Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts

Glass Ceiling for Women in Medicine

You would think that the medical profession would be equal for both sexes in regard to career opportunities by now. Unfortunately, this it not the case in Australia. It occurs even though medical schools have reached gender parity for enrolments. In many schools women are in the majority.
Women female surgeons
Leadership positions are still dominated by men. This is more so specialty areas. Old cultural values have inertia: the US, UK and Canada have the same problem. In Sweden research has shown that women medicos seek high positions just as much as men. Yet even there men dominate leadership and specialties.

The average for women CEOs in Australian hospitals is only 12.5 percent. This is absurdly low. Female deans of medical schools and government chief medical officers average about 30 per cent. Women in specialty stands at 16 per cent: they are overwhelmingly in pathology, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology holding just over half of these positions nationally. Female surgeons number about 10 per cent.

"Experts" have put this down to self doubt about doing the job, difficult hours and more years of training. This is a load of hogwash. it is cultural inertia that keeps things the way they are and men want this to continue forever!
 Sociology by Ty Buchanan 
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