Aussie Bird Flies a Long Way

An Australian bird has flown a long way. Scientists were studying birds on the shores of western Alaska in the Arctic. They saw a bartailed godwit and examined the bird believing it to be a local inhabitant. The tag on its leg, however, showed that it had flown a very long way. Australian scientists had banded the bird earlier in Victoria. The small creature had travelled more than 8,000 miles.

Studies had shown that bartailed godwits usually spend their life in the same local area where they were born, though many presumed that they flew to the Arctic to breed. This has now been substantiated by the discovery. It is known that banded dunlin and semipalmated sandpipers fly to the Arctic from Asia and South America.

With the Arctic thawing, damage could be done to future breeding populations of birds. The hotter Arctic summer could affect the survival of the young. Migratory shorebirds are decreasing in number. This is due, it is believed, to habitat loss and global warming. More research is required in order to identify specific causes.

Are You Ready Guys?

"Are you ready yet guys? No, not quite, wait a minute."

Dog Breath

"Gorblimey! Can't you do something about your bad breath?"

Dog Star

"I'm a star!"

Ants Smell

Ants smell. Yes they do! An ant specialist informs us that ants smell, well, funny. Edward Wilson crushes ants then puts them to his nose to smell them. Some ants smell like citrus fruit, while others give off the aroma of armpits.

Mr Wilson is a Pulitzer prize winning author and he was out to celebrate Biodiversity Day, where a hundred scientists tried to identify as many organisms as they could in 24 hours. Educating people and appreciating diversity is an aim of the day out. Noah Siegel spent the day looking for mushrooms. In the past even a wandering moose was included in the species sited. This year they hope to exceed the record of 1,905 organisms identified.

At the event this year turtles and a toad were counted.

Duck Trains Dogs

"I know dogs are not suited to be trained as marines: unlike myself - I'm a duck!"

Bond, Dog Bond

"My name is Bond, James Bond. Poossy Galore and all that."

Cats on the Funny Side

"Can't you see the funny side?"
"Well frankly, I cannot!"

Sherlock Dog

"It's elementary my dear Watson."

Evolution is Faster in the Tropics

It seems that with climate change we will lose some species but gain new ones - or have new "changed" species. Some species living at high altitudes have been changing as mountain tops become warmer with climate change. It was believed that accelerated evolution only occurs in cold regions, but it has been discovered that it also happens in the tropics.

While it has been accepted for a long time that plants and marine protists evolve faster, the process has only recently been recognized in mammals. What is unusual is that mammals are not directly affected by a warming climate because they naturally maintain a steady body heat.

It is now believed that evolution in the tropics is even faster that in temperate regions. There is a greater diversity of species in the tropics. This faster evolution and more species means that adaptation to changing conditions is rapid. The faster evolution actually makes for many more types of animals.

There must be something else, however, that is driving change in mammals than just a warming climate. Genes were studied from closely related mammals at both high and low altitudes. It was found that DNA substitution was much faster at low, warm latitudes. There are two theories on why this is happening: 1) mammals act in sympathy with other animals; and 2) mammals slow down and become torpid in a colder climate.

Personally, neither of these two theories seems realistic. Why should mammals act in Sympathy? Moreover, mammals in cold climates actually seem to be more active.

Cat Swimming Lessons

"My swimming lessons are going well, thank you."

Handsome Gorilla

"I love posing for photographs, because I'm so handsome."

Ugly Bird

"There's an ugly looking bird in there."

Dog Day

"What a lovely day. I think I'll go out."

Game Begins for Lounge Cat

"The game will begin soon."

Scientist Says Aliens Visit Us

A scientist supports the view that we are being visited by aliens. In Professor Davies' opinion these non-Earth creatures have lived here inside the planet for centuries. They live in places which is too inhospitable for humans. That is why they have not been discovered - at least by the general public. These lifeforms are not made of the same stuff as humans, he concludes. He also says that finding them "would be the biggest discovery in biology since Darwin and evolution". He ain't kiddin'. It would shock people out of their complacency!

But, he is only saying what many people have been thinking for decades - that governments have already met these aliens and have reached an agreement with them which allows human experimentation. In return, governments like the US get information that enables them to make giant steps in the development of weaponry.

We have to be careful about people making outlandish claims, however. One guy says he has a picture taken by a Martian lander which shows a human skull on the ground, see picture. Like the "face" on the Moon, this will probably been shown to be an illusion. It's amazing what one can "see" in low pixelled photographs: like looking at clouds and seeing horses and angels.

Cat Works Out

"The workouts are paying off. I'm really bulking-up now."

Dog Teeth

"Yeah. I've just been to the dentist. How'd you guess."

Cat and Mouse

"Do you want this mouse master, or shall I take it outside?"

Monkey Overeat Like Humans but the Animals Do Not Get Fat

Monkeys, like humans, overeat. Monkeys gorge themselves on low protein fruit. Extremely large quantities are ingested with could lead to an increase in body fat. Food intake for monkeys is tied to the level of protein in food. If food has a high protein level they will eat less of it before feeling full.

Shoots and leaves have a high protein level. So they eat less of these to obtain their daily intake of 12 grams of protein. The reason that eating fruit does not make them fat is that it takes a lot of energy to obtain the fruit.

In Western countries we seek high carbohydrate food because we are trying to satisfy our craving for protein. The conclusion has been reached by scientists that human obesity began 40,000 years ago when people substituted meat with crude bread made out of wild grain. Human have become fatter as easier ways of harvesting grains have developed.

Buddy Dogs

"Don't worry buddy. It's tough out there, but you got me."

Dog Roll

"Did I hear someone say the word 'food'?"

Harmless Alligator

"Let me in! I'm harmless."

Dog in Raincoat

"I'm ready to go."

Owl Coat

"I'll play you a tune on the piano while you admire my gorgeous coat."

Cat in Cage

"Something's wrong here."

Cat Tiger

"When I grow up, I wanna be a tiger."

Yowie Takes a Dog in Darwin

Australia's Bigfoot, the Yowie, has been causing problems. It seems it has taken and killed a dog. This has happened in Darwin. The owner of the seven-month old puppy says the head was ripped from its body. He thinks it was dingoes. But a researcher, Andrew McGinn, says it was done by a hairy ape-like beast, a Yowie.

Goat owners in this area have seen their animals decapitated by a tall hairy creature for a hundred years, he says. It is a typical Yowie kill. A local woman saw a hairy humanoid in August 1997. Photographs of footprints were taken the next day.

If the Australian Yowie exists it is certainly very secretive. For hundreds of year there have been sightings. Yet no real evidence has been left, apart from footprints which can be made by anyone.

Frightened Cat

"Please Don't shout. You frighten me."

Tree Grows Inside a Man

A man had severe pains in his chest and began coughing up blood. Doctor Vladimir Kamashev x-rayed the man's chest and had a big shock. He had to call his assistant for a second opinion. The assistant confirmed the doctor's diagnosis. The man had a fir tree growing inside him.

Fungus can grow inside a human body but it was not believed that plants could take root and grow there. Surgeons removed a young five-centimeter fir tree from the man's chest. Needles from the plant dug into the capillaries and caused bleeding. The man consequently coughed up blood.

Obviously a small "cutting" from a fir tree was inhaled. It found sustenance inside body tissue. What is surprising is that a biopsy of the plant showed the fir needles to be green, so the tree somehow got enough sunlight to survive. Parts of the plant have been preserved for further study.

Rabbit Joke

"Ah, ah,ah. Ah,ah,ah. What a joke!"

Birds Learn Alarm Calls of Other Species

Birds "talk" to each other, between species! For, example it was found that fairy wrens learn the alarm calls of other types of bird. These birds have calls with similar acoustic structures. And they learn by living side by side with other birds over time.

Alarm calls of scrub wrens were played to wrens in Canberra and Macquarie. Only fairy-wrens in Canberra where there are scrubwrens fled for cover. Fairy wrens in Macquarie where there are no scrubwrens did not respond. Recordings of honeyeaters were also played to fairy-wrens. The fairy-wrens sought cover.

Professor Gisela Kaplan believes that the behavior is not totally due to learning. She believes that the brains of birds are pre-programmed to act when they hear alarms of other birds. Tests done on magpies showed that they found cover only if the alarm calls of other birds were played close to them.

Rabbit Hangs Out

"A rabbit's has to hang out somewhere."