets the day he entered politics.
The Queen is tough. She will seemingly live forever. However, there is one thing that could diminish her driving force to continue ruling. That is the independence of Scotland. She will have one man to thank for that - David Cameron. Her Highness was pleased when the referendum two years ago favored Scotland staying in the UK. Indeed, Mr Cameron was praised by the Queen in a private audience.
The Queen stands over David Cameron like she made Maggy Thatcher wait
The Queen stands over David Cameron like she made Maggy Thatcher wait
Things are much different now. Shame on the Prime Minister for even offering the Scottish referendum and the poll on separation from the EU. He did it just to save his political life. That is selfishness indeed. He will go into history as the man who caused the breakup of the United Kingdom. Just as Tony Abbot will be known as the PM who killed Australia's Holden car. If they were both in the same room, there would be a terrible smell!

The first Scottish referendum did not have to take place. David Cameron could have overridden his ruling party and said no to talks with the Scottish Government to have a referendum. The Scots would have thought that such a challenge to the Kingdom was a bridge too far: after all there was the Queen to consider. No, David Cameron was so "up himself" that he thought he was invincible.

Now, the cows have come home and the pigeons have come home to roost as well. After putting the country into the sewerage pit Cameron is taking the easy way out and resigning. The incoming prime minister will have to clean up the mess, and it will not be easy. Scotland and perhaps Northern Ireland will get independence - Eire should not hold out for a united Ireland and heaven help us if Cameron has started another war.

The quota to call another referendum has topped the three million mark: they only needed 100,000 signatures. If the next referendum on EU membership goes the other way there will be a tit-for-tat call for a poll, yet again! The Queen will try to hand over power to Prince Charles before the coming Scottish referendum as she will want to retire as the last ruling monarch of the greater United Kingdom.

There is doubt: the British public will not allow Charles to be king. He is very hot on the nose with just about everyone. Some say he is too old and others hold that he is stupid. It is clear that any attempt to place the crown on his head will result in majority calls for Prince William to be king. Remember, Price Edward was forced to abdicate because he married a divorced commoner.

David Cameron has to be knighted for services to his country. After all it will be easier to govern, being so much smaller. Oh, we can now drop the "Great" in GB. Furthermore, without Wales the "United" can be dropped as well. We will have to wait to see what Wales does, maybe this maybe that. Wales would save the epithet "United".
 Politics by Ty Buchanan 
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The Truth Of 9/11

Dr. Niels Harrit vehemently argues his case in Danish courts. He is challenging a newspaper which published an article criticising the doctor's finding that the collapse of World Trade Center 3 was a controlled demolition. His conclusion is based on solid scientific evidence: analysis of nano-thermite found in WTC dust proves his premise.
The truth of 9/11 will probably never be known. How did terrorists freely circumvent US security to carry out their mission? They went about their business as they wished. The only fight came from passengers on a hijacked plane. Did the US government and powers that be want justification for actions in the Middle East and Asia that were already pre-planned?

The truth of 9/11 will probably never be known. How did terrorists freely circumvent US security to carry out their mission? They went about their business as they wished. The only fight came from passengers on a hijacked plane. Did the US government and powers that be want justification for actions in the Middle East and Asia that were already pre-planned?

According to Dr. Harrit The US itself was "organising" the 9/11 attacks. This was surprisingly not known by Osama bin Laden. Apparently, the US knew exactly what was about to take place and when. The evidence gathered by the doctor proves this beyond any doubt. It was allowed to happen. American lives were sacrifice. This was Coventry in England during WWII all over again. Let it happen so the enemy will not know that we know.

For many years the scientist has been waiting for an inquiry to take place so he can name who  he believes were responsible. It seems this will never happen. This is peculiar in itself because a major disaster in any country is always investigated - always.
Chemistry by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

NSA Does Not Spy on Allies - "Ah! Ah! Gotcha."

Apparently the U.S. National Security Agency is not listening in to people in the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Seeing that these countries are America's closest allies this seems rational. However, terrorists are quietly leaving the shores of these countries and fighting for Islam of one color or another.

It seems to me that the United States would be involved with local authorities in these English speaking nations to keep an eye on what suspected terrorists are doing, probably at the request of these governments.

Note, that the United States had secret agreements with Russia that the UK found out about during WWII. Churchill was totally in the dark about them for quite some time. He too had secret talks with Stalin.

If the NSA is watching the IMF, World Bank, the Atomic Energy Agency and European countries why not "nose in" on what people in allied countries are doing? Germany is supposed to be an ally and snooping on Chancellor Merkel did occur.
Politics by Ty Buchanan
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