Showing posts with label healthier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthier. Show all posts

Australians Want Government to Introduce a Sugar Tax

The government is not doing what is wanted by the majority of Australians. Most are pushing for tax on products containing a high amount of sugar. A tax is required they say. It seems the Prime Minister is backing the large companies producing sweet goods. The Health Star labelling system and the Food Partnership advertising a good diet are not sufficient 0 Kind in report to time on nutrition or that's of policy || star partnership || Kind report time nutrition that's policy 0 " carbonated price increase reduce study dollars sales costs prevent evidences influence children effects alcohol problem consumers taxes week reduction imposing reduced prices buy small effective ounce bmi taxation reduces tobacco increases weight percent brownell intervention analysis based conclusion social problems rudd encourage generate site super pediatric total people imposed healthier medical disease economic convincing theory curb decrease thomas researchers sugary demand elasticity long andreyeva sale excise containers larger caloric effect measure approach shows company prevention expenses revenues income annual million estimated gallon life solutions medibank big billion threats carbonate flaws carried prove properties tefft frisvold fletcher mortality sensitive adults young adult studies consumer demonstrates at-risk gain period advocate regular raised journal purchases beverage soda research higher person calorie cent forms factor rise bad obese prevalence " ! ! ; healthcare it up we do coalition at healthy so foods as beverages or healthcare coalition healthy foods beverages cost consumption nutrition soft drinks diabetes ; + tie australians say wants he government let introduce gov by sub sugar of tax on
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Buzz Aldrin sees UFO

Old Cars Are Healthier

It makes one wonder how much money is wasted on research into seemingly trivial and irrelevant issues. Nonetheless, some of this research does result in useful findings. Why would there be tests on old cars to find out whether they are healthier than new vehicles? Well, research has been done and older cars are healthier largely because they let more air in through seals that do not fit anymore.

Most drivers and passengers jump into the modern vehicle and turn the air conditioning on, thus locking themselves into a sealed capsule. This may be comfortable but it can cause illness. To make the air conditioner function better it is common to choose the recycle setting, so we breath stale air. This is more damaging than taking in pollutants from outside.

When you go for a drive in future you should be careful about who you are travelling with. If a passenger has the flu, everyone else will probably get it. Set the air conditioner to the ventilation setting or leave a window slightly open.
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