Showing posts with label queens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label queens. Show all posts

The American Chaco Was a Matriarchal Civilization

||| The Chaco civilization had lady leaders, matriarchal. | chaco. |||
American societies held their elite in high esteem. They were seen as special and distinct from ordinary people. The Chaco civilization of New Mexico began in 800 and ended in 1130.  It had female rulers. Research on remains proves this.  ||| American of Chaco as civilization Matriarchal | population |||
Chaco civilzation
Fourteen skeletons were of regal females and had expansive entombments such shell pendants and necklaces were found in their graves, along with abalone and conch shells. Rare turquoise was also placed alongside their bodies. The general population had great respect for them.   ||| Chaco in civilization on Matriarchal | australian |||    

The nine skeletons examined had the same mitochondrial DNA. The genes went down through the female lineage. It was a plainly a female tradition. This does not imply that men did not administer society. It indicates that females were head of state - usually. It was conceivable that male children of these women did occasionally govern.  However could not pass this right to their descendants. | | not. |      | rulers american en Chaco up civilization or matriarchal.
  ||| travel news stories || |
dynasty america years analysis written archaeologists work bodies bonito woman buried study canyon starting chacoans society crypt scientists evidence rooms existed quartz individuals pueblo influence proves material powerful maternal power men popular mexico political mitochondrial obsessions mothers northern northern mothers obsessions mitochondrial political mexico popular men power maternal powerful material proves influence pueblo individuals quartz existed rooms evidence scientists crypt society chacoans starting canyon study buried woman bonito bodies work archaeologists written analysis years america dynasty | rulers |
◆ Archeology 
Tys Outback
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| females skeletons female American of ||| photos articles news blog stories |||

Genetic Improvement of Honey Bee Output

The worldwide threat to the survival of honey bees is still here, but work on improving honey production continues. Selection of the best queen bees ironically has not been done in the past. If breeding queens only of the highest yielding hives is done, output per hive could increase by a kilogram a year.
Genetic improvement to honey bee output by selection of only the best queen bees
Genetic improvement in cattle has not been a one-off. The gain is cumulative each year. For this gain to be achieved small producers will have to come on board so old poor stock will not be "kept alive". Tests show that the queen bee is the main depository of better genes. Input from males is relatively stable with little change.

External factors such as hive location and length of season do affect the quantity of honey, but gene selection would raise output overall. The Genetic Evaluation of Australian Honeybee report recommends the method of data collection and evaluation. Breeders must get into the habit of keeping data. The industry needs to be reformed away from small ad hoc production toward uniform management.
 Genetics by Ty Buchanan 
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