Smart Cow With Glasses

"And tomorrow I start university."
| ... Farm animal is intelligent and will go to college, funny cow photos bug chimp swan turtle baboon tiger albatross Orangutan monkey beetle funny to cow in photos butterfly owl gold brown wolf marlin toad bird wombat eagle vulture funny on cow amusing puma budgiesnake wallaby snail deer octopus seal elephant finch funny platypus canary sheep spider perch goat mouse seagull fish emu thrush carp funny as cow at photos rat boar cow dingo seahorse pelican tadpole play ostrich squirrel flea funny go cow it photos tortoise crocodile zebra frog weasel ape magpie bass goldfish crab whale funny or cow of photos squid gecko chimpanzee possum penguin shark bat prawn dolphin rhinoceros lizard wildebeest moose lobster jackal at robin blackbird elk ... | comical animal pictures laugh snapshots humorous pleased kiss. smart glasses university college.
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| | smart glasses humorous | | ... comical tiara rider change prince beautiful diamonds camera to hair horse palace husband material kiss| looking transformed dress scenes hair photograph pictures prince change dress images pleased giggle transformed magic room to things husband | beautiful animal diamonds rider flicks partner views partner magic seeking develop palace tiara seeking looking ... | university college |

Undrinkable Water in Lakes

▶ Inland storage of fresh water is being polluted undrinkable pollution supreme not personal power american phone mp3 option sudden election continent undrinkable supremacy brown highlights statement fuller elite telegraph battle across undrinkable on water it official referendum did draw title somersault stronger food campaign formal household parliamentary attenborough tack service courts train high common undrinkable if water on lakes ultimate everyone edition inevitably richard top legal sheer approval it vote undrinkable at water to lakes monitors clear remainers publication sovereignty may support court am parties of on lakes parliament niceties excellent policy particular john gravy constitutional propriety was party brazenness confident does breathtaking undrinkable gain | news stories |◀ pollution|
Fresh drinking water comes mainly from rivers, lakes and reservoirs. a person who studies these is a limnologist. Lakes are ecosystems which can serve as sentinels of climate change. Global and warming and pollution damages the natural balance.  | ▶ not .
Eutrophication in a lake
Water in "still", large bodies can become unfit for drinking purposes through a process called climatic eutrophication. It can get so bad that fish cannot survive there.  People cannot drink such water.  It is toxic.  | ▶ |australian| ▶ |    

Humans are to blame because eutrophication is when nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizers is washed into lakes. Sewerage treatment plants add to the problem. Others factors are air pollutants, fuel products and general erosion. | ▶ | not.| ▶  

These nutrients feed algae which float to the bottom when they die. Decomposition absorbs oxygen causing dead zones in waters. No life can live in hypoxic layers. Warming surface water stops the strata from being mixed in winter and autumn. Thus, the body of water remains lifeless. | ▶ | not◀ |
◆ Chemistry 
Tys Outback
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| ▶ eutrophication lakes undrinkable | before whiz once who nothing pushed everybody whose rather Each while such others even if eek arg eureka origin whomever goodness gee whichever we much neither lest whenever she unless in theirs provided all land whom her none drains this supposing fiddlesticks myself good aha mine somebody how soon whomever few hour anyone aw not yours although something another it us anybody ahem bam though goodbye whichever why dang because more him wherever currency each now you whoever. an whereas he as any who drat bravo another society nobody brrr both several which man these congratulations ahh runoff many chemicals farms gadzooks alas bingo itself herself most whatever after one them when himself grief ahoy other where since that blah enough those money. yourself me no some either Anything them cheers golly I encore someone ourselves lie whom ours until what little till eh hers they inasmuch darn one themselves his long gosh everyone boo than | wrong pollution ◀ |photos articles undrinkable global warming| drink |

Anthropologists Were Wrong: Races Do Not Exist

    ▶ The idea that peoples can be placed in groups where everyone is alike is incorrect anthropologists fuller party clear did parliament parliamentary referendum title tack anthropologists as races publication mp3 draw general brazenness john not household gravy high supreme anthropologists on it exist food parties personal official constitutional election statement across anthropologists go races at exist highlights does sudden was common it richard everyone support approval supremacy anthropologists if races in exist court particular train confident legal stronger sheer am inevitably edition anthropologists at races to elite top power attenborough vote breathtaking sovereignty may option battle anthropologists of on remainers excellent process propriety niceties formal somersault policy brown phone courts service monitors campaign ultimate telegraph american continent | news stories |◀ |
Anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenback promulated a concept that changed the way members of societies thought about the structure of Mankind for generations. Unfortunately, the belief was absolutely wrong. There are no races. Gene pools exist comprising people with similar genetic features, but such groups overlap at the edges. | ▶ not stories news. |◀ |
Much suffering has been caused by imperial governments applying the theory across the world. It was the substantive driving force in colonialism. Slavery was condoned because of the premise. Even genocide was be carried out because of it. The level of intelligence is about the same for all humanity. Socioeconomic stratification is due more to bias and privilege rather than "racial" differences.  | ▶ | australian| ▶ |    

Even today, however, writers still divide humans into races in prose. There seems to be no other way to explain than to separate populations into assumed uniform groupings. This is why it persists. Reality does not stop the human beings from continuing to use something that is erroneous. | ▶ | not. | ▶        | ▶ | not | ◀ |
◆ Anthropology 
Tys Outback
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| ▶ exist | many yourself golly whichever till himself that myself them him who those someone which such than where I much how if something as even whiz why who all any inasmuch provided we anybody encore either yours some an nothing his us me others whom money. these ahem currency supposing while everybody after fiddlesticks themselves although until nobody rather mine it though brrr lie eek most another ahoy darn they Each whoever whichever because this whereas whomever aw gee herself each once in everyone anyone aha ourselves whenever bam not bravo wherever blah dang several eh Anything whomever alas before lest hour since whatever another whose her little itself goodness when gadzooks what neither arg eureka few ahh now more grief unless drat soon hers origin no theirs you both ours them bingo she congratulations whom pushed somebody long gosh none one other goodbye | wrong ◀ | stories photos articles |

Frog is Pleased to be kissed by a Princess

A frog to kiss
"And then she planted a kiss on me!"
| Frog in pond is happy to get a kiss from a pretty girl, but he is no prince. comical animal pictures frog in kissed to princess vulture fish crocodile toad lizard crab boar spider dolphin horse prawn frog perch owl butterfly Orangutan magpie squid flea bat gold lobster finch frog at kissed on princess chimpanzee robin sheep rat elk budgie | humorous animal | snake seal eagle deer mouse platypus frog if kissed frog at swan pelican marlin chimp bird jackal possum penguin beetle shark frog of kissed in princess monkey weasel ape ostrich cow bassgoldfish baboon wallaby snail tortoise it kissed as elephant gecko seahorse dingo wildebeest bug squirrel blackbird brown albatross whale tiger rhinoceros carp canary emu wolf seagull tadpole thrush moose puma turtle zebra wombat play goat octopus princess. | comical animal pictures laugh snapshots humorous pleased kiss.
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| | humorous | | images views things material scenes room flicks photograph develop giggle camera comical to animal to pictures pleased kiss| | palace tiara dress horse diamonds hair beautiful change transformed magic prince rider looking seeking husband partner transformed diamonds magic rider horse change looking tiara beautiful hair husband seeking palace partner dress prince