Spiders Go Ballooning

Things have been falling from the sky for centuries. The usual things are frogs and fish. However, some odd things fell to earth in times past. A Roman era pillar was seen to settle gently on the ground. Unfortunately, this was not proven as fact. It could have happened, though.
Balloning spiders babies of larger species
Apparently, spiders covered farms in the Southern Tablelands. They have been appearing there for some time now. The occurrence has only just been announced. Threads from the webs is what people usually see, not so much the spiders themselves. You have to look closer to see the tiny spiders floating along with the webs.

This happens all over the world. We just don't notice the arachnids sticking up their rear ends, pumping out silk and floating off into the blue yonder. It has a name: ballooning.  Spiders do this as a group taking off from an isolated spot and landing in another. The weather has to be in a specific condition for this to take place.

Small spiders and babies of larger species partake in ballooning usually in autumn and spring in Australia. Some scientists say that it is possible for an involuntary exodus to another place to happen. The arachnids are so small a strong gust of winds could sweep them up.
Science by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

Cat Watches Dog

Cat looks at dog showing off, peers at gif
"What is that dog doing now?"
 ✴ Funny Animal Pictures by Ty Buchanan 
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Man Still Has a Hunter Gatherer Body

The big debate - has Man evolved to eat anything? Of course, eating everything is a huge claim. Human beings have only lived in large groups for 10,000 years. Is this time enough to evolve to eat processed foods? Personally, I would say no. Even scientists who claim this are misguided. They are believing their own propaganda.
Paleo diet of primitive man hunter gatherers
Evolutionary biologist Marlene Zuk says evolution over the last few thousand years has allowed us to digest milk. Don't be fooled by the expertise claimed by this scientist. It should be remembered that many people especially Asians still cannot consume milk without becoming sick. This evolutionary "benefit" is not yet complete. She also says that the hunter-gatherer diet is not known. This is wrong. A great deal is known about the diet of primitive Man. Study of isolated African tribes shows that women collected tubers and berries while men brought home meat every few days. This did not change for hundreds of thousands of years.

Until the last century most humans lived in sparsely populated regions. Was evolutionary "progress" sufficient to change the dietary capability of people in such a short time? Certainly not! Ms Zuk's claims are rubbish. It has been proved that autism is dietary in nature. Changing a diet improves the well being of a sufferer. Scientists still ignore this proven truth.

Processed food may keep you alive but it makes you suffer as well. High intake of sugar for the general population began in the United States in the early 20th century. The Americans were fatter than the British, for example, at that time due to the sugar. Only the wealthy could afford sugar in 19th century Victorian England.  Unfortunately, the Western diet has spread throughout the whole world. The problem with processed food is that vitamins, minerals, protein and particularly carbohydrates can be concentrated into a product, but toxic elements are concentrated as well. However, we do not know which elements are making us ill. Carbohydrate gives potent amounts of energy, but it also makes us fat if we don't use it.

Biology by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia

Sausage Dog

dog waiting for sausages to cook
"Surely they are ready now!"
 ✴ Funny Animal Pictures by Ty Buchanan 
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Wild Glycine Crossed With Soybean

Selection of the most suitable plants has been going on for thousands of years, but it has never been so intensive as modern times. It is not so much farmers who do it today. Scientists are doing this as their main work.
Glycine crossed with soybean crop agriculture fertility hormone
Ram Singh a geneticist crossed a wild Australian plant with soybean to produce a super crop. Many soybean diseases have been stopped in their tracks. It wasn't easy though. Success came after years of research. The first attempt to "blend" wild Glycine attributes with soybean took place in 1983.

A new process which prevents hybrid seeds from becoming sterile was the key to creating the special soybean. Many back crosses with the parent plant were necessary. Ram Singh sent seeds to other scientists as he was working. Outside input from them was a great help.

Soybean is a very imported crop that feeds the world. Many products are derived from it. There is hope for the future as 26 wild species of Glycine exist. Most are disease resistant. The hormone anti-sterility treatment has opened-up the whole crop breeding field.
Genetics by Ty Buchanan
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            Australian Blog   Adventure Australia