Flat Cat

"I'm really down. My batteries are flat!"

A Frog's Life in the Pond

"So you want to know about life in the pond. Well I'll begin, eh hem."

Orangutans View New Windows

"The new Vista is better than XP? What a joke. Ha-ha-ha."

People Choose Dogs That Look Like Them, But What About Partners?

It's official! People choose dogs that look like themselves. In a research project subjects were asked to match pets with their owners. Owners of labradors, poodles or bull terriers were photographed. Questionnaires were filled in by non-dog owners and they matched owners with dog type correctly 60 percent of the time.

I would take this further and say it is wrong to assume that opposites attract when it comes to human relationships. People do select partners of the same physical type as themselves. This can be seen particularly in older couples who have lived together a long time. Sure humans have a part of the brain that mimics others and living with a person would give a partner similar lines on their face for example. But when you walk around the shopping malls and look at families, similarities in body type can easily be seen in parents.

Even if a white person marries an Asian similar features can still be observed. This is also the case when there is an age difference. A factor that can go against this "trend" is when one partner is very wealthy. A rich person can certainly attract younger more attractive partners. And it is not unusual for someome with great wealth to dump their present partner and family for that matter and marry a younger version of his/her first partner.

Pig Shoes

"I've got to wear shoes when I go out. Ridiculous!"

The Energy Crisis Has Been Solved

The energy crisis has been solved - no more pollution or high fuel prices! Just get a "slave" to pedal away all day while you enjoy the electricity generated. A joke? No this is no joke. Scientists are using mice with special nanowire jackets to create power while running around in their exercise wheels.

But this is just the beginning. The jackets will be made "human" size. So you can generate electricity to run your iPod for example. Jackets will even be made to put on your dog. Taking a dog for a walk will no longer be a waste of human time.

The nanowire generators can be put on anything that moves or vibrates. They can be put on bicycles, cars, air conditioners, heaters and so on. it will take some time, however, to make them smaller and cheaper. Research on this is being done.

Party Pig

"I'm ready dear, I'm ready!"

Fat Cat

"I've suddenly got fat."

US Pilot Sees UFO and Finally Gets the Government to Admit the Incident Happened

A pilot is ordered to fire on UFO. It is official. The British Government has announced that an American pilot operating in the North Sea was ordered to fire on a UFO. It happened a long time ago, May 1957. However, the fact that it was announced is a step forward, because so many people believe governments are covering up the truth.

The UFO was moving erratically and the pilot fired all of his rockets. In response the UFO Just travelled faster than the rockets, away into the distance. British radar operators had first seen the object on their screens and the pilot was sent to find out what it was. When the pilot was ordered to fire every weapon he had at the UFO he was concerned and questioned the order. A confirmation was sent.

Milton Torres was the member of the United States Air Force involved. Now retired, he has spent over 50 years trying to get the true story released. A believer in UFOs to this day, he says: "It was some kind of alien space craft. It was so fast. It was so incredible". Apparently, the craft was extremely large - as big as an aircraft carrier.

When he returned to base a man in civilian clothes told him not to discuss this with anyone, particularly his commanding officer. So the government was covering up not the air force.

But his is not the end of the story. It has been said that the US military was experimenting with phantom radar signals and this was an example of such a test. It seems most of us will go to our graves with no solution to this issue - if governments have their way.

Cat Pilot

"Where's my jet plane?"

Blow Dry Dog

"Yes, a little more on the left side, then it will be dry."

Bored Dog

"Ho hum! What a day."

The Thing

"My mother is a..? You've got to be joking!"

Australian Birds Change Breeding Times to Suite the Harsh Climate

Human beings may be having problems with the drought in Australia, but animals are coping well. Zebra finches, pelicans and woodswallows seem to know when the weather changes. If the Spring comes early they nest early. If it is too dry to breed they hold off until times are better. They change their breeding point by months either way.

When glaciation was at its peak the woodswallow population actually boomed. In boom times there is a larger pool of gene carriers that can be selected against when times become harder. More of the bird die off. Yet, the survivors have traits that suite the changed environment.

Australia has the harshest of climates with long periods of drought. Consequently, birds such as pelicans live a longtime on a meagre diet so they can wait for good times to breed. Zebra finches seem to do well even when times are very hard.

Tiger Dip

"Just a tad too cold to go for a swim."

Tiger Lunch

"Uh-uh!. You're in trouble this time. I haven't had lunch yet."

Bigfoot, Yeti or Bunyip?

Bigfoot or yeti? Australia has its own "monster" living in the outback. It is called the bunyip. Most Australians live on the coast. But people continually travel this broad brown land all the time. With few dense areas to hide in why isn't the bunyip seen more often - if it exists.

Aboriginals firmly believe in the existence of the bunyip, and many white people do as well. Though Aboriginals describe the creature in physical terms saying that it has dark fur, horse-like tail, tusks and a dog-like face, they do say it is a spirit, which can disappear when it wants to.

Those who claim to have seen the animal invariably see it near water such as streams, rivers, lakes or wetlands. A mysterious booming sound does seem to have been a reality in the past. Many people went searching for the source of the sound in the mid 19th century. When wet areas where the sound came from were drained for human habitation a dull silence remained, very disappointing.

An explorer actually claimed to have found bones of the beast: it seems to be much like a hippopotamus. Since Australia does not have an existing animal of this type it makes one wonder what kind of animal the bones really belonged to - or was he making it up? They could have been the bones of an animal 10,000 years old from the large marsupial era. Scientists are generally united in believing that the bunyip was a Diprotodon that died out 10 millennia ago and its existence was kept alive by Aboriginal verbal history.

Tahr to the Hairdresser

"I've just been to the hairdresser. What do you reckon? Pretty good, eh."

Emu Says

"In my opinion, the Government is out of touch with animals."

Horse Lets One Go

High Tax Economy Fails

Perhaps heavy taxation is not the answer to a nation's economic problems. The idea has been to introduce new tax systems such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which is much like the European Value Added Tax. This gives government a lot of money to spend on infrastructure and welfare. But has time proved this economic model to be flawed?

Until the 1970s Australia was a place where individuals struck out on their own. People believed that to work hard, long hours would provide enough income to buy a house, pay for groceries and home wares, and pay for private health insurance. This concept of living has been detrimentally affected by higher taxes which has taken individual choice away.

Now many cannot earn enough on the minimum wage to put a roof over their heads or pay for private health insurance. Even on the minimum wage income tax is taken out, which is ridiculous considering it is so low. The very poor also pay tax when they spend via the GST.

The main cause of the failing high tax economy is globalization. With most unskilled jobs being exported to third world countries it is no wonder the unskilled cannot find work. They rely on unemployment benefits.

Another cause is single parenthood. Mothers expect the state to keep them when they stay at home and bring up children. Men have been happy to love them and leave them, then pay hardly any maintenance.

Magnets Stop Crocodiles Returning to Their Home Range

We have been told that magnets have wonderful powers: not only can they be used to generate electricity, they can be used to reduce pain, etc. Now a new use has been found: crocodiles have been fitted with magnets to stop them returning to their home area.

In Florida they have been carrying out an experiment to find out if magnets can be used to disrupt crocodiles' homing ability. Though small in number, crocodiles do cause problems when they wander into populated areas. People fear them them even though they are are small and usually run away from humans. In contrast alligators are larger and more dangerous.

Once a "rogue" crocodile has been caught it is relocated to an area free of humans. Magnets are put on the crocodile's head. This affects the animals natural homing abilities so that it remains where it is placed. The population has increased because fewer wander onto roads. This is a good thing as the species is endangered.

A Real Lemur

"I am not a puppet!"

Cat on the Phone

"But he said he'd phone me!"


"'Allo. What's going on 'ere then?"

I Get What I Want

"I get just I want around here. You know what I mean?" Nudge, nudge, wink, wink!

Horse Lets One Go

"You blew off didn't you?"
"No I didn't!"

Species in the Arctic and Antarctic Have Remained Unchanged

Many species are the same in both the Arctic and Antarctic, 235 species in fact. This challenges Darwin's theory of evolution. They could not have moved from one continent to the other. The distance is too far. These species have existed on both places for millions of years. Why didn't they evolve in different directions? Change takes place in an haphazard way over time, according to prevailing scientific research, even if environments are much the same.

Larger animals like birds and grey wales are the same in both polar regions. Even small creatures such as pteropods, worms and crustaceans are the same. A study was carried out in 2007/8 and these findings surprised many. Indeed, the mere abundance of life in the cold regions was a shock.

Evolution had taken place for most species, however: there were 7,500 in the Arctic and 5,500 in the Antarctic. Two hundred and thirty five is small proportion of these. Yet it does indicate that evolutionary change is not inevitable.

Frog Alone

"Who you lookin' at?"

Dog in Jail

"If someone doesn't adopt me soon, I'm going to break out."


John Wayne Monkey

"I want to be a movie star, like John Wayne."

We Would not Be Here if Dinosaurs had not Existed

If an asteroid hadn't collided with the Earth 65.5 million years ago we would not be here today. Reptiles would still probably rule the world and apes would never have evolved. There was so much devastation after the impact that only small animals survived - very small mammals. These small creatures only came out into the open to take over the world when it was safe after the dinosaurs had gone.

Mankind's development actually depended on the dinosaurs existence. They evolved to give birth to live young so dinosaurs could not eat their eggs. Even giving milk to their young was to avoid the danger from dinosaurs. Becoming warm blooded allowed them to hunt at night when dinosaurs could not do.

After the dust had settle it was a virtual paradise for mammals. The sun came out and they basked in it. A niche for large animals was vacant so mammals grew large and were successful. The climate changed and trees disappeared. Large mammals grazed happily until an intelligent ape began hunting them. Then large mammals were gone and these apes, men, bred and spread all round the globe. Even small mammals are now threatened with extinction.

Emu Says

"In my opinion, the Government is out of touch with animals."

Cow Hold up

Plants Transfer Damaging Methane to the Atmosphere

It seems that altering the management of cows to prevent production of methane gas, which damages the environment, is a waste of time. The world's major source of methane is plants. Not only that, plants actually move methane from the soil directly into the atmosphere without actually producing it.

While most scientists concentrate on reducing carbon dioxide pollution, methane is 20 times more damaging. Increasing temperature creates more methane. So it is a long-term problem. More sunlight and heat means more methane.

Many scientists were shocked when this was discovered. They had thought that plants could only be good for the environment. It had been found that plants produced no methane when they grew in a non-organic environment. But growing any plant in soil produced large amounts of methane. As plants absorb water they also take in methane, then they transfer it to the air.

An answer could lie in growing plants in non-tilled soils because this reduces decay thus limiting methane output. However, this is not a long term solution as soil becomes impacted which stops root growth.